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Over the last decade, the global market has greatly diversified due to the fast changing systems of consumerism and globalization. Owing to this fact, companies have found themselves at the receiving end as they try to re-organize themselves to fit in the highly competitive marketplace. This report provides an in-depth evaluation of PZ Nigeria PLC packaging in the marketing of consumer goods, strategies that are being employed to determine the level of profitability in addition to other advantages that accrue as a result of this practice. The study takes a highly analytical method to generate a clear understanding of the current situation and the strategies being applied by the company. In this respect, it employs a qualitative approach which involves collection and analysis of the primary and secondary data of the entire sampling population. The report concludes by establishing the effectiveness of the strategies being assimilated by the company for marketing. Finally, it recommends that the company should expand to the larger Nigerian market as a major step towards growth.


Background of the study

An understanding of the importance of packaging in the marketing of products is critical in branding and making physical product decisions. The effectiveness of packaging, its impact in differentiating products for consumers and environmental benefits has transformed the practice of marketing that is being conducted by different businesses operating in various industries. The relevance of packaging in the marketing of products has grown over the years due to competitiveness in the global market arena. As such, packaging becomes a major marketing strategy aimed at improving the overall product outlook and aids in ensuring that a firm competes favourably with already established competitors.

Besides, packaging as a means of marketing consumer goods is one of the most critical processes a company engages in because it acts as an important mark of a brand besides protecting it for longer period storage before consumption. Sustainable packaging therefore prevents wastage and reduces the continuous search for more resources. Changing of packages for products presents a new quantity or form in the products thus making them more satisfactory to new target markets or regular customers.

As this paper will analyze, the adoption of packaging in the marketing of consumer goods in Nigeria by PZ Nigeria PLC is one of its key selling developments. It is worth noting that packaging strategies in the latter business has been developed to aid it in saving costs, enhancing its products as well as maintaining its brand quality. Packaging of products for the sake of boosting marketing is a critical factor in the PZ Nigeria PLCs current business environment. The main objective of company is to ensure that the needs of consumers are accurately addressed. This has been a strategic practice which has been considered vital for its operational success.

Just as development in sales through strategic means were hailed as revolutionary developments in the history business, the use of promotionally-oriented packaging today plays a pivotal role in enhancing sales and further ensuring a speedy turnover and reduction of total sales costs. Successful marketing and self service retailing greatly relies on packaging as products are able to sell themselves. While one may argue that packaging and subsequent distribution of products is costly, it is imperative to highlight that against all that, packaging reduces waste, offers greater convenience and improves a products image.

PZ Nigeria PLC has come up as one of the most important developments in strategic marketing through packaging which employs the use of technologies to ensure that its products gets appealing faces and attract consumers within the region and on a global scale. Due to adoption of technology in business and development of procedures and protocols that aid in packaging and marketing, PZ Nigeria PLC has developed into one of the most important businesses in the Nigerian business arena. Although at the initial phases packaging expenses in this business presented a major problem, the company was able to gain considerable leverage over its competitors through strategic marketing. It is agreeable that the role of packaging as an approach towards marketing and transaction plays a pivotal role in shaping up a business environment since it makes it one of the key operational factors.

Developments in packaging as a means of marketing has mainly been aimed at ensuring greater operational stability, improving the speed of product sales and ensuring a reduction in the cost of marketing. Meeting target attitudes and market needs require strategic planning and marketing mix of which packaging becomes a vital part. Most packaging activities apart from adding freshness to products are generally aimed at ensuring greater promotional and protective aspects of products. Indeed, packaging saves space, improves display and handling critical for marketing and speeds up price markings. It also stops pilferage, prevents discoloration and reduces the cost of storage through lessening spoilage, shrinkages and breakages. As such, packaging as a marketing strategy employs promotionally oriented moves aimed at increasing sales by offering more multipack in small or larger size products. It also gives products an appeal through better pictures, illustrations and effective as well as attractive colours.

Many businesses have developed marketing procedures, policies and standards with the sole aim of build up on a clear packaging approach to use to meet the various and ever changing needs and demands in the global market. Over the years, the adoption of packaging for various products has grown significantly. This has been considered by analysts as an important development that leverages that of technology. Just like operating system designs, security system designs, the role played by packaging in marketing is so essential in that it conveys the real nature of a product. Besides, it offers consumers with the expected experience of the product. These factors among other have been considered as critical among brands such as PZ Nigeria PLC which have constantly used packaging in unique and new marketing ways.

