Software Engineering in Business Analysis: Analytical Essay

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Using different concepts of software engineering this term paper shows the reluctance of software engineering to the elements of business analysis like business model, E-commerce and E-business trends with technologies and change management processes. Current scenario is business analyst make business model and do other processes with own method and processes. However, business models, e-business and change management done by business analyst is best at its extant but we can improve its efficiency and accuracy by applying software engineering concepts into business analysis.

KeywordsSoftware engineering, Project Lifecycle, business analyst, business model, business analysis, e-commerce and e-business, change management, efficiency.

I. Introduction

Business analysis is a research field of discipline which identify problem, want and solution of current problem occurring in business organisation. Solution purposed by business analyst often include some concepts and processes of software-system development components, not only this thong but also it deals with improvement of process, change in organisational, long-term short term goal, planning in organisation. This processes are very crucial for any organisation, it carries major part in project planning. Processes of business analyst can be improved using concepts of software engineering. For any project by using concepts of software engineering we can improve that software project like software development life cycle implement, software project models, software development processes. Before the Software engineering building the software project was a much harder than now. Same concepts of Software Engineering can be applied into Business analysis processes and functionalities. So this paper first describes software engineering concepts in Business model then in E-commerce and E-business after that in change management system.

II. Software engineering concepts in business model

Generally business models are made for business organization to show path for long run and short run. It describes that how Business organization will make, accumulate and delivers value in prospective environment to be in market and to do well. It also shows value in terms of economic, social, cultural and other things. So, importance of business model is much more than any other thing. It also shows the target customers and policies. There are many types of business model, we can apply software concepts in all business models types. Some of them are listed below.

  1. Hidden Revenue business model
  2. One-for-one business model
  3. Razor and blade revenue model
  4. Cash conversion business model
  5. Peer-to-peer business model

Now we apply concepts of software engineering in generation of Business Model.

A. Choosing perfect canvas

In this step first business analyst choose perfect business model canvas for making business model. Business model canvas differs minor for different types of business models. Business model should mainly contain key partners, key activities, key proposition, value proposition, customer relationship, customer segment, key resources, distribution channel, cost structure and revenue stream in business model canvas.

B. Requirement gathering

We can relate this step with the requirement gathering for software engineering in which we gather requirements for software project in same way we do this to make business model. There are sub steps in this step

1. Feasibility Study

In this sub step business analyst decide that partner, processes, activities, resources, channel or other thing which is require to make business model canvas is worthwhile or not. After the sort study we can check it is feasible or not.

2. Requirement elicitation and analysis

After getting the requirements from feasible study Business analyst can do some more research on that requirement to elicit that other than this do we need more or not. After that it will be analysed by the Business Analyst.

3. Requirement specification

In this step we converge the view point and need of requirement gathered by the upper steps.

4. Requirement validation

This step validate requirement in perspectives of our business organization. Requirements that we chose from upper steps Business analyst validate that are that requirements are really requirements that we needed for our business organization.

Thus business analyst can gather requirements to make business Model.

Figure 2.1

C. Iterative Process to complete

In Business Organisation business models are not made in just one shot. Developing Business model is one iterative and continues process in which Business analyst have to edit business model continues to make perfect Business Model. In this process we can apply Iterative Development business model process similar to iterative waterfall process.

D. Creating Business Model Canvas

In this step after finalising the perfect requirement and reviews of customer business analyst finalise the Requirement and make the final Business Model. On bases of this business model short term and long term goal of that business organization will be decided.

E. Testing Business model

Before finalising and applying business model into goals and plans of business model testing of Business Model must be needed just like testing of software project. Testing can be done by doing virtual visualisation by running business.

After that this final process business model is ready to develop in to business organisation.

III. Software engineering concepts in E-commerce and e-business

E-commerce and E-business are top buzz word in 21th century. To understand E-commerce we can commensurate it with middle man in any business who just buy goods from wholesaler and sells goods to customer. E-business is one step ahead than E-commerce it also provide other services and we can call it running business by using Internet.

