Beijing 2008 Olympics: Hospitality Management

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Tom (1989) argues that, planet Earth is full of natural and beautiful sites worth visiting and some of them are absolutely stunning, however, in spite this fact not every place is worth visiting. This is because not every country has gone through the cycle of better and sustainable hospitality for the tourists coming to visit their homeland. According to Timothy (2007), attracting foreigners needs a sustainable industry of tourism and sustainable hospitality management. Through this industry, the locals generate income and enhance the monetary value of the country that results in better reputation of the country around the world (Timothy, 2007).

CHINA  Practicing Sustainable Hospitality Management

A better served and sustainable hospitalized country with good reputation is always worth visiting. Any country with quality recreational, transport, edible, accommodation, remuneration facilities and fine hospitality services not only gains positive feedback from the tourists but also catches the glance for international occasions and radiant events. Patrick (2005) gives example of such an event internationally known and liked is Green Olympics which is held in different main cities of the world and certainly one of the biggest shows on earth. Nigel, Annette, Roger (2004) explains that this year, the opportunity to hold Green Olympic Games 2008 has been rewarded to Chinas main city Beijing. China is such a country which is fully aware of the ethics of sustainable hospitality and proved its standing and dignity with its elite culture, glorious history, art, intelligence, simplicity, and of course, hospitality around the globe. China voted itself for the Olympics games and succeeded in getting rights to hold the Green Olympics 2008.

Chinas Strategy for Sustainable Hospitality

A successful flow of sustainable hospitality management would need to follow a strategic pattern. Andrew, Peter (2000) explains the strategy to sustainability by utilizing the available resources to its best, provided with best services to the others in order to generate the maximum profit or income possible and helping government to improve the standards of the country locally and internationally. Peter (2000) also states that, this could be met by improving the quality of life and human resources available. This not only strengthens the locals around but also safeguards their future and image globally.

The author Vern (1988) argues that, China is making its best efforts to flourish the overall tourism of the country with such efficiency and sustain hospitality that it would result effectively not only for the local in terms of income, but would also result in better economy and foreign exchange.

Ethics of Tourism

Attracting foreigners to such homeland can be seen as a challenge. Susan and John (2004) explain that, it needs background homework which should be done domestically. A full outline of tourism guideline for the locals should be introduced which contains all necessary details required to support tourism. Susan and john (2004) also argue that, tourism should be free of any dirty tricks for the tourists and motivates them to come again and again. This can only be done by creating a positive environment for the visitors, and minimizing the communication gap between them and the locals.

David (2006) asserts on all these aspects and so is China. The Chinese government has come up with a proper map or education of guidelines that has been given to the natives for treating the tourists with respect, providing all the possible things and helping them if needed, creating comfortable and luxurious recreational and staying facilities, proper human and tourist rights education, along with the humble hospitality services; and most importantly facilities like food and transportation (David, 2006).

Ethics of Hospitality

Waldemar (1994) defines hospitality as moral services provided to someone by one or a group of individuals. As far as tourism and hospitality are concerned, they can become a vast industry when it comes to ethics and services. Hospitality can be provided not only by an individual but also goes for organizations. Waldemar (1994) also states that, tourism companies aims to serve tourists and provide them with every facility possible and to make their tour comfortable. Organizations providing these facilities educate their employees and publicize with the help of news, papers, brochures, pamphlets, guidelines, leaflets and every way available. The author Mick and Rosaleen (2003) argue that, hospitality is the openness to others and your personal responsibility for others welfare without any familiarity, but at times an incentive is concerned for providing all the benefits to that individual.

John (2003) asserts that, Chinese government has armed itself and the entire nation to serve best hospitality services possible to the tourists. Not only the residents but also numerous tourism agencies are preparing themselves to serve the best hospitality services to the visitors coming to Beijing and other cities. Some of the main areas specially covered to offer best hospitality services can be listed as immigration, welfare and social security of tourists; as well as proper guidance education with proper ethics and clarity to the rules and regulations (John, 2003).

Environment Management

Environmental management is the way in which the human-environment interaction is controlled by protecting human health, welfare and environmental conditions. John (2003) states that, the conditions which can affect human welfare and their surroundings can be; natural hazards possessed by the nature to human health, impact of pollution on human health by them, pollution and excess use of productive natural systems and ecosystems, use of natural resources at unsustainable rates. John (2003) also argues that, the natural hazards harmful for the mankind could be named as cyclone, landslide, earthquake, grass and forest fires, tornadoes, twisters, floods or any other natural disaster which can be diminished by proper alert system on national basis. John (2003) further explains that corruption of drinking or daily use water, air, food by toxic waste that brings severe diseases and sickness are the example of human generated pollution which affects them in return.

