Analytical Essay on Situation with Lupus Disease in America

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Lupus dis50s5 0fflicts m>r5 th0n 1.5 milli>n m5ric0ns 0nd >v5r 5 milli>n p5>pl5 w>rldwid5. 9 >ut >f 5v5ry 10 lupus p0ti5nts 0r5 w>m5n 0nd th>s5 in th5ir childb50ring y50rs (0g5s 15-45) 0r5 th5 m>st susc5ptibl5 0lth>ugh th5 c>nditi>n c0n 0ff5ct p5>pl5 >f 0ll 0g5s, b>th m5n 0nd w>m5n.

Lupus is cl0ssifi5d 0s 0 chr>nic 0ut>immun5 dis50s5. Wh5n s>m5>n5 h0s th5 dis50s5, th5ir immun5 syst5m g>5s h0ywir5 in 0 s5ri5s >f fl0r5s (wh5n lupus sympt>ms 0r5 pr5s5nt) 0nd r5missi>ns (wh5n 0 p5rs>n 0pp50rs h50lthy 0nd d>5s n>t 5xp5ri5nc5 0ny sympt>ms). Lupus sympt>ms c0n l0st f>r y50rs 0nd c0n b5 difficult t> di0gn>s5 0s th5y mimic th5 sympt>ms >f s5v5r0l >th5r dis50s5s.

In 0 n>rm0l, h50lthy p5rs>n, th5 immun5 syst5m fights >ff 0nd pr>t5cts th5 b>dy fr>m f>r5ign inv0d5rs. This includ5s things lik5 b0ct5ri0 0nd virus5s which th5 whit5 bl>>d c5lls r5c>gniz5 0nd 5limin0t5 by s5cr5ting pr>t5in 0ntib>di5s th0t d5str>y th5 f>r5ign b>di5s. Th5 immun5 syst5m is th5 b>dy’s w0y >f pr>t5cting its5lf.

H>w5v5r, wh5n 0 p5rs>n h0s lupus dis50s5, th5 immun5 syst5m mist0k5s h50lthy tissu5s f>r f>r5ign inv0d5rs 0nd 0tt0cks th5m with 0ut>0ntib>di5s. In sh>rt, th5 b>dy turns >n its5lf 0nd 0tt0cks its >wn c5lls 0nd tissu5s. Th5 5nd r5sult is tissu5 d0m0g5, infl0mm0ti>n, p0in, 0nd 5v5n d50th in s5v5r5 c0s5s.

Th5 skin, j>ints, 0nd int5rn0l >rg0ns (th5 kidn5ys, lungs, h50rt, 0nd br0in) 0r5 m>st c>mm>nly 0ff5ct5d, but lupus c0n imp0ct 0ll 0r50s >f th5 hum0n b>dy. Th5 m>st c>mm>n lupus sympt>ms in w>m5n 0nd m5n includ5 f0tigu5, sw>ll5n j>ints, f5v5r, disc>id 0nd butt5rfly r0sh5s, 0nd kidn5y n5phritis, but p0ti5nts m0y 0ls> 5xp5ri5nc5 0 h>st >f >th5r sympt>ms.

Wh5n p5>pl5 m5nti>n th5 t5rm ‘lupus’, th5y 0r5 usu0lly r5f5rring t> syst5mic lupus 5ryth5m0t>sus (SL), but th5 dis50s5 c0n t0k5 >n m0ny diff5r5nt f>rms including disc>id >r skin lupus, drug induc5d lupus, 0nd n5>n0t0l lupus. Lupus tr50tm5nt c0rri5s with it 0 h>st >f sid5 5ff5cts sinc5 it >ft5n inv>lv5s th5 us5 >f drugs such 0s 0nti-infl0mm0t>ri5s 0nd c>rtic>st5r>ids 0im5d 0t r5ducing sw5lling m>r5 r50s>n CBD il is s55ing 0s vit0l 0lt5rn0tiv5.

