Social Medias Design Implementation

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Several qualitative data analysis methods can be used to analyze qualitative data. In this particular case, the best qualitative research method used in analyzing the data is the classical content analysis method. Classical content analysis is a qualitative data analysis technique in which the researcher counts the number of times each event occurs (Flick and Angrosino, 2007, p. 2) and notes them down.

The researcher can decide to group the various characteristics he or she is looking for into various codes and then determine the frequency of occurrence of each code. The codes are generally generated deductively and then they can be included in the information that is used in data description.

The codes or the group of characteristics that appear most turn up being the most important characteristic of the population being interviewed. In this particular case, we have a variety of findings categories including the utility of social network sites for promotion, in which 84% are using it and the explanations are also included in the research findings.

Other categories of information gathered include kinds of online campaigns and the reasons behind their usage, preferred time, type of products and services, issues related to the use of social media type, factors that influence the use, the impact of using social media and, its advantages and disadvantages.

In most of the data categories mentioned, there are some quantitative figures of the respondents and the highest proportion contributes to the key findings of the study. This is also followed by an extensive explanation of the findings of each point and thus giving way to classical content analysis as the best qualitative data analysis method used in this particular paper.


The internet technology has transformed the world into a small digital village in which interaction with the world does not require a person to leave his or her comfort zones. Individuals who are internet-enabled communicate worldwide at any time from anywhere and at very low rates. The number of both domestic and official internet users has increased greatly, and hence there is a need for online digital marketing to promote different products and services. At a click of the button, online users can satisfy their needs. This ends up saving their time and money. Social networking has enabled sellers to get to both their potential and real consumers worldwide via e-marketing (Paul and Schwartzman, 2011, p. 45-55)

A group of people connected by a similar interest is called a social network. The Internet is one of the most important places where such networks occur. These sites bring together members who have common interests and they include Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, myspace, Flickr, Xanga, Slashdot, dodgeball, bibo, and blogger. (Kabani & Brogan, 2010, p. 41-73)

Fashion marketing involves analyzing, developing and marketing current design trends in sales departments by coming up with appropriate strategies for sale. The fashion industry keeps on changing from time to time and it has to focus on the consumers of these products while doing market research. The market is also very dynamic and hence requires the market players to be very alert or else they will be left behind. Social media has created the greatest impact by bringing in customers (Easey, 2009, p. 129)

In the modern world, social networks are the most frequently visited sites and so integrating these sites with fashion design has turned out to be very fruitful. This dissertation analyzed the use of social media in fashion design marketing. There are various methods of internet marketing and these include blogs, direct email, brand communities, search engine optimization, and online social media. Social media has played a key role in transforming the design industry by rapidly increasing sales through marketing.

Apart from social networks like Facebook and Twitter being used by people to interact with old friends, they have also been utilized by professionals to enhance their career development. Luxury fashion brands have therefore spent so much on media in the last few years. One of the most important benefits of using social media in the market is its e-ability to efficiently organize events. In fashion marketing, social media enables the designers to meet the specific needs of their target customers.

Given the fact that social networks are the most visited sites on the internet, they can form a strong marketing platform for fashion marketing. Those who use this tool for promotion in the fashion industry have recorded great returns. This is mainly because the fashion industry is a very competitive and dynamic sector. Unless the players in the market are very keen on finding the best way of reaching to their markets, they may end up being left behind. Social marketing has emerged to be one of the most important platforms where designers interact with their customers while promoting their products.

The original intention of coming up with social networks was to connect friends. However, fashion design has now started social network sites on their websites like Facebook and Twitter and are using them to communicate with customers. This has drastically reduced the use of some traditional methods like search engines. Such networks make people to be directed to your product site based on the opinion of other people. This helps established products to reach new connections exponentially as friends contact and make other people aware of the products.

Social media help the customers feel the company and the staff who serve them more than any other communication tool can (Evans, 2008, p. 31-37). This is the cheapest marketing tool that any company can utilize in reaching out to the market. Social networks are accessible to all internet users worldwide and hence it becomes the easiest way a company can interact with its customers by increasing communication between the two parties. The social connection theory illustrates how social networks facilitate connections that can be used to create a market (Silverman, 2005)

In terms of connection theory, marketing can be done by people who facilitate connection in three ways, namely: the connectors, mavens, and salespeople. The internet plays the role of salespeople so well by helping customers to be well acquainted with each product (Scott, 2010, p. 35).

The fashion industry is more people-oriented and in the past has mainly relied on the classic way of doing business by avoiding the incorporation of extensive technology in doing business. Many products have been returned due to dissatisfaction and social sites like my shape have allowed customers to create their profiles for producers to create products that are tailored for them.

Social networks provide information on customer preferences, purchasing power, and emerging trends. Some technology companies integrate this data to provide even personalized information. Social networks can use customers phones to track them and provide information about the nearest outlets and the fashions available for them.

The fashion retailer must incorporate all the marketing media since the traditional methods are still very influential. Data on the leading network sites are inspiring. Facebook has over five hundred million people with over 500 thousand registering daily. The above users spend more than seven hundred million hours monthly on Facebook.

Online groups influence consumer behaviors so much and they move from one site to another in search of relevant information to help them make decisions. Marketers have a great opportunity to influence consumer behavior using online sources. Apart from consumer decision making being affected by demographic factors such as education, age, gender, and income, it is also affected by primary, secondary and aspiration groups.