In China, the city of Beijing is especially under great pressure since it is needed to be cleaned like a crystal for the Green Olympics 2008. The author Patrick (2005) asserts that, various actions have taken place to clean the air and make it free of pollution. The old transportation medium has been replaced from diesel to environmental friendly vehicles; heavy traffic has been banned in the city and thousands of cars have been removed to make the city free from traffic jams and traffic troubles for the tourists. Heavy pollution generating industries have been removed from the main events city (Patrick, 2005).

It has been more than 6 years since China is trying to improve its environment clean and make its surroundings and air free of pollution (Earth Island Journal, 2006). Certain policies have followed. Beijing closed some major big industries and relocated chemical plants or research centers to other cities. China plans to spend around $1.6 billion to recover the water supply plant and services. Carin and Preeti (2008) explains that, China plans to minimize the number of cars in Beijing to ensure light and easy to operate traffic flow while Olympics.

Waste measures for Olympics 2008

Special measures to control waste or garbage have made. Chinese government has banned the use of environment harmful plastic bags. Around 1,400 new landfills are under progress to accumulate the ever increasing garbage being generated. Earth Island Journal (2006) reveals that China has engaged thousands of cleaners to take care of clear roads, trash bins, streets, stadium and surroundings. Burning of toxic wastes is also emitted to ensure pure polluted-free air and better human health. Recycling process has been promoted to make use of all the resources possible.

According to the Beijing (2008), safe treatment process of wastes has been highly in progress. The waste management treatment has reached to 94% in the eight urban districts, 40% in the suburbs and 40% in the plain areas outside the 6th Rind Road. The government has set a target to achieve 50% recycling of waste that includes plastic bags, food wrappers, plastic and metal materials, paper materials. Over US$6.6 billion would be invested in the environment and waste control measures for the Green Olympics. Certain rules have been set not to pollute the water, not to discharge solid or toxic wastes, not to damage the ozone layer or harmful gases, and not to cause harm to the ecological resources (as in clearing natural forests).


Eco-friendly is basically the use of any item which is environment friendly and does not cause harm to neither its inhabitants nor its surroundings. Josef and Haden (2004) states that, innovation has take place and people are using possessions that are not harmful to mankind or affect the environment conditions. Most importantly, recycling has given priority in every industry and countries have been asked to practice eco-friendly items and living not only by its individuals but also by the tourists (Josef, Haden, 2004).

Selwyn (2006) argues that, eco-friendly hospitality is the knowledge of various environmental issues that explains the responsibility behavior of environment in the hospitality industries. Chinese government is taking care that the entire Olympics 2008 should be eco-friendly; investment has been made for recycling processes, free plastic shopping bags have been restricted in the city, hygienic food products would be utilized at restaurants and food stalls with environment safe plastic or metal packing that is also not harmful to human health. China daily (2007) shares information related to Olympics tat China has imported energy efficient and eco-friendly busses and transportation which would not only safe the air from pollution but would also reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. All these aspects are important when it comes to the living standard of individuals or the people coming to travel to the country.

Sustain Hospitality Services

Sustainable hospitality requires delivering most vital and essential facilities to the tourist which could gain their satisfaction level (Anthony, 2002). Today, the hospitality services provided to the people are far more important than the general physical products provided. Bruce, Giana and Eric (2006) explain that, people prefer better hospitality services when it comes to choose between services or physical goods. Hospitalized services have become the major aspect of a successful company. In addition, people refuse to compromise on better hospitality services and usually compromise with what physical products they have been provided (Bruce, Giana and Eric, 2006).

In China, sustain hospitality services have been arranged for the visitors coming to attend the Olympics 2008 in Beijing. The author Yiorgos (1996) asserts that these particular facilities include package tours, international transport, proper leisure and efficient communication facilities such as ticketing and reservations, luxurious accommodations, traveling and shopping guides, duty-free goods and stuffs, food, drinks, and financial services comprising of travelers check, insurance provided with full hospitality.

Ancillary Industries

Kartik (1998) states that in a large scale industry, there are small specialized tasks units or tasks are carried out. At times, these small specialized tasks have nothing to do with the large scale manufacturing firms operations, but in a way they are important for the business of the organization; as these small tasks could bring benefit to the firm in some way.

