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Motivating top managers and its effectiveness has been center of discussion in researches conducted in past and they have provided in-depth analysis of how to improve top managers motivation through utilizing their human resource systems. The importance of analyzing the value of human capital, specially the top management, cannot be denied organizations have always tried to formulate strategies that help top managers to determine what they need and how organizations can fulfill those needs in order to develop job related satisfaction.

This study focus on presenting analysis of top managers motivation, working in different organizations of Kazakhstan. By the end of this study, readers will be able to understand the effectiveness of different extrinsic and intrinsic motivators on the performance of top managers.



Every organization has a set of aims and objectives to achieve their targets and goals. Top managers of organizations plan various useful and applicable strategies to make sure that these targeted goals and objectives are achieved. Organizations hierarchy includes different top managers including chief operating officer, general manager, executive officer, president, vice president and CFOs. There are some expatriate managers who are hired for filing a job position outside their national boundaries (Holbeche, 1998). They all make relevant policies and observe actions of businesses and corporations as well as of other competing and rival organizations.

In a corporation, board of directors intimately examines all those rules and strategies laid down by the team of top executives. In an organization to make sure that all work is going on according to the plan with strategies and focused goal, the chief executive officer stay in contact with other top managers in order to avoid any error in the business operations. In some nonprofit and publically held organizations, top level managers are expected to make proper utilization of resources and budget for achieving the goals. Top managers are considered to be highly accountable for every task for which they are responsible (Frey & Osterloh, 2002).

These officers should be highly skilled in communicating the roles and objectives to their work force and managing them to facilitate the whole process. They supervise others staff members of the organization, they are required to ensure that every employee is working according and honestly without making mistakes during the process of achieving goal. Although their degree of responsibility varies depending upon how big or small an organization is.

These top managers work in highly pressurized environment because their qualification, experiences, work nature, salaries and responsibilities are far better than other staff members and they are accountable to the owner for every action they take in an organizational setup (Griffin, 2008).

Motivating other employees is another big responsibility of top managers. To make them work that is required to fulfill the business task with quality and on time is considered to be the essential quality that a leader must possess. It is their job to appreciate and praise other co-workers. It is the responsibility of top executives in a company to adopt effective motivational strategies to make employees work in a pleasant working atmosphere to utilize most of their capabilities, talent and experiences (Holbeche, 1998).

Motivational strategy is a phenomenon helps to control peoples behavior and to engaged them in assigned duties. As top managers are responsible for designing policies of organization and performance of the worker, there is a great need to keep them motivated and focused along with other co-workers who are working under their supervision. Need to encourage the top managers is equally important as other workers, because in extremely pressurized atmosphere if no one would encourage them they will run away from the work place (Griffin, 2008).

Without their direction and supervision no output will come from organizations policies and hard work of employees because these top managers are the only one who bridge the gap between strategies and job of other staff members.

Factors that effects top managers and other employees are different in nature. It means there is difference in the level of encouragement and motivation needed for executive managers and other working staff. In order to motivate people, it is important for top level managers to understand how employees are motivated, what is required to motivate them is anything bothering them or if they are unhappy with the organizational environment.

Top management needs to understand needs and to sort out problems which help in designing motivational strategies for the staff members. It has been observed that appraisal, monitory or non-monitory, is the basic need of an employee that encourages him or her to work with more dedication. When a person develops a feeling of being appreciated, he or she puts their best efforts to deliver high quality work for higher productivity (Holbeche, 1998).

The more they realize that they are valuable for the company, the more they will try to put efforts to improve their performance. Therefore, a manager needs to make his work force realize that they do hold importance for the organization and if they improve their performance, they will receive respect and appreciation (Griffin, 2008).

To maintain the organizational systems running smoothly, managers are also needed to be motivated in order to keep their performances consistent. It is a responsibility of employers to motivate and keep them happy with motivational strategies, because they possess the talent that can achieve organizational targets effectively. There are various factors that motivate top managers and are different from those that motivate other working staff (Gebler, 2009).

Motivational strategy does not remain same for every manager it varies from person to person such as most executive managers are motivated when they get increment and others are happy when they get emotional or psychological motivation. They also get motivated when they find their job interesting and they get achievements in life through achieving their job related goals and targets. Casual or medical paid leaves, trips to other countries, transport facilities also help them to work with more loyalty.