It is imperative to highlight that the knowledge and understanding on the role played by packaging in marketing is not a recent development in business segments. Rather, it is one of the key areas that businesses have guarded jealously and have used to gain competitive edge over others. The use of packaging as a marketing strategy has been used by businesses to guard against the existing stiff competition and to keep their sales high.

Due to awareness on the role played by packaging in ensuring effective marketing and subsequent increase in sales, PZ Nigeria PLC largely adopted this strategy to ensure its profitable and sustainable growth. Its ability to effectively cite the correct window of marketing opportunity and characteristically move in to capitalize on has been considered by analysts as critical in establishing its success in the market. The marketing ideology of packaging has been based on its understanding of the aspirations and needs of consumers, a greater focus on its markets and a deep understanding of marketplace dynamics. Notably, its Cussons products have remained in fashion for a long time and still provide a ready niche for women, men and children of all social classes and age. The emerging evolution in its design, sizes, colors and styles further dictate the ability to generate greater appeal to the already receptive market. Notably, the future of the PZ Nigeria PLC is also expected to be having very high potential. Most of its products are always seen as items that satisfactorily meet consumer needs.

Developments in packaging as a means of marketing in PZ Nigeria have generally aided the company in establishing a marketing oriented approach towards increasing its product sales. There have since been a number of developments that have generally been aimed at ensuring that its marketing activities have been well understood including the structuring of its marketing activities into levels and development of a number of technological interventions. The latter have been very central to its success which it has achieved in making fresh products for the market. Its marketing strategy of packaging forms one of the most important concepts it uses to mobilize necessary resources and facilitate practical application of the correct selling techniques.

The notion of packaging as a strategy of marketing products look into the critical outline where the demand of customers, the quality of products and their balance with production costs and local cultures are carefully analyzed for alignment with key marketing missions and objectives of an organization. This has been particularly critical PZ Nigeria which has assimilated effective mechanisms which it employs to facilitate its ability to colonizing market new and conquer the already saturated Nigerian market.

The current business environment in Nigeria where PZ Nigeria PLC is has been characterized by high level of competition which makes development of effective marketing practices one of the key operational goals that most businesses hunt for. The role of packaging in the PZ Nigeria PLC current business environment makes it one of the most important marketing factors in ensuring greater sustainability of product value and increase of sales through meeting of consumer needs. Various business segments within this company are associated with high level of competition, a consideration that drives its marketing unit to set effective strategies to generate value in their operations.

A brief overview of the company

Since its inception a decade ago, PZ Cussons Nigeria has been able to enjoy successive business achievements key of which is the sale of its popular consumer goods in the region. One of the key advantages that the company has is its understanding of the key needs of of its customers. This has been a factor that has propelled it to develop customer loyalty through provision of quality products and well designed packaged products.

A diagram showing one of the products of PZ Nigeria PLC.
Figure 1: A diagram showing one of the products of PZ Nigeria PLC.

Sales Analysis

The ability of a PZ Nigeria PLC to make great sales has for many years relied on the quantity of products and quality of packaging its products have. Ashutosh and Suresh (2009, p. 603) indicate the companys marketing manager and team have been careful in ensuring the buyers of their products derive an appeal from the companys offerings and get fully satisfied in luxury and contentment. Through its strategy on packaging, the company has been able attract a vast number of consumers and this has increased its returns on products. Besides, this practice has aided it in gaining a competitive edge and remains its major strength as witnessed in its high scoring against other companies in the market.

Customer Analysis

In Nigeria, just as in other parts of the world, consumers of products from organizations associate the products and brands presented to them by looking at certain unique characteristics like package material and design. This according to Brink (2008, p. 100) acts as a major source of attraction and a motivation to buying of products. In agreement, Burt, Johhanson and Thelander (2011, p. 187) add that apart from quality and quantity issues, they also look at an organization as a major source of identity and prestige. This is where packaging brings out the brand of an organization and helps in building trust and confidence among buyers.

PZ Nigeria PLC has been able to embark on product packaging strategies withy a keen focus of not only marketing its products, but also propagating its brand to new marketing. It is from the marketing of its products that its consumers have been able to acquire bigger, better, and idealistic products which derive a sense of identity and satisfies their various needs. As a globally branded company, PZ Cussons Nigeria has maintained the notion of social responsibility by ensuring its packaging does not impact negatively on the environment its customers are in.

SWOT analysis


Since its inception, PZ Nigeria PLC has continuously grown its marketing strategies through packaging to become one of the greatest threats to its competitors within Nigeria. The company has garnered massive customer confidence through providing exemplary and quality packaged products ranging from soaps, lotions and food stuff. Analysts indicate that the company through its packaging ideals has built a name through its brand gained competitive advantage over the competitors. This can be seen from increased sales due to repeat buyers of its products and the great shift of consumers from other products to Cussons products.