The number of consumers who use online business has continued to rise over time. It is therefore important for a company to develop its online marketing to be successful in the competitive market. Some online marketing tools are e-mail marketing, blogs, brand communities, and E-commerce. A comparison of these methods with social groups will be done at the end of this paper.

Online customer reviews have effects on sale and there is a need for companies to keep on updating their online product information to help their clients make up their mind in buying their products. Organizations risk losing their customers to competitors if they dont improve their online information now and then. Positive customer reviews have great impacts on online sales and vice versa. Such reviews are useful in tailoring products according to clients needs. However, the number of consumers who submit their reviews is very low compared to those who read the reviews. This, therefore, means that more people have to be encouraged to hand in their views (Bohdanowicz and Clamp, 1998, p. 28-41)

Philosophy of realism as a core component in fashion industry research. This is because it ensures that data collected portrays a real situation as it is and future expectations (Archer and Bhaskar, 1998, p.16-47). When looking at social media and fashion design, its important to pay keen attention to what happens on the ground.

In determining the impact of social media on the fashion industry, it is important to carry out a qualitative scientific investigation on the same. The process helps in drawing conclusions that can be generalized regarding the impact of social media on the fashion industry.

Secondary research should always be used by involving data collected earlier, for other purposes other than the problem at hand but can be useful to the topic. The use of secondary research also helps in the process of collecting and analyzing data that helps in defining the marketing problem and in the development of the approach used in fashion design research. (Patzer, 1995, p. 11-73). Pilot respondents have to be conducted to look for any ambiguity in the questionnaire and also add their comments (De vaus, 2002, p. 116) while doing fashion design research.

There should also be no unethical behaviors in the research like the use of financial incentives and elements of deception (Rubbin & Babbie, 2011, p. 653). Fashion study should be exploratory and thus the conclusions drawn are always diverse because this is a dynamic sector. The study helps market researchers establish the right track in their internet marketing. Such work should take a reasonable amount of time to ensure that the real concept is gotten from the beginning.

Social media is a very powerful instrument in fashion design promotion. This is mainly because it is a very cheap form of promotion that reaches a large number of people within a very short period. Social media has the advantage of not having geographical limitations and the organization can communicate with their clients on a one on one basis.

Social media also provides a very good avenue for follow up. The only thing an organization should do is to ensure that there is someone online who responds to the concerns of the customers who log in on a real-time basis. This builds the confidence of social network users because they stay rest assured that someone is listening to them. If this is not taken care of, the entire logic of using social media in fashion design marketing may be lost to the competitors.

Social media, therefore, remains to be one of the fastest forms of advertisement that helps an organization to expand its customer base, increase volumes of sales and in return report great profits within a very short period. If used very well, social media helps in fighting competition within the fashion design industry.

Social media has only one major disadvantage, this is the fact that ideas an organization posts on social networks can be stolen and used by competitors for their benefits. This can lead to stiff competition in the market but so long as the organization can keep in touch with its customers, then it can be able to handle the competition. From the look of things, it is clear that the advantages of social media are greater than its disadvantages and hence it is a course that is worth taking.

This dissertation is on the topic, how successful are social media in the implementation of fashion marketing? Several forms of social media have been explored and these include sites like Facebook, Twitter, My Space, Flickr, Zanga, Slashdot, Dodgeball, bibo, and blogger. Other digital marketing tools include email marketing, blogs, brand communities and E-commerce (Weber, 2009. p. 63)

Using Email for marketing communication has the advantages of low distribution costs and high reply rates. Too many Emails are irritating hence frequency of sending must be considered. (Mullel and Daniels, 2009, p. 71-83). Use of Email is a very simple process since it simply involves getting the Email contacts of the desired organization and sending them questioners to be filled and providing for them an upload link for uploading once they finish filling in the Questionnaires.

Reminder messages can be sent later for any delays but should not be so many because as noted earlier they may become irritating. Interviewees can also be given a chance to see if they can accept a follow-up call and if they accept, then they can be called for more information give at the most suitable time provided by them.

Creating a brand related to a creative fashion blogger is another important online marketing tool (Tungate, 2008, p. 55-69). Individuals behind the blog communicate with clients on a specialist stage and also are very persuasive and confident in the readers eyes and daily delivery makes it an ultimate channel for a brand and its products. Brand communities, on the other hand, comprised of individuals who have the same taste in a particular commodity or brand. Brand communities lack boundaries and hence they can be present anywhere. A brand community may consist of people who strongly support a given brand worldwide. They share new updates on their brand.

Brand communities also share with the specialists from the organization on any desired improvements. This is more of a professional group because these people dont come together for friendship alone but also for sharing a common interest in a given brand. If this group is taken good care of, it forms the evangelists of the product to the rest of the world. A fashion industry has, therefore, to employ a specialist to take care of this groups interests.

E-commerce handles different business undertakings, both between businesses and also to consumers. (Kenneth and Carol, p. 1-14) Services and goods can be purchased online using web designs. One issue affecting online marketing is a lack of trust by the customers and some web designers have been forced to put some extra explanations on each product. The use of E-commerce should be handled by the organization very carefully because it entails trust-building. The company must always respond to all clients demands within the shortest period, lest they lose all their customers due to a few mistakes here and there. All the discussed online marketing tools are important and they can complement each other with social networks to make fashion design marketing successful.

Reference list

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