It has been observed that economic and social condition of the country is also an important contributing factor to motivating top managers, because suitable environmental structure makes it comfortable for some managers to take decisions and bring positive outcomes. Sometimes competitive atmosphere of workplace also helps to motivate top officers (Yu, 1999).

It is very important for employers to understand the need of motivating top managers especially for expatriate officers because there is greater need to provide satisfaction and encouragement to expatriate managers as they are the one who have left their native land and living far away from their families. They might get bored or frustrated quicker than other managers therefore they should be provided with additional incentives and benefit packages (Gebler, 2009).

Expatriates need to live same standards as they enjoy in the home country, it is very important keeping them satisfied with the provided facilities as they can be fruitful for the organization to achieve its goal more effectively, due to their expertise and knowledge. These expatriates should be provided with handsome salaries, allowances, bonuses, expenditures for goods and other facilities in order to avoid getting them home sick (Yu, 1999). It is essential for the employers to understand their values and believes in order to utilize their experiences and knowledge to get profitable results for organization.


The objective of this research is to study the impact and importance of motivational factors for top managers in the State of Kazakhstan.

Project Aim

The aim of this research study is to design an understand of the different intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors that have a deep influence on the perceptions and behavior of top managers working in different organizations and the work related attitude of these managers within these organizations. These intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors are analyzed on the basis of their influence on top managers working in different organizations of Kazakhstan.

This study formulate intensive theoretical framework including number of motivational theories that present an idea of how and what is useful in motivating top managers in organizations and the role of this motivating process on the relationship that these top managers have with their employers. The literature review part also includes the work of past researchers that has been utilized to draw a direction towards top managers motivation in different organization in Kazakhstan and other countries.

As the research moves on, it focus on limiting the scope of the research to number of motivational factors including monitory incentives, chances for growing within the organization, the overall work related environment, enriching the job features, enlarging the scope of the job responsibilities and maintaining a balance between top managers life within and outside the organization. These efforts in first three chapters help to formulate the finding and analysis that either support or reject the hypothesis designed in the literature review of this study.

Problem Statement

Kazakhstans economy is in the developmental phase. Researchers and theorists need current statistics to ensure that statistics are accurate. In order to evaluate the conditions of Kazakhstan, current researches and literature are required to be published. Unfortunately, studies in this regard are lacking to a greater extent. It is required that investigations are conducted on the basis of published reports that can be used in the analysis procedures. The main objective of the study is to discuss the interesting aspects as well as pros and cons of emerging economy of Kazakhstan. On the basis of provided background we shall discuss the importance of motivating and retaining top managers in business sectors of Kazakhstan.

Significance of the Research

The review of already published literature on top managers motivation in organizations across the world and in Kazakhstan, exposed the researcher to the fact that these past researchers focused on number of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors which helps to determine whether these top managers are satisfied from their jobs which have a consequent affect on their motivation to perform their respective jobs.

The researcher of present study tried to differentiate it from the past literature in a way that he focused on studying multi-factors that result in top managers motivation in Kazakhstan. Studying of particular factors of managers motivation in Kazakhstan is an interesting analysis as previously no work has been done in studying countries motivational factors for top managers working in corporate world. This study aims to drawn conclusion from different organization that would highlight the differences in the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors under numerous working conditions and organizational environment.

The findings of this study are useful to it readers as this is only one of its kind in this respective field and provides handy information for understanding the phenomenon and use these information for further studies in this particular context.

Research Questions

Keeping in mind the hypotheses to be tested, the present study is focused on finding suitable answers to the following research questions with the help of number of research tools and tactics.

  1. What are the different theories of motivation that helps in understanding behavior and attitudes of individuals within and outside an organizational setup?
  2. Are the top managers in Kazakhstan are highly motivated and satisfied from their respective jobs?
  3. Are the top managers of Kazakhstan satisfied from their current employers?
  4. How the findings of this study helps in understanding the differences in motivational factors in Kazakhstan and other countries?


Throughout this research work, it is responsibility of the researcher to carry out the efforts with the approval and prior consent of the moderator, mentor or the supervisor. The questionnaire designed for conducting the interviews has been proof read by the supervisor and the analysis of findings derived from these interviews is done with the assistance of the supervisor. Keeping in view, the ethical guidelines and policies of Kazakhstan, the researcher will acquire the approval for conducting interviews in the state.