Analysts of the marketing activities being carried out by PZ Nigeria PLC is eminent from the packaging products and its inability to lower its commodity prices to fit the level of buyers in Nigeria. Since its move to design packages for its products as a means of marketing its products have assumed a high costs making many buyers who cannot afford them shy away. Critics are of the view that its packaged commodity prices are not reflective of the affordable prices necessary for capturing the ready market in the region.


Chen, Shen and Chiu (2007, p. 1050) point out that modern sales and marketing operations call for better and quality products and demand the application of better technological considerations. PZ Nigeria PLC has used the availability of technology to enhance the outlook of its products trough designed packages. This has in turn enabled it to manage its mode of marketing from the traditional methods to the new system.


Owing to the highly competitive market environment within Nigeria, PZ Nigeria PLC is exposed to a stiff competition from its competitors. It is worth mentioning here that since many businesses are turning to packaging in marketing their products, the business faces a great threat of losing on this strategy and as such needs to adopt new and fresh systems.

Analysis of PZ Nigeria PLC marketing practices

The marketing practice of PZ Nigeria PLC forms one of the strong pillars that it has used to dictate the progress it has made. Marketing analysts generally concur that among businesses in Nigeria, the packaging strategy that this company has employed has aided in connecting it with consumers. This consideration according to Ellis (2010, p. 30) has been very crucial in establishing the correct face of products through packaging. Marketing of consumer goods is therefore critical in linking Nigerian consumers with PZ brands, promoting its products, determining consumer needs and obtaining feedback.

Marketing segmentation strategies

The main reason why many businesses are striving hard in their marketing practices is to add revenue to their businesses. This among other factors propels them to employ different marketing strategies. Leeflang (2011, p. 80) indicates that a business that wants to succeed in its application of a marketing technique must first be familiar with the needs of its target market. At PZ Nigeria PLC, effective customer relations forms one of the most critical aspects it develops as it defines its ability to attract customer attention, retain them and obtain feedback on its products. This according to McDaniel (1998, p. 57) aids it in maintain loyalty from the customers while facilitating sustained profitability. To segment its customers effectively, the company has effectively set up target markets and employed packaging approach. This has been significant in providing it with greater preference among consumers and massive profits.

Marketing programs

Marketing mix

To effectively address the different eternal effects affecting its packaging efforts in nthe marketing of consumer goods, PZ Nigeria PLC has devised important marketing mix strategies that have aided it capturing the market. The strategies have been focused towards product, price, promotion, distribution and place. It is imperative to highlight that the company has applied these simultaneously with great emphasis on addressing the diverse needs n the market.


The sustenance of any business in a market arena greatly rely on its ability to provide product variations such as design and packaging through innovative techniques. Roman (2004, p. 180) indicates that a business should always have several options of products for consumers to select from. Shankara et al (2011, p. 40) indicate that this is critical for businesses that seek to bring a higher return to the business. PZ Nigeria PLC has been keen in providing its customers with a variety of differentiated products, a consideration that has attracted many customers.


Marketing mix underscores the need to understand the impacts of current global shifts facing market demands for products by consumers. By offering differing prices of different products, consumers will be able to fix themselves in different categories that fit them. PZ Nigeria PLC has been able to use alternative systems that aid in reducing the overall prices. This has aided it in reducing the cost of prices thus forming a road map to its chains of success.


The method of marketing via packaging is a process that requires distribution of products to various retail outlets and markets. Using an effective distribution channel has become a central pillar for the marketing practice of PZ Nigeria PLC as it has aided it in doling out its products far and wide and capturing the market. Suh et al (2010, p. 215) indicate that an effective distribution channel has the capacity to link consumers with respective products. The same position is reflected by Winer (2009, p. 110) who posits that levering demand for continued market dominance, branding and profitability can be attained where distribution is conducted properly.

Problem Definition

Packaging as a means of marketing has over the last decade been intensified globally owing to the shifting systems of consumerism that has curved a new niche for businesses in the global market arena. Global business communities have therefore proliferated and sought to conterminously apply packaging marketing ideals, technological advancements and branding aspects in their marketing plans. It is worth noting that a close correlation seems to be evident between the relationship packaging in marketing with the affect of improvement of sales and consumer satisfaction. This appears perhaps to be based on the overall emergent of the practice of marketing as businesses assimilate the new mode of using well designed and packaged products.