By developing or starting E-Commerce / E-Business basic need person wants is platform which provide interface between customer and business person. For that one software project is basic element of E-Commerce / E-Business. Developing software is much important than any other thing in E-Commerce / E-Business. So, much focus, precision and accuracy is needed for that software platform. By developing software project Business Analyst can follow these software which are describe below:

A. Choosing appropriate Development Life cycle

For developing software project project-manager and business analyst have to coordinate and decide that which life cycle to choose for developing software for E-Commerce / E-Business. Many life cycles can be choose according to their property and constrains. And requirement which business organization wants. Like of business organization needed software in short amount of time, with very high accuracy or at low cost. According to that Project manager and Business analyst have to decide DLC. This decision can make business organization better or worse because this is one of the most important decision

B. Planning

Developing E-Commerce / E-Business needed proper planning and tracing. Without planning and tracing there will be mess in E-Commerce / E-Business and starting E-Commerce / E-Business will never be done. So, proper planning and tracing in salient feature of successful E-Commerce / E-Business. In planning Business analyst can allocate or outsource some of the business processes to reduce the cost and complexity of processes. Outsourcing can be very helpful for business organization if it is used properly and with proper planning. Business analyst can take help of Gantt chart and other planning concepts of Software engineering to plan and to keep trace of Business processes.

C. Requirement Gathering

Just same as Project requirement gathering in software engineering Business analyst can apply this concept in E-Commerce / E-Business development to do work efficiently. Before doing any process Business Analyst should gather requirement needed for E-Commerce / E-Business establishment. This step can further divide into 4 sub steps as we did in Software engineering concepts in Business model. These steps are:

  1. Feasibility Study
  2. Requirement elicitation and analysis
  3. Requirement Specification
  4. Requirement validation

After completing these 4 steps E-Commerce / E-Business can move further.

D. Verification and Validation

When software has being developed verification and validation is must step which is as important as other steps. Business analyst have to check whether the developed system is working as per expectancy or not. There may be chance that there is glitch in software product. If this step is not done properly that that glitch or error will be deployed with the software launching. Without verification and validation software may face problems in long term and your E-Commerce / E-Business can be affected.

E. Cost planning

In this step cost of whole project or module is estimated. Then Business analyst will check the requirement and feasibility of that module. If cost will be high and E-Commerce / E-Business will be in loss and module can be modify.

F. Testing

In this step Testing of whole E-Commerce / E-Business can be done. First software testing will be done, processes testing, and other testing will be done by Business Analyst. After completing this part E-Commerce / E-Business is ready to start.

IV. Software engineering concepts in change management

Change management is process in which change is applied to various levels of business organization. Change can be applied to single level or multiple level. For applying change Business analyst will look up to software engineering concepts. Steps are shown below:

A. Requirement Gathering

Before applying change into whole organization Business Analyst have to study that in which part change is required and how change can be applied in that organization. Whole organizational factors should be take into consideration to apply the change into Business Organization.

B. Preparing for Change

After gathering requirement Business analyst have to prepare organisation for a change which organisation will be going through. In that Business analyst first define that what change will be applied to organization. After that Business analyst will prepare organizations management team to apply the change. By concluding preparing change Business analyst develop companys sponsorship model.

C. Managing Change

In this step Business analyst make plans for organization that how change will be applied to different levels and at which level. First step Business analyst will take is that develop change management plan and after that team can take action and implement that change in to organisation.

D. Reinforcement Change

After implementing change into organization Business analyst will take feedback from people and analyse that at which level this change fails and succeed. After finding faults in change Business analyst diagnose that gaps and manage resistance. If this step is done properly than we can say that change is applied successfully.

E. Cost Estimation

Before applying change into organization Business analyst have to estimate the cost of change which is going to apply into the organization. If cost will be high than Business analyst have to calculate that in how much time this cost can be recovered if it is feasible than Business analyst can proceed further.

Thus Business analyst can take help of Software engineering concepts to manage change.

V. Innovation

By applying amalgam of Software engineering and Business Analysis we can create innovative projects. By considering this field I want suggest one innovative product which uses the amalgamation of Software engineering and business analysis. The Product which predict the feasibility of Business model created by Business analyst. As previously discussed we can apply concepts of Software Engineering to develop Business Model after that we can create Prediction Model which consider and train by the processes which used by Business analyst to develop Business Model. Here we are not predicting the success rate of Business Model but we are predicting the feasibility. In this model we are not training our model by Fields parameters of business model but we consider the process.

By considering process we can find that which process and at which quality processes are implemented to develop Business Model. We can further take into consideration which key partners and customer segmentation are involved. Thus we can apply innovation with the help of both interconnected branches of science.


In this document, We discussed that how concepts of Software Engineering can be useful in business analysis. This paper suggest and discuss about the procedure to use SE concepts to create Business Model to increase efficiency and effectiveness. How we can improve overall quality of E-Commerce / E-Business using proper methods of SE. How Change management can be modify using processes of SE. Last we proposed one innovative solution using Software engineering and business analysis. In conclusion, there can be various application by union of these two fields.



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