Also, consideration has been given to the code of ethics followed by the university. Special attention will be paid to protect the privacy of the information provided from the respondents and the researcher will not leak this information to anyone. As the focus of this study is to perform individual work; therefore, the researcher will not acquire the services of any third party or outsource any part of this study to get completed.

Also, the researcher will try to avoid plagiarism and will take full responsibility if the instructor or the university found any act of stealing information or data from any source. The researcher will make all possible efforts to provide due credit to the authors of already published information however, due to human error there could be some instances which could appear in the report. Finally, it will be the right of researcher that the printed version of this study he provides, should not be exposed or leaked in the public beside its academic purpose, without the prior approval of the researcher and his mentor.

Structure of the Report

The study conducted by the researcher is presented in this report based on the following layout:

  • Chapter 1 Introduction

    • The first chapter of the study provides an overview for this study by entailing a background to the subject of this research. It also includes the objectives of this research and the project aim. The hypotheses that are tested in the present study are also described in this chapter basing upon the research questions that are discussed by utilizing the collected data by using different tools and techniques. By the end of the chapter, chapter includes a disclaimer note and significance of the study along with the problem statement.
  • Chapter 2 Literature Review

    • This is the most crucial part of this study and the chapter includes number of theories related to the motivational factor that impose a deep impact on individuals behavior and attitude. Already published literatures that possess similarity to the present area of research are included as well in this chapter to provide guidance for developing a conceptual framework.
  • Chapter 3 Research Methodology

    • This chapter includes the research approaches that are utilized for carrying out this study. This research approach or methodology is derived after considering various methodologies. The techniques used for data collection and analysis are also being discussed in the chapter. By the end of the chapter, the foundation analysis and findings to formulate a conclusion to the study and testing the hypotheses established are also discussed in the chapter.
  • Chapter 4 Findings & Analysis

    • The fourth chapter of the report presents the findings and analysis derived from the data collected against the interviews conducted by the researcher. These findings are fetched by using different research tools to assess the responses to the interview questionnaire with the help of figures, tables and charts.
  • Chapter 5 Conclusion & Recommendations

    • Last chapter of this research report includes a summary of the findings of this research and base it upon the validity of the research hypotheses supported by evidences. By the end of this chapter, the researcher tries to draw some recommendations for employers and organizations to understand the importance of motivating their top managers for the success of their organizations. Also, researcher draws some recommendations for further studies on the same topic, by the end of this chapter.

Literature Review

The focus in this literature review will be on presenting an idea and importance of motivating the top managers in Kazakhstan. In this literature review, theories along with facts and figures, previously written by authors who highlighted the similar interest as this study, will be presented and evaluated. The reason for reviewing the related literature is to take an idea of what this study is about and what are the results that are tried to be evaluated. It is tried that the literature chosen for reviewing is provided from authentic and reliable sources online in order to explore the importance for organizational success through motivating the decision makers of the organization.

Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework provides theories and concepts to support the concept of the research study. In this study, it will guide the whole research work and help in determining the statistical relationships for concluding this study (Borgatti, 1999). In the present study, theories regarding motivation, human psychology and impact of motivational factors on it, human needs, types of motivational factors and human desire to be acknowledged will be discussed.


In the past, many researchers have conducted many researches in order to clarify the concept of human psychology that reflects a specific behavior adapted by them against a situation or condition n their surroundings. Still, it has been difficult to provide a clear and concise definition to understand the concept of motivation. Before defining motivation, it is necessary to understand the origin of these phenomena.

The word motivation has its roots in the Latin word  movere which is defined in English as  to move (Furnham, 2005). Luthans (1998) also defined motivation as it is the process that arouses, energizes, directs and sustains behavior and performance (Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998). Zaphiris and Ang (2009) defined motivation as a motivation is a willingness or desire triggered by an emotion or external stimulus to pursue a goal or a reason for triggering an action (Zaphiris & Ang, 2009).

Motivation is an inner willingness of a person to perform some activity or do some work. Motivation can be seen as a persons inspiration, enthusiasm resulted from an incentive. Another scenario for a motivated person is that he or she wants to do something because of the fear of getting punished for not completing that work (Adair, 1990). Robert Beck (2005) defined motivation generally in his book, which state that motivation is a sort of theoretical concept that helps in measuring peoples behavior regarding why they want to get engaged in certain activities at different times (Beck, 2005).