Over the last few decades, packaging as a method of marketing has increasingly gained popularity among businesses in Nigeria. According to Zerbini et al (2007, p.790), packaging has been cited to have a greater effect in attracting the appeal of consumer and perfecting the total outlook of a product. By assimilating packaging in its practice, PZ Nigeria PLC has been able to decrease its marketing costs, limit wastages and attract many customers to its products. While this may be true, previous researches on packaging have indicated that many businesses still prefer the old system of marketing as they view the packaging system to be highly expensive, controversial, uncertain, and therefore unsuitable to effect at the current fast pace of marketing needed in the community. While the packaging school holds that the opponents are highly conservative, there is need to evaluate the applicability of the packaging in marketing to enhance better marketing practices, coordination and lowering of costs applied during a marketing activity.

Limited research however exists on the effectiveness of packaging in marketing of products especially due to the intensity and competitiveness of the existing and new products emerging into the market. Though many researchers have concluded that packaging is vital to the effectiveness of a marketing activity, some have failed to describe or define the problem of packaging in marketing in such a manner that reflects its importance. This can be due to the fact that they perceive packaging as a costly step due to the emergence of technology and the need to outdo the existing packaging designs. Besides, they are of the view that many designs do not exist for long in the market, a consideration that makes its use in marketing less effective. This study uses PZ Nigeria PLC and aims at filling this knowledge gap by showing that packaging plays a significant role in influencing marketing decisions and processes. Businesses need to understand the essential structures or the essence of packaging from multiple viewpoints. To effectively understand the importance held by packaging, it is essential that businesses employ the view point of the consumers, other businesses and various studies.

The understanding of the role of packaging among businesses is of great significance since it influences marketing outcomes and sale of products to a large extent. Marketing business units influence marketing programs and activities and are to a large extent considered the promoters the need to embrace packaging as a marketing strategy. Their influence could therefore go beyond that of the policy makers in making packaging of products for marketing purpose a reality. This is critical in future marketing endeavours as the business world is moving towards the full application of technology to enhance product appearance. Customers will always be attracted to descent packaging of products by companies. This dissertation will be of invaluable importance in promoting packaging through presenting it as a new move in marketing of products.

Owing to the emergent trends anchored in packaging development as exhibited by the PZ Nigeria PLC and other businesses in Nigeria, the suitability of packaging in marketing should be established to anchor its application in the country. This study therefore provides a rich niche to policy makers and business managers to compare packaging strategies with the conventional methods of marketing many businesses still hold onto. In this respect, packaging will be considered as a major tool for policy makers to make the correct decisions regarding its possible adjustments and subsequent application in business.

Over the years PZ Nigeria PLC has turned out to be a key player globally and in Nigeria by taking key share of the market and varying business operations. Its ability to achieve high returns has been linked to its efficiency in building, promoting, and perfecting its values, brands and images in the market. Previous researches on the company indicate that close correlation appears to be evident between the different business entities and in particular the efforts the company puts in packaging to boost its image at both local and regional level. Its progress has further been indicated to shift upward from the ability to assimilate high technological demands of the modern consumers that are at par with the global standards at all times.

PZ Nigeria PLC is one such enterprise where value and brand image has seen it tremendously assimilate a highly prestigious niche amongst the top businesses in Nigeria and Africa. Though the business is relatively facing stiff competition among its other rivals, the resonance of its satisfying products, effective marketing and packaging styles has defied the odds of the present day high class stereo types. The business has seen a progressive upgrade in its image that attracts people of all classes. The resonance of satisfaction by the ever returning consumers for its unique and new products has been a major area of competitive edge. Particularly, the business has seen many customers shift from the numerous internationally rated businesses in Nigeria for its variety of products.

There is no doubt about the importance of the role played by packaging in ensuring efficiency in marketing operations of PZ Nigeria PLC which has used it to maintaining the reputation of its diverse products and mitigating the risks that are associated with cost of marketing, wastage and damages of products. It is apparent that packaging plays a crucial role in developing the confidence that buyers have on the products offered to them and may also play a role in ensuring that an organization gains reputation in the segment that it operates in. The position packaging plays In PZ Nigeria PLC make it an important marketing operational variable. However, issue of cost and rapid changes of designs among other factors brought by globalization need to be effectively addressed as they impact on its marketing activities.

As noted in the above argument, numerous issues impacting on the application of packaging as a marketing tool exist and their understanding is critical in developing a clear picture of what is required in ensuring effectiveness in marketing activities. This knowledge is central to numerous development and researches that have been conducted in seeking to determine the best approaches to ensuring that PZ Nigeria marketing activities are effective. However, the existence of Nigerian business organizations suffering from ineffective product marketing with regard to their packaging systems points to the fact that this information has not been adopted or appreciated in practice.