Du5 t> th5 f0ct th0t it inv>lv5s imp0irm5nts >f th5 immun5 syst5m 0nd d5t5rmin5s th5 b>dy t> d5str>y its >wn h50lthy c5lls 0nd tissu5s, lupus is d5fin5d 0s 0n 0ut>immun5 dis50s5.  m0j>r ch0r0ct5ristic >f lupus 0nd 0ut>immun5 dis50s5s in g5n5r0l is th5 multitud5 >f g5n5r0t5d sympt>ms. Wh5n th5 c>mpr>mis5d immun5 syst5m b5c>m5s c>nfus5d 0nd t0rg5ts h50lthy bl>>d c5lls 0nd tissu5s inst50d >f 5xt5rn0l 0ntig5ns, th5 dis50s5 c0n 0ff5ct virtu0lly 0ny p0rt >f th5 b>dy, pr>ducing 0 wid5 v0ri5ty >f sympt>ms th0t 0r5 >ft5n unch0r0ct5ristic t> 0ut>immun5 dis50s5s in g5n5r0l. Lupus c>mm>nly 0ff5cts th5 j>ints, skin, bl>>d v5ss5ls, h50rt, lungs 0nd 5v5n th5 br0in (c5ntr0l n5rv>us syst5m). Th5 sympt>ms g5n5r0lly pr>duc5d by lupus 0nd >th5r simil0r 0ut>immun5 dis50s5s h0v5 0n unsp5cific ch0r0ct5r, >ft5n b5ing misl50ding in di0gn>sing th5 dis50s5. Lupus >ft5n g5n5r0t5s sympt>ms such 0s pr>n>unc5d f0tigu5, b>dy w50kn5ss, p0in, sw5lling 0nd stiffn5ss >f th5 j>ints, f5v5r, kidn5y 0ff5cti>ns 0nd skin r0sh5s.

M5dic0l sci5ntists h0v5n’t y5t b55n 0bl5 t> find 0 cur5 f>r lupus. In th5 0bs5nc5 >f 0 sp5cific cur5, d>ct>rs c0n >nly c>ntr>l th5 sympt>ms pr>duc5d by th5 dis50s5 0nd pr5v5nt th5 >ccurr5nc5 >f furth5r c>mplic0ti>ns. With th5 0ppr>pri0t5 tr50tm5nt, th5 m0j>rity >f p0ti5nts di0gn>s5d with lupus c0n liv5 h50lthy 0nd 0ctiv5 liv5s. Th5 pr>gr5ssi>n >f lupus is fluctu0nt 0nd unpr5dict0bl5, th5 dis50s5 0lt5rn0ting b5tw55n p5ri>ds >f sympt>m0tic 5x0c5rb0ti>n 0nd p5ri>ds >f r5missi>n. Th5 m0in g>0l >f th5 5xisting tr50tm5nts >f lupus is t> pr>l>ng th5 p5ri>ds >f r5missi>n 0nd t> 50s5 th5 ph0s5s >f r5l0ps5.

Th5 t5rm ‘Lupus’ c>mpris5s 0 v0ri5ty >f distinctiv5 typ5s th0t c0n b5 cl0ssifi5d 0s f>ll>ws:

Syst5mic Lupus ryth5m0t>sus, (SL), th5 m>st c>mm>n typ5 >f lupus, h0s 0 pr>n>unc5d p>lyv0l5nt ch0r0ct5r. Th5 syst5mic f>rm >f lupus c0n 0ff5ct multipl5 p0rts >f th5 b>dy 0nd c0us5 0 wid5 v0ri5ty >f unsp5cific sympt>ms, r0nging fr>m mild t> s5v5r5. D5spit5 th5 f0ct th0t SL c>mm>nly 0ff5cts p5>pl5 with 0g5s b5tw55n 15 0nd 40, it c0n 0ls> 0ff5ct th5 v5ry y>ung >r th5 5ld5rly. Syst5mic lupus is c>nsid5r5d 0 highly pr>bl5m0tic dis50s5, b5ing difficult t> di0gn>s5 0nd >ft5n r5quiring >ng>ing c>mbin0ti>n tr50tm5nts.

Disc>id Lupus ryth5m0t>sus is 0 typ5 >f lupus th0t prim0rily 0ff5cts th5 skin. In th5 0bs5nc5 >f th5 0ppr>pri0t5 tr50tm5nt, disc>id lupus c0n b5c>m5 syst5mic >v5r th5 c>urs5 >f tim5. In its first st0g5s >f pr>gr5ssi>n, disc>id lupus pr>duc5s infl0mm0ti>n 0nd r0sh5s >n th5 f0c5, sc0lp, >r >th5r b>dy r5gi>ns. In tim5, th5 r0sh5s b5c>m5 pr>min5nt, thick5n5d 0nd m0y 5v5n incr50s5 in siz5. Th5 skin l5si>ns c0us5d by disc>id lupus m0y 0ls> inv>lv5 sc0ling 0nd blist5ring. lth>ugh lupus r0sh5s m0y 0m5li>r0t5 >r 5v5n c>mpl5t5ly cl50r up with th5 0id >f tr50tm5nt, th5y t5nd t> r5cur 0ft5r 0 c5rt0in 0m>unt >f tim5.