Vern (1988) reflects publicity on the concept of ancillary products that any country that welcomes good traffic flow of tourism industry also partially depends on ancillary industry. Since many years, tourism has emerged as one of the major and leisure economic venture of China and has been promoted by the ancillary industries and goods produced by them. It not only gains tourists interest but also attracts them to have several visits and promoting countrys tourism industry.

Now, there are some legislations and laws that either support tourism and sustainable hospitality management or do not support it due to some reasons (Peter, 1985). The reasons why China supports it are many; let it be increase in foreign exchange, good reputation, labour of locals, or improved small businesses and ancillary industries and several other travelling agencies and hotels. Tom (1989) argues that, China has proved its existence in the world economic and trade market by providing a large variety of ancillary industry products overall the world. The other part that does not support these are the crimes graph that could raise due to improper livelihood, pollution, roadside crimes, use of unauthorized liquors or media, degradation of cultural values or even prostitution.

Planning sustainable hospitality services for Olympics 2008

David (2006) stresses on the possibility to plan and practice sustainable hospitality services in China while conducting Green Olympics 2008. Some of the key points according to David (2006) that should be kept in mind while planning and practicing sustainable hospitality management in China could be:

  • It should help people, including the locals and the tourists to live a healthy trip and enjoy the Olympics event without affecting the natural resources
  • It should help the locals in making the maximum use of the natural resources available to them.
  • Peace, harmony, development and environmental protection and prosperity should be the first concerns while the government manages to perform successful rand event.
  • The comfort level of the tourists should be kept in mind while producing or maintaining all the events.
  • It should encourage the Chinas economic values and increase the foreign exchange.
  • It should create the maximum level of employment for the locals, women, and indigenous people to the full extend.
  • It should not affect the moral, cultural, religious values of the Chinese nation, and bring good reputation worldwide.

According to Bruce, Gianna, and Eric (2006) as a whole, it should take into account that the natural, local people, and environment improves. In addition, the sustainable hospitality services offered by the Chinese locals and government must bring new jobs, business opportunities, better increased income, newly introduced products and services, improved infrastructure, economic growth and integration, and special opportunities to improve the hospitality services to gain the 100% satisfaction level of the people visiting China to attend the grand international games event.

Brundtland report

According to Damian (2005), the government of China is very enthusiastic in organizing the whole event that could be written in the history in golden words. Till now, the government has invested more than $12 billion dollars of amount on all the arrangements and still working on it day and night. China will have to follow the entire Brundtland report and settle things. Up till now, Chinese government is trying their level best to come up to the mark of Brundtland report. According to David, Michael, Urmila (2007), Brundtland can also be known as Our Common Future and refer to the sustain economic development of the country by making the maximum use of the natural resources and without causing harm to the natural possessions and human health.

Resort management for visitors

It is estimated that Beijing would be receiving around 3.5 million visitors, including internationally and domestically. The hotel rates would raise up to 10 times compared to the normal rates and local residents would give rooms and houses on rest on high prices. According to Seeking (2008), locals have started standardizing and decorating their hotels, resorts, apartments for rent and furthermore. Resort is a place to stay for relaxation or recreation. People in China are keeping their good hands I managing resorts since a resort gives more relief than a normal hotel.

Security measures for Olympics 2008 in China

Maureen (2008), enlightens on how the security measures have taken into consideration for the special Green Olympics. The Chinese government has several times checked the neighborhood foreigners for immigration and residency papers. Cameras are set on numerous points to keep an eye on the surrounding. Special training has been given to the force in order to safeguard the security and help the tourists. Non-residents have already been deployed from China to their homelands. Sharon (2002) explains that, the main aim of Olympics games is discipline and the hidden workforce behind the whole stage is the services provided by the volunteers. Apart from the present 90,000 men in force, more than 600,000 of security volunteers have been engaged to ensure peace and normal flow of operations. China has spent around $300 million according to a rough estimate. China is practicing a tough routine check for any kind of protest or act of terrorism and performs drills to mock protesters, terrorists and high technology bomb detectors. There are some protected areas and suburbs where the hospitality level for the tourists could not be on 100% satisfaction level, but the government has made sure that locals from all over the country must represent in the best hospitalized way possible; this could end up in bringing a good reputation for the country, as well as income for them and foreign exchange on the countrys economy (China Daily, 2007).