Skehan (2008) formulated four hypotheses to further elaborate theories and definitions provided by above mentioned authors. He first provided the concept of intrinsic hypothesis which draws the inherent interests and concerns of individuals. The second hypothesis was Resultative which reflects that a persons motivational level rise and fall due to his or her actions. Internal cause was the third hypothesis suggested by Skehan in which he states that individuals fetch a number of certain motivational inputs within a particular knowledge case.

Fourth and last hypothesis indicates that motivation is the outcome of a number of external happening or mood and incentives (Skehan & Dornyei, 2008). To conclude these theories in few lines, all of them focus on defining the impact of motivating managers and employees so that they can work towards achieving organizational goals more effectively and devote their energies to take their respective organization to a position, where it can have edge over its competitors. Also, these theories defines the benefits that an organization can ripe when its decision makers are satisfied from their jobs and what they get in return for their hard work.

It is noteworthy to construe this process that creates people take definite plays and accomplish ventures that have been distributed to them. From an organizational point of view, the human capital is examined as the bulk noteworthy supplies that could assist the business achieve its intention and remain a profitable entity. Therefore, businesses deficiency to check and compute results their employees motivation and deliver for the factors that presently lead to greater motivation and hence greater productivity and triumph of corporate objectives. Top managers are responsible for running the business smoothly, so it is important to motivate them more as compare to other workers.

Types of Motivation

These two classifications of motivation has been paid special consideration while studying motivational literature and studying the nature of its determinants. The importance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has broadened the concept of motivational derives that makes top managers perform with their full capacity and devoting themselves for the betterment of their respective organizations. The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation provided by Noels.

In his definition for both types of motivations, Noel state that extrinsically motivated behaviors are focusing on achieving goals and targets, whereas, intrinsically motivated behaviors are focusing on involving in activities that provide internal satisfaction and to cherish (Davies & Elder, 2005). Top managers are mainly focused on utilizing their work force in order to meet their targets and goals on time with superior quality. They are extrinsically motivated by their jobs requirements and the position they hold. Also, they perform in a better way as it makes them feel satisfied and the rewards that they get in return raise the level of internal motivation to new heights.

Extrinsic motivation can be categorized as

  1. Interjected regulation,
  2. External Regulation,
  3. Identified regulation.

The first category reflects the individuals own pressure that he or she has created to perform a certain task and achieve the goals. External regulations refer to as the motivation that arises inside a person because of the benefits he might avail by completing tasks and goals. Third category reflects the rise of motivation due to the personal behavior and priorities he or she give to what happening at job place or daily life. Intrinsic motivation can also be divided into three categories, namely

  1. motivation derived from knowledge,
  2. accomplishment,
  3. simulation (Davies & Elder, 2005).

A manager assumes all the pressure that he is required to exert on his team in order to meet the targets on time and in a better way. He tries to perform in the most appropriate way in order to ensure that work delivered is of superior quality. This is due to the reason that he will be benefited and rewarded more as compare to his team and this further makes him grow strongly within the organization. A manager cannot be a manager until and unless he is devoted to his job.

Agarwal (2010) identified five plain models of motivation that serves employees accomplish their goals. These incorporate action motivation, cultural and societal elements of motivation, surety of incentives that results in motivating them, motivation from panic, and motivation for change. Achievement motivation is driven from managers yearn towards accomplish something. Motivation from culture is the desirability of executives towards accomplishes upper cultural status.

Motivation from assured incentives is based onto award payment either within the form of plain salary or bonuses that are expected from the employer. Motivation from panic is crudely driven from the uncertainty regarding the role or disadvantage that could be imposed for not doing tasks efficiently. In case of top managers, this fear becomes more severe as managers are considered to be responsible for the failure of organization. Finally, motivation for adjustment is due to the physical negative calculation of the prevailing labouring conditions and later planning for shifting to another vocation (Agarwal, 2011).

Chris Young advises six motivators that retain staff and lid administrators interested in their labour and abide via the policies of their employers. These motivators include

  1. utilitarian  motivation for cash or efficiency,
  2. experiences  motivation to learn and gain experience,
  3. social  motivation from social factors,
  4. aesthetic  motivation for superiorlaboring conditions and physical fulfilment,
  5. energy  motivation to composure oneself and others,
  6. tradition  motivation to exist according to the set values of life (Young, 2008).