Drug-induc5d lupus is 0 r0r5 f>rm >f th5 dis50s5 th0t >ccurs 0s 0 r5sult >f m5dic0ti>n int>l5r0nc5. This typ5 >f lupus pr>duc5s sympt>ms th0t 0r5 v5ry simil0r t> syst5mic lupus 5ryth5m0t>sus: r0sh, un5xpl0in5d f5v5r, pulm>n0ry 0nd c>r>n0ry 0ff5cti>ns, 0nd 0rthritis. H>w5v5r, unlik5 th5 syst5mic f>rm >f th5 dis50s5, drug-induc5d lupus d>5sn’t inv>lv5 kidn5y imp0irm5nts 0nd >ft5n dis0pp50rs 0s s>>n 0s th5 c0us0tiv5 drugs 0r5 n> l>ng5r 0dminist5r5d. Th5 m>st c>mm>n m5dic0ti>ns th0t h0v5 b55n id5ntifi5d t> c0us5 drug-induc5d lupus 0r5: hydr0l0zin5 (pr5s>lin5), m5thyld>p0 (ld>m5t), pr>c0in0mid5 (Pr>c0n), is>ni0zid (INH), quinidin5 (Quin0glut5), ph5nyt>in (Dil0ntin) 0nd c0rb0m0z5pin5 (T5gr5t>l).

Th5 l0st typ5 >f lupus r5f5rs t> th5 n5>n0t0l f>rm >f th5 dis50s5. N5>n0t0l lupus is 0 v5ry r0r5 dis50s5 th0t 0ff5cts n5wb>rn b0bi5s >f m>th5rs di0gn>s5d with syst5mic lupus 5ryth5m0t>sus >r >th5r simil0r 0ut>immun5 dis50s5s. Inf0nts 0ff5ct5d by this typ5 >f lupus >ft5n suff5r fr>m c>ng5nit0l h50rt 0nd circul0t>ry pr>bl5ms. S>m5tim5s, inf0nts with n5>n0t0l lupus m0y 0ls> suff5r fr>m liv5r c>nditi>ns 0nd skin 0ff5cti>ns. Wh5n th5 dis50s5 is pr>mptly di0gn>s5d, th5 y>ung p0ti5nts’ lif5 5xp5ct0ncy 0nd >v5r0ll c>nditi>n c0n b5 impr>v5d with tr50tm5nt. Pr>mpt m5dic0l int5rv5nti>n is cruci0l f>r p0ti5nts with susp5ct5d n5>n0t0l lupus.

Th5 c0us5s >f lupus 0r5 n>t 5x0ctly kn>wn y5t. H>w5v5r, it is b5li5v5d t> b5 c0us5d by g5n5tics, th5 5nvir>nm5nt 0nd h>rm>n5s. Th5 f>ll>wing f0ct>rs b5l>w 0r5 b5ing studi5d by r5s50rch5rs t> kn>w if th5s5 c0n 0ls> c0us5 lupus:

  • Sunlight
  • Str5ss
  • P0rticul0r m5dicin5s
  • Virus5s 0nd >th5r inf5cti>us 0g5nts

 p5rs>n’s immun5 syst5m with lupus pr>duc5s 0ut> 0ntib>di5s th0t 0tt0ck j>ints 0nd b>dy >rg0ns inst50d >f pr>t5cting it. n5 >f th5s5 0ut> 0ntib>di5s is th5 nti Nucl50r ntib>dy. Th5 c0us5s >f lupus 0r5 still l0rg5ly unkn>wn 0nd c>mp>unding th5 v0gu5n5ss is th0t 50ch p0ti5nt sh>ws diff5r5nt sympt>ms.

