Adopting Smart Grid to Mitigate the Blackout Disaster

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Natural and human-made disasters are detrimental since they cause deaths and destructions amounting to millions of dollars. The common catastrophes include floods, earthquakes, extreme heat, pandemics, and terrorism. The globe has witnessed many unexpected incidences based on the existing information. For instance, the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (2020) using the EM-DAT database captured 396 tragedies in 2019 that claimed 11,755 lives and generated $103 billion economic losses. Despite each situation triggering different impacts, storms have affected the most number of people. According to the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (2020), hurricanes have hurt 35% of the total mishap victims. The current calamity under review may have occurred due to a superstorm, earth tremor, or terror attack. The power outage was unprecedented, and it almost brought the nation into a standstill, and I wish to intervene at the diagnosis, assessment, and prevention establishment phase using technology concepts I have learned from my course. Accordingly, I propose the creation of a smart grid for effective blackout monitoring and mitigation.

The massive hydro disappearance was one of its kind and signified the need to be proactive in addressing such eventualities. The misadventure impacted tens of millions of people in one way or the other. The sudden power disconnection out of unknown reason left many in the dark, individuals could not enjoy power-dependent services, and business registered historic worst moments that lasted for months even though the disruption took about a week. The saddest part of the circumstance is deaths that occurred and displacement. In this regard, fires associated with the use of candles or generator misuses led to fatalities and people becoming homeless. The country took time to recover, considering that the restoration was 10% short from completion on the fifth day and there was no certainty of when normalcy will return. Because of the costly disasters, the world is shifting focus to catastrophe management and emergency preparedness, but reliable data is necessary for practical decision-making (Kar-Purkayastha et al., 2011). Notwithstanding, technology-driven interventions are the most feasible and installing a smart grid is the best option.

The starting point in building a smart grid is collecting as much information as possible to create a database that will guide the digital system. Kar-Purkayastha et al. (2011) postulate that we should know what happened in the past to understand the current situation. Nonetheless, considering an authentic information pool is missing, it will be essential to establish one. My course contents emphasize the need to utilize technology to solve many problems in the world. Besides, Kar-Purkayastha et al. (2011) recommend the closing of the gap between science and policy, and that is why it is crucial to consolidate details to enhance data quality and consistency for sound decision-making. The proposed smart grid encompasses the digitalization of all information revolving around electricity transmission, and having a reliable database will ensure that the digitalization of the power system will be factual. Thus, I will participate in a systematic review to generate a data directory that will be useful in guiding any policymaking about automation.

A smart grid facilitates real-time monitoring and swift reaction to any power fault. Alonso et al. (2020) state that it is a network that intelligently incorporates all electricity-related actions into one system for a guaranteed power supply. The existence of a verifiable, large data set ensures that there are sufficient details to transform the current electricity framework from analog to digital. Farmanbar et al. (2019) assert that the designing of a smart grid begins with the digitalization of the power structure by installing real-time monitoring and self-controlling features. The cleaver grid relies on computers to detect trouble signals and interpret the possible consequences and subsequently invoke the automated functions to correct the situation. It is worth noting that the digital complex is immune to the problems that energy shortages stir since communication occurs via microwaves and optic fibers. Notably, a smart grid is efficient in diagnosing what initiated the electricity collapse and immediately instituting quick restoration.

Its successful construction requires fundamental components that demand the input of innovation skills acquired in the technology course. The vital constituents are the processors that connect to the transformers, transmission lines, switches, and circuit breakers. Still, Alonso et al. (2020) point out that the critical circulation parts are the sensors and actuators. The digital power network is composite since it demands mechanization from the energy source to the consumption points given that mistakes can transpire anywhere. In this context, the smart sensors assess each circumstance analytically and rapidly enforce the appropriate protection measure (Alonso et al., 2020). Some of the parameters that indicate a problem in the conveyance nexus comprise the phase, voltage, current, and temperature as their abnormal variations give alerts of a possible breakdown. Consequently, employing top-notch skills, such as those obtained in my program will lead to the development of a smart grid with high reliability.

The rationale for my proposed intervention to handle the disaster is that the smart grid is environmentally friendly and warrant energy efficiency. The nation is under pressure to foster sustainability, especially in the energy sector. In this respect, there are calls for the adoption of green power from ecologists and activists who champion a pollution-free world. Consequently, the smart grid combines renewable and non-renewable energies to support a sustainable future (Farmanbar et al., 2019). The technology program trained me to be creative, and I believe the assembling of programmed parts will make the automated system ecologically sound. As such, the smart meters gauge electricity usage and pave the way for the modeling of astute cities (Farmanbar et al., 2019). Remarkably, the smart grid will not only address the matter at hand, but also will usher in a self-sufficient state.

The digitalized grid power system has a high level of effectiveness, and it will enable people to avert the challenges witnessed as a result of the energy outage. Alonso et al. (2020) posit that the intelligent grid scans the electricity through instantaneous communication, and it is secure and economical. The smart grids scheme is fascinating and makes it the most efficient in managing blackouts. The sophisticated switches operate using the island mode for continuous information relay and safety execution (Farmanbar et al., 2019). Therefore, regardless of the intensity of the power failure, the digital grid will continue running for rapid fixing. There is a cost issue where many fear that applying the smart grid will be expensive. Notwithstanding, implementing the suggestion requires about $13 billion yearly, which is reasonable considering that enormous power interruptions come with a colossal price. Thus, the smart grid is effective by all measures, and its espousal is timely.