Theories of Motivation

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow made a reasonable contribution towards understanding the concept of motivation in a better way. Abraham Maslow (1943) suggested dimensions to overview individuals needs and wants through a pyramid model which identified these needs and wants in six different phases. Maslow advice that if an employee is facing problems that has its origin from outside the organization, it would also become problematic at his work place and will put adverse effects on the work quality he or she delivers.

The model presented by Maslow state that the fundamental needs of human includes food, water, oxygen and sex and this holds the most important place. The second most essential need of a human in Maslows model is the feeling of security, stability, dependency, protection, freedom from fear, anxiety and chaos. Then comes the need for social recognition, being loved and trusted by the society in which an individual lives.

This also entails that, at the same time when a person needs to be loved and affiliated, he or she respect others rights and provide the same love and affiliation. Finally there are self-actualizing needs are related to the career goals that individuals place for themselves. The last two needs are the best fit for managers, because when a person acquires need of self esteem, he wants others to have respected for him as his respect others. When a person achieves his goal of self actualization, this is the point where he can say that he has got what he wanted. This is the most satisfied time of ones life.

In top managers context, this explanation of human needs can be applied as these key position holders in any organization take fulfilling their fundamental and the safety needs as essential. When we take a look at Maslows pyramid model of human needs, it shows that top managers consider it important to learn techniques to easily achieving their goals and gain knowledge. (Montana & Charnov, 2008).

Managers can be benefited from Maslows theory in a way that it provides them a room to understand, predict and estimate the needs and wants of their sub-ordinates and team members and let them explore their worth in the context of self actualization, in order to enable them to raise their moral and produce even more better in the long term interest of their organization and for the betterment of their top managers career path.

Process Theory

The process theory of motivation helps to understand the cognitive process that undermines the setting of motivational level by individuals. There are various categories of process theory such as The Vroom expectancy, The Adams equity theory, The Needs-goal setting theory and The Reinforcement theory (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2008).

Adams Equity Theory

In his proposed theory, Adams (1965) suggested that individuals are going through cognitive process that helps them to observe their colleagues working in the same work place. During this process they develop their own analysis of the work and compare from the work other individuals are doing and how much effort they are putting in. The rewards that others receive are then evaluated for fairness and equity in comparison to their own.

It is implied from the equity theory that if inequity is perceived by individuals it leads to lower motivation and therefore they seek out balance (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). Top managers keep a check on their decisions and performance on regular basis and compare them with that of their sub-ordinates and managers of other departments, and in few cases, compare them with that of rival organizations managers performance.

Vroom Expectancy Theory

Vroom (1965) suggested a theory to broaden the concept of motivation. In his famous theory, Vroom suggested that the motivational level within employees is based upon what relation they perceive between efforts they put and the rewards in return, they get. Than these employees are able to predict what they will be getting in return of their efforts. In this way the theory implies that the motivation level of top managers could be estimated if expectancy, instrumentality and valence values can be ascertained.

Different elements of the psychological behaviour of top managers including their abilities, traits, and role perceptions along with the opportunities in the work environment contribute to the motivational force. Employers need to understand how employees develop expectancy of values and how they link efforts to rewards. Also employees need to ensure that reward compensation is not inequitable (Koontz & Weihrich, 2007).

Needs Goal-Setting Theory

This theory was presented by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham (1990), in which they proposed that setting up specific and challenging goals might help managers to increase the motivational level not only within themselves, but also among their team members. These managers also help their colleagues to assess and keep a check on their work performance towards achieving organizational goals. Time to time feedback on regular intervals play an important role to increase motivation level (Dfat & Marcic, 2010).

The Reinforcement Theory

The reinforcement theory focus on the existing relationship among employees behavior and its resultants by bringing about a change in the job related behavior by using tools such as rewards or punishments (Daft & Lane, 2007).

Human Need Theory

The limitations of Maslows hierarchy theory urged the need to formulate a complete theory that fill up the gaps of Maslows theory. Therefore, McClelland (1987) proposed a theory which is widely known as Human Need Theory. McClellands theory tries to understand the impact of fulfillment of the acquired needs that employees learn when they are experiencing new situations and events throughout their lives.

Three categories of these needs are achievement, affiliation

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