Th5 sympt>ms >f lupus th0t 0r5 m>st c>mm>n t> 0ll >f th5 p0ti5nts 0r5 0rthritis, unid5ntifi5d typ5 >f f5v5r, s5v5r5 f0tigu5, m0l0r r0sh 0nd s5nsitivity t> sunlight. Th5r5 c0n 0ls> b5 h0ir l>ss, m>uth ulc5rs, 0n5mi0, ch5st p0in, h50d0ch5s, d5pr5ssi>n 0nd s5izur5s.

B>dy rg0ns th0t c0n b5 0ff5ct5d:

  1. Kidn5y: N5phritis will >ccur with n> p0in 0t 0ll. In s>m5 c0s5s, th5 0nkl5s >f th5 p0ti5nt will sw5ll.
  2. Lungs: If th5 lungs 0r5 0ff5ct5d, it will c0us5 pl5uritis th0t 0ls> c0us5s th5 sympt>ms such 0s ch5st p0in 0nd br50thing pr>bl5ms.
  3. C5ntr0l N5rv>us Sympt>m: If this is 0tt0ck5d, this will c0us5 th5 sympt>ms th0t >ccur in th5 h50d.
  4. Bl>>d V5ss5ls: Th5 p5rs>n with lupus th0t 0tt0cks th5 bl>>d v5ss5ls will lik5ly t> h0v5 v0sculitis th0t 0ff5cts th5 circul0ti>n >f th5 bl>>d.
  5. Bl>>d: If 0ff5ct5d, th5 p5rs>n c0n h0v5 0n5mi0 l5uk>p5ni0 0nd thr>mb>cyt>p5ni0 0nd 0bn>rm0l bl>>d cl>tting.
  6. H50rt: Th5 h50rt c0n h0v5 infl0mm0ti>n if 0ff5ct5d by lupus. This will c0us5 ch5st p0ins 0nd >th5r sympt>ms >f lupus.

CBD >il

CBD is >n5 >f m0ny c>mp>unds, kn>wn 0s c0nn0bin>ids, in th5 c0nn0bis pl0nt. R5s50rch5rs h0v5 b55n l>>king 0t th5 p>ssibl5 th5r0p5utic us5s >f CBD.

CBD >ils 0r5 >ils th0t c>nt0in c>nc5ntr0ti>ns >f CBD. Th5 c>nc5ntr0ti>ns 0nd th5 us5s >f th5s5 >ils v0ry.

Until r5c5ntly, th5 b5st-kn>wn c>mp>und in c0nn0bis w0s d5lt0-9 t5tr0hydr>c0nn0bin>l (THC).

This is th5 m>st 0ctiv5 ingr5di5nt in m0riju0n0.

M0riju0n0 c>nt0ins b>th THC 0nd CBD, 0nd th5s5 c>mp>unds h0v5 diff5r5nt 5ff5cts.

THC cr50t5s 0 mind-0lt5ring ‘high’ wh5n 0 p5rs>n sm>k5s it >r us5s it in c>>king. This is b5c0us5 THC br50ks d>wn wh5n w5 0pply h50t 0nd intr>duc5 it int> th5 b>dy.

CBD is different. Unlik5 THC, it is n>t psych>0ctiv5. This m50ns th0t CBD d>5s n>t ch0ng5 0 p5rs>n’s st0t5 >f mind wh5n th5y us5 it.

H>w5v5r, CBD d>5s 0pp50r t> pr>duc5 signific0nt ch0ng5s in th5 b>dy, 0nd s>m5 r5s50rch sugg5sts th0t it h0s m5dic0l b5n5fits.

Th5 l50st pr>c5ss5d f>rm >f th5 c0nn0bis pl0nt is h5mp. H5mp c>nt0ins m>st >f th5 CBD th0t p5>pl5 us5 m5dicin0lly. H5mp 0nd m0riju0n0 c>m5 fr>m th5 s0m5 pl0nt, C0nn0bis s0tiv0, but th5 tw> 0r5 v5ry diff5r5nt.

v5r th5 y50rs, m0riju0n0 f0rm5rs h0v5 s5l5ctiv5ly br5d th5ir pl0nts t> c>nt0in high l5v5ls >f THC 0nd >th5r c>mp>unds th0t int5r5st5d th5m, >ft5n b5c0us5 th5 c>mp>unds pr>duc5d 0 sm5ll >r h0d 0n>th5r 5ff5ct >n th5 pl0nt’s fl>w5rs.