Food safety and consumption measures

Food safety is yet another aspect that would be monitored strictly in Olympic days. The Beijing officials are in great pressure to assure the Olympics Games 2008s Committee that they would provide hygienic, clean, and healthy food in abundance to all the visitors coming to attend the grand event. The Beijing management would be supplying more than 3.5 million meals over the 60 days duration of Olympic and Paralympic Games (Food industry, 2008). It can be judged from the measures that have been made for a 600 athletes of Americas delegation; 25,000 pounds of chicken, pork and lean beef has been ordered from a company. Another meat providing company has been asked to provide 143 million pounds of meat for the visitors, which is highly fresh, hygienic and healthy to consume. Beijing has made efforts and contracts with suppliers to supply the city with millions and tons of food, water, dairy, liquors, daily to cover more than 4 million tourists daily (Brian, 2007).

The internal and external stakeholders are playing vital roles in supporting and supplying the food in Olympics days. One of the main food suppliers are Tyson, MCG who would be providing more than 45,000 pounds of meat overall for the tourists. These internal and external stakeholders are investing, participating and expecting to earn more than the usual revenue they get from sales target (Beijing, 2008).

Other hospitality measures

Seeking (2008) explains that, major bank mergers have taken place to ensure fine transactions for the tourists in Olympic days; banking sector is providing various services to the public and has developed a lot.

Communication sector is also spreading its wings to serve better; major communication companies have extended their broadband and communication network to serve the 3.5 million crowds with active signals, call traffic, SMS and GPRS services, including the online games viewer facility to watch the games live on mobile phones; and most of all, accommodating all the tourists that would be coming in thousands (China Daily, 2007).

Moreover, China Daily (2007) reveals that the Chinese government is taking help from U.S. Airline to keep a balance of the heavy tourist traffic coming to China in Olympic game days.

In addition, China assures on protecting the natural resources and making all the arrangements in such a way that does not, in any way, would cause harm to the natural resources o the country.

Observing Total Quality Management (TQM)

Chinese government has undergone through the use of Total Quality Management (TQM) process for the Green Olympics 2008. TQM is basically the process through which planning, organizing, controlling and directing is managed and consists the quality of products used, services provided and the satisfaction level involved. China is taking extra measures to ensure every operation is carried out according to the total quality management (Langham, 2007).

Other cities and Olympics

Other cities are not ignored at this point, it is Chinas best effort that they are promoting other cities want the world to visit not only Beijing but every part of China and encourage tourism. According to Graham (2005), Beijing holds a special place this year and everybody has their eyes on this city, but the other cities of China are also ready to welcome the wave of tourism and ready to offer incentive based hospitality from a business tourist point of view. The quality of accommodation, products, services, natural viewpoints, food, living standard and leisure facilities has been improved and would be able to attract visitors from all around the world. In short, the entire ambiance, services, hospitality, and destination attractiveness of all the cities has been boosted up located in China (Maureen, 2008).

China and Tibet independence issue

However, China is facing a hard situation in regard of the Tibet Independence issue while preparing for the Green Olympics. Tibet is a part of China since the ancient times but now the people of Tibet are urging to separate Tibet from China as an independent state due to some political issues. China faced regular protests in favor of Tibet Independence, but now, to keep a clear pace of the country in front of the world, Chinese government is talking extra measures to diminish the protests with the help of its force (Xinhua, 2008).

Maureen (2008) explains that China is about to face millions of tourists and making arrangements accordingly. The main effort is to ensure better food supply, accommodation and communication facilities while keeping the environment pollution free and keeping a sustain hospitality level for the visitors. Protective measures such as security, alarm and alert systems, pollution-free transportations, men force and volunteers are engaged to handle the operations. Usage of items and then proper disposal of the waste has given priority to protect the natural resources and make the environment clean by utilizing eco-friendly and recycling. Regulations and policies are made to carry all the things accurately (China Daily, 2007).


According to the official website of Beijing (2008), the whole paper is written in a very accessible style that would serve as a good point of entry for anyone interested in leisure, tourism, and cultural change in contemporary societies. It not only reflects the idea of better tourism, sustainable hospitality, but also explains the work done by the Chinese government for the Green Olympics Games 2008 to be held very soon. China has taken care of every way possible to make it yet the best occasion of the century by following the guidelines of the Olympics. Measures in aspect of accommodation, food, communication, traveling, recycling, shopping, trash, security and operations have responsibly checked and undergone.


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