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In the World Economic Forums list of the most significant global risks for humanity over the next ten years, in terms of potential impact, the problem of lack of drinking water comes out on top (McNally et al. 2019). It has confidently circumvented failed attempts to mitigate climate change, leaving the problem of increasing extreme weather far behind and threats to food security. However, most of the risks that may appear in an organization are interrelated (Lee et al., 2018). The world is experiencing an increasing shortage of water, which is explained by climate change and the increase in production in individual countries. The risk of water scarcity in Africa is not due to meteorological or hydrological drought alone (Bischoff-Mattson et al., 2020). Mainly water is scarce in African countries, but this problem has affected states on most continents. The most acute water supply problem is Nigeria- Africas most populous country. Nigeria ranks seventh in the world regarding oil reserves, about 3 billion tons, which is 2% of the proven world reserves (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2020). At the beginning of its independence 60 years ago, this country was considered an African showcase of democracy and economic stability.

However, in the 21st century, news comes from Nigeria to match the ethnographic reports of tribal communities: nomads and farmers are fighting for access to water and fertile lands. According to Olivier and Xu (2019), the primary water sources in Africa are surface and groundwater and water reuse. Nigeria is one of the most populous and fastest growing countries with a population of 218 million (Macrotrends, 2022). The enmity between nomads and farmers is a biblical conflict, considered the first in human history, and in the high-tech world, it should have become archaic. With Africa experiencing the worlds fastest population growth, water scarcity in this region is particularly dangerous (Niasse and Varis 2021). Water demand continues to skyrocket as water resources are depleted. The available amount of safe water is declining due to rapid population growth, urbanization, misuse, and mismanagement of water resources, climate change, and extreme weather events exacerbate water scarcity (Foster et al., 2019). Due to water problems, complications in the health system began during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is a big problem (Anim and Ofori-Asenso 2020). Easy access to safe water is an essential factor in public health, whether water is used for drinking, domestic use, cooking, or recreational purposes.

The water crisis significantly complicates the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards, even in medical institutions (Szymanski 2021). Introducing improved water supply and sanitation systems and improved water use efficiency can boost economic growth in countries and significantly reduce poverty. In addition, African climate change also dramatically affects the water situation in the region. There may be more of it in certain places and none in some places (Dube and Nhamo, 2020). Everyone has the right to an adequate, uninterrupted, safe, satisfactory, physically accessible, and affordable water supply for personal and domestic needs.

So far, we have considered water-related conflicts, the main reason for which is that technological development is ahead of the level of organization of social relations. After all, both in Hindustan and in Central Asia, imported irrigation technologies and the construction of dams were artificially introduced into a virtually medieval society, which, as it turned out, was not yet ready for such a level of responsibility (Yusuf et al., 2021). As Africas most populous and largest economy, Nigeria faces various water-related challenges, from water scarcity in the north to water pollution in the south. The water crisis is particularly acute in the Lagos metropolitan area of about 21 million people. However, the city is built around a lagoon, and it is difficult for people to find potable and sanitary water. Providing any locality in Africa with drinking water can lead to flourishing and advancing sustainable development (Bishoge et al., 2018). A tiny number of people have access to tap water, which is a significant threat to the hygienic and epidemiological situation. Nigeria also has one of Africas highest child mortality rates from waterborne diseases (Obiezu, 2022). This is one of the main reasons why it is worth fighting the problem of lack of water. In 2016, the Government of Nigeria finalized the National Water Resources Bill, the primary purpose of which is to create a regulatory framework for the equitable and sustainable development, management, use, and conservation of Nigerias surface and groundwater resources (Adeniyi, 2022). At the same time, it is necessary to use water resources wisely, as they can be quickly depleted.

Skills Involved in Project Management in a Health and Social Care

A person must have specific skills to implement a project in the social and health sector successfully. In order to properly implement such a complex project, it is essential to know how to properly manage the available resources (Govender et al., 2022). One of these abilities should be the ability to lead, which is essential for projects. This means that the people responsible for the project must be able to lead and manage teams, set the vision, motivate and serve employees, and educate and inspire all team members (Picciotto, 2020). Effective project managers lead from a strategic and operational perspective, communicating the vision, evaluating performance, and ensuring that all team members are provided with the powerful tools, money, and other necessary resources to succeed (Nally & Waters, 2022). Leading people means taking responsibility for making the teams life better and projects more successful. Zuo et al. (2018) argue that soft skills can significantly influence organizational performance in a positive way. The critical skill in project management is leadership, not just management. The manager must provide a vision and project plan to empower the team (Hakim & Fidsa, 2019). Fundraising is also an essential aspect of the initial stage of project development. However, relying solely on the help of donors and charitable organizations is not worth it (Boyatzis et al., 2019). The lack of funding often leads to the closure of projects, the disappearance of certain services, and the reduction of the workforce (Turajo et al., 2019). That is why specialists in public organizations should not only build relationships with donors and improve fundraising skills but also develop a partner network, look for investors and, in general, develop an entrepreneurial attitude toward fundraising. A great opportunity can be social entrepreneurship, which allows public organizations not to depend on grants and earn money for their activities.