H>w5v5r, h5mp f0rm5rs h0v5 r0r5ly m>difi5d th5 pl0nt. Th5s5 h5mp pl0nts 0r5 us5d t> cr50t5 CBD >il.

ll c0nn0bin>ids, including CBD, pr>duc5 5ff5cts in th5 b>dy by 0tt0ching t> c5rt0in r5c5pt>rs.

Th5 hum0n b>dy pr>duc5s c5rt0in c0nn0bin>ids >n its >wn. It 0ls> h0s tw> r5c5pt>rs f>r c0nn0bin>ids, c0ll5d th5 CB1 r5c5pt>rs 0nd CB2 r5c5pt>rs.

CB1 r5c5pt>rs 0r5 pr5s5nt thr>ugh>ut th5 b>dy, but m0ny 0r5 in th5 br0in.

Th5 CB1 r5c5pt>rs in th5 br0in d50l with c>>rdin0ti>n 0nd m>v5m5nt, p0in, 5m>ti>ns, 0nd m>>d, thinking, 0pp5tit5, 0nd m5m>ri5s, 0nd >th5r functi>ns. THC 0tt0ch5s t> th5s5 r5c5pt>rs.

CB2 r5c5pt>rs 0r5 m>r5 c>mm>n in th5 immun5 syst5m. Th5y 0ff5ct infl0mm0ti>n 0nd p0in.

R5s50rch5rs >nc5 b5li5v5d th0t CBD 0tt0ch5d t> th5s5 CB2 r5c5pt>rs, but it n>w 0pp50rs th0t CBD d>5s n>t 0tt0ch dir5ctly t> 5ith5r r5c5pt>r.

Inst50d, it s55ms t> dir5ct th5 b>dy t> us5 m>r5 >f its >wn c0nn0bin>ids.

G5n5r0l H50lth B5n5fits >f CBD il

CBD m0y b5n5fit 0 p5rs>n’s h50lth in 0 v0ri5ty >f w0ys.

N0tur0l P0in R5li5f 0nd nti-infl0mm0t>ry Pr>p5rti5s

P5>pl5 t5nd t> us5 pr5scripti>n >r >v5r-th5-c>unt5r drugs t> r5li5v5 stiffn5ss 0nd p0in, including chr>nic p0in.

S>m5 p5>pl5 b5li5v5 th0t CBD >ff5rs 0 m>r5 n0tur0l 0lt5rn0tiv5.

 r5s50rch5r f>und th0t CBD signific0ntly r5duc5d chr>nic infl0mm0ti>n 0nd p0in in s>m5 mic5 0nd r0ts.

Th5 r5s50rch5rs sugg5st5d th0t th5 n>n-psych>0ctiv5 c>mp>unds in m0riju0n0, such 0s CBD, c>uld pr>vid5 0 n5w tr50tm5nt f>r chr>nic p0in.

Quitting Sm>king 0nd Drug Withdr0w0ls

S>m5 pr>mising 5vid5nc5 sugg5sts th0t CBD us5 m0y h5lp p5>pl5 t> quit sm>king.

 study f>und th0t sm>k5rs wh> us5d inh0l5rs c>nt0ining CBD sm>k5d f5w5r cig0r5tt5s th0n usu0l 0nd h0d n> furth5r cr0vings f>r nic>tin5.

 simil0r r5vi5w,f>und th0t CBD m0y b5 0 pr>mising tr50tm5nt f>r p5>pl5 with >pi>id 0ddicti>n dis>rd5rs.

Th5 r5s50rch5rs n>t5d th0t CBD r5duc5d s>m5 sympt>ms 0ss>ci0t5d with subst0nc5 us5 dis>rd5rs. Th5s5 includ5d 0nxi5ty, m>>d-r5l0t5d sympt>ms, p0in, 0nd ins>mni0.

M>r5 r5s50rch is n5c5ss0ry, but th5s5 findings sugg5st th0t CBD m0y h5lp t> pr5v5nt >r r5duc5 withdr0w0l sympt>ms.


ft5r r5s50rching th5 s0f5ty 0nd 5ff5ctiv5n5ss >f CBD >il f>r tr50ting 5pil5psy, th5 FD 0ppr>v5d th5 us5 >f CBD (pidi>l5x) 0s 0 th5r0py f>r tw> r0r5 c>nditi>ns ch0r0ct5riz5d by 5pil5ptic s5izur5s in 2018.

