Achieving Goals Essay

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This semester all of my classmates had to find one Malaysian organization. These tasks had to be done as a group. My group chooses AirAsia as our topic. The task given was difficult at first due to a lack of information. However, my team members and I success to complete the task given on time. Our discussion was through WhatsApp since we cannot meet up physically due to Online Distance Learning (ODL). Besides that, one of my group members used Telegram after he combined our individual video recordings.

We divided our part voluntarily and I choose an introduction part. Even though everyone may though that the introduction part is the easiest one, but not for me. The introduction part was not easy part because I have to find the most suitable one to put in our introduction because it will be the first content that my lecturer read. I want to make that introduction sound fun but interesting to make so that my lecturer did not feel bored while reading our report.

To make my introduction more interesting, I stated a successful story about our topic. In my opinion, stating people’s success will make others inspired to become more successful. I also listed that AirAsia hub so that it will look more amazing how can they became so successful though they started with a few workers.

My second contribution to the assignment is preparing the slide presentation by using PowerPoint. In my opinion, slide presentation is important, so we can know what should we present in our video recording. Slide presentation also can help us to understand more about our topic because, in our slide, I put our main point only. So that we can elaborate and understand more without depending on our report too much. A slide presentation is shorter but important information is given.

Since our topic is related to aviation, so my groupmates and I decided to use the aviation theme as our background. To be honest, finding an aviation theme is a little bit difficult because most of them are not free. It make me search more and more and took time to complete my slide. As a result, other members can not proceed with their video recording as soon as possible because they are waiting for the slide. Next, I also decorate our slide presentation by inserting a few pictures related to our topic. In my opinion, it will make our slide presentation look more interesting with the picture that I chose.

To make great and successful tasks, there are a few criteria that we should consider. Firstly, we should identify the moral value so that we can use them for the next assignment. Secondly, we also should understand and knows that was not easy to succeed. It will have a challenge that we have to face. Thirdly, we must know that every challenge has its own to overcome by taking an alternative cleverly. Lastly, used SWOT analysis to make sure that we know ourselves better and can improve our life. I found out that it is not that easy for us to achieve achievement. To achieve my goals, I need to sacrifice certain things in my life.

Moral values are important in life. Moral values can be defined as the principles and standards which determined whether an action is right or wrong. Moral values are good and positive attributes and attitudes.

In this assignment, I have learned that to achieve each achievements whenever give up. We cannot expect that we are success all the time because everything has their ups and downs. Some people will lose hope and feel down whenever they fail. Do not stop dreaming even though we are failed because through dreaming we will feel more spirited. Failing does not mean that we are failure but failing means that we still does not yet succeeded. Nothing in life can keep us down except our own thinking. Actually, fail in life can bring benefit because we can improved our self. We can know more and more about our self because we never repeating the same mistake.

Put a lot of effort also should be cultivated so that we can motivate more. The effort is important because it is motivated people to become more successful. Making high efforts. For example, if we wanted something, we should put a lot of effort even though everyone said it was impossible. Higher effort will shows and bring is to the bright future.

We also must know that we can not do and get everything like we wanted. We should know our limits even people said that we can have anything whatever we wanted. Knowing our limits can avoided us to feel disappointed. When we know our limits, there in no need for us to put any extra effort because we already know that we will never having it. Do not push ourselves to get something that so impossible. We should be our self and do not following others because everyone have their owns limits. It also can be that we can have something that others does not have but it also can be that we can not have what they already had.

Planning also should be essential to the success of any situation. Planning can help us to identify our goals. It is one of the effective ways to attain what we want. Planning could avoided us loose track and follow the right way to complete our tasks. When we take time to plan our life, we are taking the step necessary to not only identify and reach our desired goal but also to do so in the most efficient manner. Besides, we will be more detail exactly what we really want in our life. It will enable us to clearly state my goals without any ambiguity because planning help us what should and should not do. We also will feel more passionate if we know that our plan is working one by one as our plan.

Last but not least, cooperating with each other in order to satisfy to accomplish a common objective or goal. Cooperation is important because it allows people to work together in order to achieve one goal. Cooperating is not always an easy thing to achieve due to different opinions from others but it is worth it because it increased productivity. When everyone is working together, things can get done more quickly and efficiently. They will give encouragement and support to one another.

Next, it is also important to make my goals clear. SMART goals are established using a specific set of criteria that ensures my goals are attainable. To make sure my goals are clear, I used SMART so that can use to guide my goals. SMART is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. Using the SMART goal framework set boundaries and defines the step that I should take.