The ability to communicate well, understand, and be understood is also vital for people involved in project management. A critical factor in successfully completing a project is the relationship between the manager and subordinates (Burrell, 2018). Effective communication is a project managers skill that impacts not only the team but also clients and all stakeholders. Poor communication jeopardizes the successful outcome of a project, while clear communication is mostly about understanding and maintaining a dialogue rather than one-way communication (Muhula et al., 2018). Therefore, project managers need to choose a high-quality collaboration tool and select individual keys for each employee. Decisions can be strategic or emergency, routine or operational.

Each project manager has a set of criteria to help guide their decision. It is also crucial for the project manager to find the right person to replace him in an emergency (Hefley & Bottion, 2021). This may be rare or not needed at all, but the project should always have a leader who knows what needs to be done. In their decision-making process, they should consider how it will affect others and consult with their colleagues when necessary (Shestakevych & Volkov, 2021). Any project can go beyond the plan. Sometimes it is challenging to anticipate and prevent risks before they become a problem. However, managers should try their best to stay on top of the projects by controlling risks and proactively mitigating them as much as possible (Horning, 2018). Risk management is an essential managerial skill in order to protect the project from unforeseen dangerous situations.

The Role of Project Management Techniques in Health and Social Care

A healthy society is a factor in the economically active working-age population, which affects the growth of labor productivity and the countrys economic development rate. The need for health becomes a system-forming criterion in a socially oriented market economy (Koliopoulos et al., 2018). The free medical care guarantee system provides all citizens with an equal opportunity to meet the demand for medical services. Health promotion processes should be carried out at the level of the child population, which lays aspects in the formation of a sustainable workforce.

Project management in the healthcare system is a priority area for developing public medical institutions located on the territory of subjects of economic relations. The project is viewed as a set of interrelated activities aimed at achieving extraordinary results in the face of time and resource constraints (Hidalgo, 2019). At the same time, project activities are understood as activities related to the initiation, preparation, implementation, and completion of projects. The state of the health care system in a separately considered economic entity affects the development of the national economy through the preservation of the health of the population, including the reduction of morbidity and the adaptation of the population in childhood and adolescence with disabilities (Saleem et al., 2020). Thus, the project to create a childrens specialized rehabilitation center in the direction of habilitation will restore impaired and absent functions in patients and ensure their social adaptation for their whole life.

For the successful implementation of the project, it is crucial to be able to operate with appropriate managerial techniques. A reliable manager cannot only carry out a project but also improve it (Serra et al., 2021). The projects life cycle begins with the idea of following the challenges of a transforming society. At the same time, the project implementation is carried out with limited labor and financial resources, which is why the share of costs should be based on the highest requests of the institution and the approved schedule of activities (Gitamo, 2018). The specifics of project implementation in the public health system are the difficulty in finding and selecting qualified medical personnel in conditions of limited human resources.

Methods to Optimize Communication amongst Various Stakeholders

There are several principles of stakeholder management. Clarkson outlined the basic rules that should be followed when communicating with stakeholders (Goldsby et al. 2018). Managers must be aware of and care about the status of all formal stakeholders and take their interests into account when making management decisions. Managers must take into account stakeholders views and engage in an open dialogue with them on emerging issues and ways to resolve them in the process of building relationships in the company (Cooper & Sommer, 2018). Managers are required to modify processes and behaviors to suit the interests and capabilities of the companys stakeholders. Managers must be aware of the close causal relationship between the results of their actions and their impact on stakeholders (Atolagbe & Floyd, 2020). In addition, they should strive to achieve a fair distribution among stakeholder of benefits and responsibilities directly related to the activities of the corporation, taking into account all risks and the degree of vulnerability of stakeholders. Managers should consider and establish cooperation with other organizations to reduce the risks and damage from the possible results of the companys activities or to increase potential compensation for damage (Kim et al., 2020). Managers have a responsibility to exclude activities that violate fundamental human rights.