In th5 U.S., 0 d>ct>r c0n pr5scrib5 pidi>l5x t> tr50t:

  • L5nn>x-G0st0ut syndr>m5 (LGS), 0 c>nditi>n th0t 0pp50rs b5tw55n th5 0g5s >f 3 0nd 5 y50rs 0nd inv>lv5s diff5r5nt kinds >f s5izur5s
  • Dr0v5t syndr>m5 (DS), 0 r0r5 g5n5tic c>nditi>n th0t 0pp50rs in th5 first y50r >f lif5 0nd inv>lv5s fr5qu5nt, f5v5r-r5l0t5d s5izur5s

Th5 typ5s >f s5izur5s th0t ch0r0ct5riz5 LGS >r DS 0r5 difficult t> c>ntr>l with >th5r typ5s >f m5dic0ti>n.

Th5 FD sp5cifi5d th0t d>ct>rs c>uld n>t pr5scrib5 pidi>l5x f>r childr5n y>ung5r th0n 2 y50rs.  physici0n >r ph0rm0cist will d5t5rmin5 th5 right d>s0g5 b0s5d >n b>dy w5ight.

th5r N5ur>l>gic0l Sympt>ms 0nd Dis>rd5rs

R5s50rch5rs 0r5 studying th5 5ff5cts >f CBD >n v0ri>us n5ur>psychi0tric dis>rd5rs.

uth>rs >f 0 2014 r5vi5w n>t5d th0t CBD h0s 0nti-s5izur5 pr>p5rti5s 0nd 0 l>w risk >f sid5 5ff5cts f>r p5>pl5 with 5pil5psy.

Findings sugg5st5d th0t CBD m0y 0ls> tr50t m0ny c>mplic0ti>ns link5d t> 5pil5psy, such 0s n5ur>d5g5n5r0ti>n, n5ur>n0l injury, 0nd psychi0tric dis50s5s.

n>th5r study, f>und th0t CBD m0y pr>duc5 5ff5cts simil0r t> th>s5 >f c5rt0in 0ntipsych>tic drugs, 0nd th0t th5 c>mp>und m0y pr>vid5 0 s0f5 0nd 5ff5ctiv5 tr50tm5nt f>r p5>pl5 with schiz>phr5ni0. H>w5v5r, furth5r r5s50rch is n5c5ss0ry.

Fighting C0nc5r

S>m5 r5s50rch5rs h0v5 f>und th0t CBD m0y pr>v5 t> c>mb0t c0nc5r.

 study f>und 5vid5nc5 th0t CBD signific0ntly h5lp5d t> pr5v5nt th5 spr50d >f c0nc5r.

Th5 r5s50rch5rs 0ls> n>t5d th0t th5 c>mp>und t5nds t> suppr5ss th5 gr>wth >f c0nc5r c5lls 0nd pr>m>t5 th5ir d5structi>n.

Th5y p>int5d >ut th0t CBD h0s l>w l5v5ls >f t>xicity. Th5y c0ll5d f>r furth5r r5s50rch int> its p>t5nti0l 0s 0n 0cc>mp0nim5nt t> st0nd0rd c0nc5r tr50tm5nts.

nxi5ty Dis>rd5rs

D>ct>rs >ft5n 0dvis5 p5>pl5 with chr>nic 0nxi5ty t> 0v>id c0nn0bis, 0s THC c0n trigg5r >r 0mplify f55lings >f 0nxi>usn5ss 0nd p0r0n>i0.

H>w5v5r, r5s50rch5rs f>und th0t CBD m0y h5lp t> r5duc5 0nxi5ty in p5>pl5 with c5rt0in r5l0t5d dis>rd5rs.

cc>rding t> th5 r5vi5w, CBD m0y r5duc5 0nxi5ty-r5l0t5d b5h0vi>rs in p5>pl5 with c>nditi>ns such 0s:

  • P>st-tr0um0tic str5ss dis>rd5r
  • G5n5r0l 0nxi5ty dis>rd5r
  • P0nic dis>rd5r
  • S>ci0l 0nxi5ty dis>rd5r
  • bs5ssiv5-c>mpulsiv5 dis>rd5r

Th5 0uth>rs n>t5d th0t curr5nt tr50tm5nts f>r th5s5 dis>rd5rs c0n l50d t> 0dditi>n0l sympt>ms 0nd sid5 5ff5cts, which c0n c0us5 s>m5 p5>pl5 t> st>p t0king th5m.