For First of all my goal should be specific and clear. Without the specifics, my goals could run the risk of being too vague to achieve. example, I wanted to loose weight so that I can get my ideal weight. The specific goal is important so that I can know what should I do to achieve my goals. The more specific of my goal. The more I will understand the step necessary to achieve it.

Secondly, my goal also should be measurable. Measurable goals means that identify thoroughly what it is I will see, hear and feel when reach my goal. It means I need concrete evidence about my goal. For example. I am going to exercise every week, eat more healthy meals by following the food pyramid, and practice Intermittent Fasting. It is important to have measurable goals because it can enable me to evaluate whether or not the goal was achieved.

Thirdly, my goal must be achievable. It should stretch my abilities but still remain possible. When I set an achievable goal, I can overlook opportunities or resources that can bring me closer to it. This also can help me avoid missing deadlines. For example, I can looked forward others who are already success using the method that I mentioned above to motivate me be like them. But, before I begin working forward on my goal, I must decide whether it is something that I can achieve now or if they are still a few steps to achieve it.

Fourthly, my goal must be relevant. Relevant goals are important and will make an impact on achieving my goals. Make sure and be considered my goals whether or not they are relevant. I should ask myself why my goal is important to me. For example, I should figure out the effect if I achieve my goal like it will give me a good life in the long term or vice versa.

Lastly is timely. It should have time-bound in that it has a start and finish date. It is important to help me provide motivation and help me prioritize. If I already set a deadline for my goal, I will make sure that I will complete it as soon as possible. For example, if my goals is wanted to get ideal weight, I should challenges myself about 6 months to achieve my goal. If I have not achieved my goal in that time, I should figure out the reason for that.

In this assignment, there are also a few barriers that I have to face in completing the task given. Barriers could make us fail to do something or achieve our goals. It will give us difficulty but it is actually good in our life so that we can have enough preparation.

The first barrier that I have to face in during completing this assignment is searching for my groups. I did not have group members at first. It took me about 2 days to find my group members. Luckily, there are a few group that are still did not have enough group member.

The second barrier in this assignment this gender differences. Since all off my groupmates are boys, I am afraid that my opinion are differently difference with them. It was my first time cooperating with them.

Thirdly it took me too much time using Google Classroom application because that was my first time used it. Since all the tasks that Madam Nur Suria gives through Google Classroom, I got the tasks late.

Another barrier in this assignment is the lack of information. I cannot find more content about our topic. I did not confident to choose that point due to different information from other resources. Every resources that I go through stated a different date about when did that AirAsia build.

Lastly, the barrier that I have to face during completing this assignment is the environment. Sometimes, I feel disturbed because my neighbor will listen to the radio at a high volume. I cannot be focused while completing the assignment. Other than that, when I want to record my individual recording, I had to record it at night because they are a lot of nuisance daytime. In addition, my house also near the road so that they are a lot of car and motorcycle.

The solutions may be presented in various ways and we have to think about which way would be the most effective way. Every problems have a solutions as long as we did not give up.. We should think of our own solutions to overcome the barrier.

First of all, the solution that I can find is keep motivate ourselves with a positive vibes. For example, due to my first barrier, I keep in my mind dont mind who ever my groupmate, as long as they accepted me in their group. I WhatsApp-ed one of my friend who are asked for one more person in his group. As a result, a few minutes after I asked, I got notification that I invited in their group WhatsApp. It was fun cooperate with them even though that I the only one girl. It was my first time grouping with them but thankfully everything are smooth. Luckily, all of them understand my situations.

Secondly, I am trying to understand more about how did my groupmates doing their task. Differences in gender should not be an issue as long as we understand each other. We must accept others’ opinions if their opinions are logical and good points. If we think that theirs opinion are not relevant or suitable enough, we can told them nicely.

Thirdly, ask for help from your friend. Since I did not know a lot about Google Classroom, I asked my friend about the task. I glad that I have friend like them because they are willing to help me. I asked them to send the New Assessment and Weekly Lesson Plans via WhatsApp. Basically, in my opinion, using WhatsApp is easier than Google Classroom because I need to learn more about how to use the application.

Fourthly, since I cannot find a lot of information on other websites, I take another alternative to find information through YouTube. I had to find more and more information. I felt more confident to find information at YouTube because the information given was by the owner. As a result, I chose the date when they started.

Lastly, due to nuisance during daytime, I manage myself to complete do my tasks at night. There is no one who can disturb me everyone is resting and sleeping at night. As a result, I can complete my tasks joyfully without stress.

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