Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Speech NRA Given by Donald J Trump Concerning 2nd Amendment Rights

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Like a gun fires with a deadly surgical strike President Donald J Trump delivers a shocking and powerful speech to the men and women of the NRA, The speech NRA given by Donald J Trump on April 12th focuses on his appreciation for the men and women who are fighting for are 2nd amendment rights, Trump gave his speech on account of the recent protest on gun violence, stricter gun control laws and an implement of gun control laws by our arms treaty to effectively get his supporters more on his side Trump uses pathos, logos, ethos in his speech to draw in his crowd and keep them emotionally engaged throughout his entire speech to really get all the supporters he can onto his side with the upcoming election just around the corner.

One of the various methods trump uses to seduce his crowd is by playing on their sentiments to grip them enthralled by everything he has to say by very dramatically using pathos. Trump says thank you to his audience about 20 times to make the crowd feel good and emotionally tie them by playing on their emotions by making the audience feel like the most important man in the world is thankful to them. The use of pathos is very evident since Trump wants to get supporters on his side with the election coming up speeches like these need a strong emphasis on pathos to make the audience feel like he’s doing a colossal job. Another piece of compelling evidence is Trump says to the audience remember that glorious day in American history In a reference to the signing of the 2nd amendment trump says this because his whole sort of agenda in this speech is to promote the idea of the 2nd amendments and how Americans need to fight for their rights what better way than to use pathos to really excite and validate what his supporters think. Trump uses the phrase we are all great Americans because America was founded on the right to bear arms and the peace and security it might bring to one’s home. Trump uses facts, statistics to back up his claim Trump states if a civilian is armed than there is less of a chance for a violent crime to be committed. This is a strong piece of pathos due to the fact that Trump is essentially telling his crowd if you are armed in a public place than you are less likely to be a victim of gun violence. Trump states that unemployment has reached an all-time low since the Bush and Obama administration did very little to protect Americans. This is an example of strong Pathos since trump has had a strong emphasis on how much Americans had to suffer through both administrations he particularly put this phrase in his speech to seal the deal with his crowd and sway them more to his side the  the side for change and prosperity

President Trump is going to use logos in his speech to make his speech sound knowledgeable and credible to make his audience feel like he’s an expert in what he’s talking about. Trump is the president of the united states and states that in his presidency he has dealt with armed conflicts throughout the middle east and know the value of feeling protected by the use of 2nd amendment This a valid piece of logos since he has been in office for nearly 3 years and has had to deal with conflicts in the middle east, whereas some situations if the citizens were armed most conflicts us has been involved in wouldn’t have reached such a large scale. At times, the president has expressed much more openness to gun control than some of his fellow Republicans. In a February 2018 meeting at the White House in the wake of the Parkland high school massacre, the president mocked some Republicans at the table for being ‘petrified’ of the so-called boogieman National Rifle Association, insisting he had more flexibility wasn’t so afraid of the powerhouse gun lobby. As president of the United States of America he already has plenty of logos in this speech and must be respected as a high ranking official in the government but also as a businessman who has been able to use his countless years of experience to get the united states countless jobs secure a new arms treaty and abandon the old one and bring millions of jobs to America Trump uses the phrase we are all great Americans since America was founded on the right to bear arms and the peace and security it might bring to one’s home. There also have been countless things trump has don’t to protect Americans and bend to what the left essentially wants, for example, Trump did follow through on his pledge to ban bump stocks, after saying he would do so. A bump stock a device that turns a firearm into a firearm that operates like an automatic weapon was used in the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the deadliest mass shooting in American history. this is a valid use of logos for various reasons such as trump states that if just 1 armed civilian or teacher was present at the recent mass shooting it may have very well deter the person from opening fire or even it could have eliminated the treat before any major damage could have occurred. Trump uses the phrase unemployment has reached an all-time low since the bush administrations and the Obama administration did not do enough to protect Americans. In this use of logos, trump compares the previous administrations and their failures compared to his administration’s success. In his speech trump highlights, some very specific details the Obama administration did that failed to keep Americans safe  Obama brookerd an arms treaty that had no significant benefits for the citizens of America instead he caused more feelings of uneasiness in many Americans.

President Trump uses Ethos in his speech to reach the people who support him on a different level his use of ethos in his speech is primarily to ensure the people in the crowd are on his side and support him 110%. Trump states that he is thrilled to have the ladies and gentlemen of the NRA here with him and it is a pleasure to be able to talk in front of such a courageous crowd, he says that to make the crowd feel special and make them feel like the president of the united states of America upholds them. I think to have the most important and powerful man in the world to admire you and feel honored to have you or a crowd in his presence is beyond such a high honor and that is a compelling example of ethos right there at the beginning of trump’s historic speech he made sure to recognize key people in the NRA that have stood and fought against opposing sides in the pursuit of maintaining American freedom and liberty, One quote trump snook in there to validate the efforts of the men and women of the NRA was  to conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens As that is what Trump and his supporters feel like the left is trying to do. To see Trump beaming onstage in Indianapolis, then, was to watch a Republicans relationship with the NRA come full circle. Other than his own rallies, there are few places where Trump gets the enthusiastic welcome he feels he deserves. For this president, uniform praise takes precedence over most things, and especially over the backlash that could come from daring to toe the party line on guns. His lively reception from the NRA and the pleasure he clearly took from it sent a strong signal that his partys stance toward guns is more resolute than ever. Trump states that there is corruption at the highest level of the democratic party to make the audience feel like trump and his party are the last true one’s fighting for the American people and fighting for our 2nd amendment. Trump has highlighted key people in the nations government that he feels are trying to strip citizens of their natural-born rights such as Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Cruise, Tim Ryan, Stacy Abrams, Etc, Trump believes these politicians are speer heading the attack on are governments foundation and our citizen’s rights. Trump states that Americans are being taught to believe that our rights given to us by the founders of our great nation are under attack by the left and that sets his supporters wild he used that statement to seal the deal and make it seem like they must protect our rights. Trump used this very statement to seal the deal and get the whole of the NRA completely on his side but I believe if you look deeper into his choice of words you see that he selected such a choice of words that if given by the right person in the right setting against something they entirely opposed to you gain complete control over and more credibility to pull or grasp them into believing anything you have to say and that was completely apparent in the speech he gave that brought him a slew of new supporters.

In the speech NRA given by president trump, you can clearly see how effectively he used ethos pathos and logos to reach the hearts and minds of his supporters and make them feel like he looks up to them and they are true Americans.

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