Managing Potential Conflict and Challenges

Conflict management involves the ability to manage the process of resolving a conflict situation before it develops into an open confrontation. How it started plays a significant role in resolving a conflict (Caputo et al., 2018). Conflict management is the ability of a leader to see a conflict situation, comprehend it, and take guiding actions to resolve it. Critical management can be divided into categories depending on the conflict situation (Chen et al., 2019). These types are 1) perception of the conflict and initial assessment of the situation; 2) the study of the conflict and the search for its causes; 3) search for ways to resolve the conflict; 4) implementation of organizational measures. The conflict in the organization is almost always visible, as it has specific external manifestations: a high level of tension in the team, a decrease in working capacity; deterioration of production and financial indicators; changing relationships with suppliers and customers (de Rezende & Blackwell, 2019). It should be taken into account that the objective level of the conflict and its perception must be adequate. Otherwise, pseudo-conflicts, overestimation or underestimation of the significance of the conflict, non-perception, and ignoring the existing conflict may occur (Levy, 2018). In developing a project designed to help people make their lives easier, there must be a critical approach in combination with the latest technologies (Ngo & Hwang, 2022). In crisis situations, the manager begins his work with an express analysis of the state of the system, after which he develops an approach and implements measures to stabilize the situation. At this stage, all available resources are mobilized, and special attention is paid to increasing staff loyalty to ongoing events (Mavi & Standing, 2018). The most crucial element in managing a large project is the implementation of soft skills (Tahir, 2019). They can provide better communication with employees and other people. In addition, this approach sets the attitude of employees positively toward the manager, which speeds up the work process (Ensari, 2019). When the critical situation has been successfully stabilized, a detailed diagnosis is carried out in order to identify the fundamental problems and causes of the crisis, as a result of which the best way to overcome the crisis situation as a whole is determined.

Potential Water Reserves

Groundwater is located in the rock mass of the upper part of the earths crust and makes up about 99 percent of all fresh water in a liquid state. Over time, scientists are discovering more and more new sources of groundwater in Africa that can be used for drinking (Ayodele and Munda, 2019). Groundwater resources in sub-Saharan Africa are sufficient to develop agriculture and provide people with enough clean water for drinking and hygiene. Most African countries have found a way to survive a drought lasting at least five years, and some more than 50 years, using their groundwater resources (Healy, et al., 2020). In addition, each sub-Saharan African country can supply 130 liters of drinking water per capita per day from groundwater, yet most use only about ten percent (Hamed, 2018). This is a fantastic water resource that, unfortunately, is still not used. Water reserves underground are 100 times greater than on the surface, and the researchers write (Carrard et al., 2019). However, scientists urge not to rush into large-scale drilling of wells: it will not immediately solve the problems of 300 million Africans who, according to statistics, do not have access to clean drinking water. Every year, the use of drinking water becomes less and less, which can soon lead to a catastrophe (Minke et al., 2021). Demand for water will only escalate in the coming decades as the continents population grows and agricultural land needs to be irrigated in arid climates.

Due to climate change, which for several centuries has turned the Sahara into a lifeless desert, the replenishment of underground water reservoirs has ceased. Some of them were last filled more than 5 thousand years ago (Goni, 2019). At the same time, scientists are constantly working to find the actual location of water resources. The scientists collected data from hydrogeological maps held by African governments and from 283 aquifer surveys (Bukar, 2021). A new detailed map shows that many of the states now labeled waterless actually have vast freshwater reserves. Simply drilling thousands of powerful wells and pumping water from there through pipes, like oil, on an industrial scale will not work.

Organization of the Borehole Project

In the Sahara and Sudan, artesian wells and wells are the only sources of water. Construction projects in Africa have their own characteristics and requirements that must be taken into account (Chepkemoi, 2020). Various objects are concentrated around natural and artificial reservoirs: watering places for livestock, oases where crops are grown, and fruit trees are planted. Recently, hydrogeological laboratories have been paying more and more attention to the study of groundwater, the deposits of which are located under the mainland (Owor et al., 2022). According to hydrogeologists, water reserves in aquifers on the African continent are two orders of magnitude greater than in surface water bodies (Dungus, 2022). However, scientists fear that traditional drilling of wells, exceptionally high-performance wells, may backfire. Hydrogeologists believe that due to the insignificant replenishment of groundwater due to precipitation and inflow from surface water bodies, the water flow will exceed their possible resource (Ward et al, 2020). Scientists propose to drill shallow wells and install manual pumping equipment to extract water, thus reducing the load on aquifers.

The most significant supply of groundwater falls on the northern territories of the African continent: Libya, Chad, and Algeria. Improving the supply of good quality water can have a significant impact on the well-being of African citizens (Yeh et al., 2020). The organization of such a complex project as drilling a well will require a lot of human resources. First of all, geologists should be involved in the project, who will be able to accurately examine the drilling area and tell about the features of the soil and groundwater in Maiduguri. In addition, a team of engineers will be essential to design a unique well system, as the flow of water should not be too fast or too weak (Danert et al, 2020). Also important will be the staff responsible for communication with the local population. This should be a person who understands their language and culture well. The organization of team activities is one of the most critical aspects of the implementation of management in projects related to health (Troutman, 2019). Thus, a team of qualified personnel is able to cope with this task in a timely manner.


A critical component of any project is the people who participate in it, so a lot depends on the choice of staff. In addition, further study of the proposed project site is vital in order to ascertain its full potential. When implementing the action plan, the manager must take into account the opinions of the stakeholders of the project and its sponsors. This can be helped by management and communication skills that must be at a high level. Only under such conditions can the project be completed without additional difficulties.

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