Moreover, the dynamism that defines packaging from a technological point of view clearly shows that any business that is dependent on technology must be willing to change its packaging of products regularly to contain changes that are presented by technology. It is thus evident that the speedy changes presented by technology may place an organization such as PZ Nigeria PLC in a position where its packaging strategy is highly dynamic to the extent that its absorption into the existing market system becomes a problem. This awareness has however not been relayed to the businesses in Nigeria as research shows about 60% of businesses in this area are faced with both common technological threats and threats that arise from lack of awareness on the needs to take a holistic approach in addressing packaging issues.


An understanding of the studys purpose is important to a researcher since it links the study to the expected impacts it will inculcate to the society. With advancement in technology increasingly being felt in all sectors, the affects in the marketing sector is particularly very crucial. This study seeks to establish the effectiveness of packaging as a strategy of marketing used by PZ Nigeria PLC. With particular focus on its marketing activities, the research results will provide timely information that will assist PZ Nigeria PLC to take a better stand on its application. Notably, the use of packaging in marketing has not been intensively studied. As such, this particular study will be critical to the business in establishing the necessary policies, distribution services, remunerations, corporate image, ethics, processes and procedures relating to the increasing application of packaging. Currently, PZ Nigeria PLC is in the process of establishing specific divisions within its marketing business units to enhance packaging activities. Besides, this study will be very crucial in generating a clear guideline for the different product marketing activities and how to make better marketing strategies.

As a system that is gaining popularity among businesses in Nigeria, it is essential that all emergent details related to packaging and marketing operations are effectively understood to ensure its smooth application. Therefore, this study will seek to establish the effectiveness of packaging in the context of different marketing frameworks. The description from the various frameworks will not be intended to provide the definitive answer on what the effectiveness of packaging is, rather, it will serve as a an avenue for a clearer and more precise understanding of marketing through packaging by identifying how a business such as PZ Nigeria PLC make sense of it. As such, this will focus on defining the various roles played by packaging in marketing of products and its positive results when embraced as a marketing tool.

From the study results based on the views of marketing analysts of PZ Nigeria PLC, it will be possible to make particularistic conclusions on its efficacy in terms of interaction between consumers and the company products as well as the changes in sales of products. As a result, managers and stakeholders of PZ Nigeria PLC will be in a position of clearly understanding the essence behind packaging in marketing thereby set the pace for organizational marketing changes. It is worth noting that there is need for the companys policy makers to be keen in establishing better packaging approaches that will increase efficacy in marketing of its products. The study will therefore be a key factor in assisting them to make marketing and packaging policies.

Technologically, this study will be of great essence in seeking harmony between the applied marketing methods of packaging and the existing changes and demands in the marketplace. From the results, it will be possible to explore better marketing systems that can be able to further enhance advanced interactions between consumers and PZ Nigeria PLC products.

An understanding of the operational environment is cited by marketing strategists as a key requirement in developing effective marketing moves that are relevant to the goals that are being sought. The role played by packaging in the current business environment PZ Nigeria PLC operates in makes it an important operational variable that businesses are left with little option but to ensure that it is effectively addressed. Packaging as a new age approach to expansion of the marketing segment that a business operates in plays a critical role in ensuring availability appealing products to consumers. Its profitability is also cited as being central to the high level of awareness that investors have on this segment.

Research scope

This study was limited to Nigeria where PZ is assimilating major strategies for packaging of consumer products for marketing and profitability. In this respect the researcher sought to gather the perceptions of the countrys resident on the companys products. To generate the most viable results, the researcher integrated white colour working class, blue colour working class, house wives and organizations students. However, it was limited to only those within the age range of 18 to 35 years as they were considered to have the most influence in the companys products.

Theoretical Framework

An understanding of the correct theoretical consideration behind every study assist in gathering an intrinsic evaluative capacity for the process being used and the later analysis of the results. Global competition in the market place mainly has resulted to reduction in profitability for majority of the international companies. New methods and strategies being assimilated require strong local derivation and high level appeal to gain the consumer preference. This competition is indeed bound to be higher in unstable markets like the developing countries raising the general uncertainty in profitability of the companies. t is from this consideration that companies should try to assume highly dynamic strategies that are in harmony with the present market demands to maintain profitability.

While issues of packaging in marketing of products in regional and global markets have been discussed in different research literatures at great length, studi

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