Several ethical issues challenge the advocacy for the smart grid as a countermeasure for the power outage. There are transparency challenges whereby consumers may be unaware of the cost-distribution strategy (Milchram et al., 2018). Since the upgrade of the power system has additional financial demand, users are skeptical of how the transformation will affect their electricity bills. Besides, there is a possibility of decreased autonomy in that the regulators may monitor individual energy utilization (Milchram et al., 2018). As opposed to the analog system, the new frame will give power companies more freedom to trace consumption and impose restrictions where necessary. Consequently, such a worry breeds a significant concern about privacy infringement. In this case, the energy providers could mine data to track household activities (Milchram et al., 2018). Furthermore, the easy availability of information from the established database could promote cyberattacks. Hence, the morality of the smart grid is questionable, and there has to be an affirmation that the proposal offers social good to receive widespread approval.

The computerized power network has peculiar characteristics that address the identified ethical dilemmas. The digital grid provides customers with sufficient energy awareness, including the utility patterns to allow them to practice power-saving behaviors (Koo et al., 2017). Also, the new structure promises information accuracy since the sender authentication screen details circulate in the transmission system. In this regard, the competence in practice in the platforms development assures clients that they will access sufficient information about the electricity value and use. Privacy questions arise whenever there is a proposition to apply technology to solve a hitch, and the best way out is to introduce functions that will safeguard sensitive information. Subsequently, although the smart meters hold a significant volume of data, they employ cryptographic primitives to shield patrons details from third-partys intrusion (Koo et al., 2017). Therefore, the smart grid program is explicit and secure for all to exploit and enjoy power dependability.

The blackout might have happened due to several reasons, and the focus should be on correcting the situation and averting such an event in the future. The tragedy was immense based on the extent of its destruction, and it is worth exploring how I can apply the acquired proficiency to intervene and sort the predicament. I target improving the problems examination and building a power system that is resilient to natural and artificial calamities. In this case, I am a staunch proponent of the smart grid that is self-regulating to increase energy reliability. As such, I will offer my skills in database establishment, components fabrication, and the final assembly. Implementing the suggested plan is an excellent idea since it boosts sustainability and limits the chances of a power outage. Nevertheless, it is necessary to accentuate that the digital power framework exhibits exceptional intelligence and thus satisfies the efficiency and privacy needs. Impressively, the smart grid gives maximum benefits to the larger population and meets the current desires concerning electricity.


I acknowledge that the assignment was indeed a learning tool and provided me with the opportunity to put my acquired knowledge into use. The task encouraged me to accomplish in-depth research, and I have noted that I should always utilize scholarly materials, preferably peer-reviewed journals that are accurate, up to date, and relevant in any investigation. Moreover, I have learned how to synthesize sources to know how they can assist in addressing a given issue. The activity demonstrated that there are several avenues that I can expand my obtained expertise in the field. However, I have appreciated that a high degree of creativity is essential to stand out as a scholar and expert in my profession. Accordingly, I maintain that every concept that I have studied in class is practical, only that I should be versatile to be productive.

I am optimistic that I performed excellently, and my presentation is outstanding. Multiple strengths are supported by exceptional work, and I look forward to improving further in such areas. I was highly motivated to tackle the work since I was anxious to determine how I will utilize my course contents to decipher the disaster and formulate an operational plan to rectify it. Additionally, I portrayed a high level of innovation in blending most of my learning outcomes to develop a serviceable proposal. I was also time-conscious as I completed the job on time and reviewed it severally. Regardless, I displayed some weaknesses that made the errand appear challenging. I had a slight difficulty in locating scientific articles, which are recent and peer-reviewed. Furthermore, I struggled to be efficient in sieving information to extract only the fundamental assertions and suggestions that support my recommendation. Nonetheless, I consulted widely and engaged in rigorous Internet scrutiny to obtain the data I needed to finish the chore.

The class was resourceful and exciting, and I wish to have more of the sessions that we have covered. It enabled me to interact with different colleagues and instructors; hence I have gained new experiences that will be beneficial in my career life. The course activities have allowed me to polish my professionalism in the technical and research parts. Even so, I was dissatisfied with some purely theoretical discussions as they limited my time concentrating on my specialization. Besides, I found them quite detaching as I often lost focus, leading to time wastage. Consequently, I recommend that the facilitators should encourage the students to identify what they love the most from the word go and guide them accordingly on how to prepare their research works and projects early enough.


Alonso, M., Amaris, H., Alcala, D., & Diana, R. (2020). Smart sensors for smart grid reliability. Sensors, 20(8), 2187. Web.

Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (2020). Natural disasters 2019: Now is the time to not give up. EM-DAT. Web.

Farmanbar, M., Parham, K., Arild, Ø., & Rong, C. (2019). A widespread review of smart grids towards smart cities. Energies, 12(23), 4484. Web.

Kar-Purkayastha, I., Clarke, M., & Murray, V. (2011). Dealing with disaster databases  What can we learn from health and systematic reviews? Application in practice. PLoS currents, 3, RRN1272. Web.

Koo, D., Shin, Y., & Hur, J. (2017). Privacy-preserving aggregation and authentication of multi-source smart meters in a smart grid system. Applied Sciences, 7(10), 1007. Web.

Milchram, C., Geerten, K., Doorn, N., & Künneke, R. (2018). Moral values as factors for social acceptance of smart grid technologies. Sustainability, 10(8), 2703. Web.

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