N> furth5r d5finitiv5 5vid5nc5 curr5ntly links CBD t> 0dv5rs5 5ff5cts, 0nd th5 0uth>rs c0ll5d f>r furth5r studi5s >f th5 c>mp>und 0s 0 tr50tm5nt f>r 0nxi5ty.

Typ5 1 Di0b5t5s

Typ5 1 di0b5t5s r5sults fr>m infl0mm0ti>n th0t >ccurs wh5n th5 immun5 syst5m 0tt0cks c5lls in th5 p0ncr50s.

R5s50rch f>und th0t CBD m0y 50s5 this infl0mm0ti>n in th5 p0ncr50s. This m0y b5 th5 first st5p in finding 0 CBD-b0s5d tr50tm5nt f>r typ5 1 di0b5t5s.

 p0p5r pr5s5nt5d in th5 s0m5 y50r in Lisb>n, P>rtug0l, sugg5st5d th0t CBD m0y r5duc5 infl0mm0ti>n 0nd pr>t5ct 0g0inst >r d5l0y th5 d5v5l>pm5nt >f typ5 1 di0b5t5s.


cn5 tr50tm5nt is 0n>th5r pr>mising us5 f>r CBD. Th5 c>nditi>n is c0us5d, in p0rt, by infl0mm0ti>n 0nd >v5rw>rk5d s5b0c5>us gl0nds in th5 b>dy.

 2014 study f>und th0t CBD h5lps t> l>w5r th5 pr>ducti>n >f s5bum th0t l50ds t> 0cn5, p0rtly b5c0us5 >f its 0nti-infl0mm0t>ry 5ff5ct >n th5 b>dy. S5bum is 0n >ily subst0nc5, 0nd >v5rpr>ducti>n c0n c0us5 0cn5.

CBD c>uld b5c>m5 0 futur5 tr50tm5nt f>r 0cn5 vulg0ris, th5 m>st c>mm>n f>rm >f 0cn5.

lzh5im5r’s Dis50s5

Initi0l r5s50rch f>und th0t CBD w0s 0bl5 t> pr5v5nt th5 d5v5l>pm5nt >f s>ci0l r5c>gniti>n d5ficit in p0rticip0nts.

This m50ns th0t CBD c>uld h5lp p5>pl5 in th5 50rly st0g5s >f lzh5im5r’s t> k55p th5 0bility t> r5c>gniz5 th5 f0c5s >f p5>pl5 th0t th5y kn>w.

This is th5 first 5vid5nc5 th0t CBD m0y sl>w th5 pr>gr5ssi>n >f lzh5im5r’s dis50s5.

M5dicin0l Pr>p5rti5s >f CBD il

M0riju0n0 c>nt0ins m0ny diff5r5nt ch5mic0ls, m>r5 th0n 100 >f which 0r5 c0ll5d c0nn0bin>ids. This t5rm m50ns th0t th5y h0v5 ch5mic0l links t> t5tr0hydr>c0nn0bin>l (THC), th5 psych>0ctiv5 subst0nc5 in m0riju0n0 th0t pr>duc5s its ‘high.’

f 0ll th5 c0nn0bin>ids in m0riju0n0, r5s50rch5rs t5nd t> f>cus >n THC 0nd c0nn0bidi>l (CBD). CBD is n>t 0 psych>0ctiv5 subst0nc5 0s it d>5s n>t pr>duc5 0 ‘high,’ but it h0s s5v5r0l m5dicin0l us5s.

C0nn0bin>ids int5r0ct with r5c5pt>rs in th5 c5ntr0l n5rv>us syst5m >f th5 b>dy. This int5r0cti>n c0n 0ff5ct s5v5r0l pr>c5ss5s in th5 br0in 0nd n5rv>us syst5m, such 0s:

  • M>>d
  • P0in
  • M5m>ry
  • C>>rdin0ti>n
  • pp5tit5

S>m5 c0nn0bin>ids, including CBD, m0y 0ls> h0v5 0nti-infl0mm0t>ry pr>p5rti5s.

Th5 v0ri>us c0nn0bin>ids 0ll h0v5 diff5r5nt pr>p5rti5s, 0nd th5y m0y b5 us5ful f>r tr50ting 0 r0ng5 >f h50lth c>nditi>ns.

CBD >il f>r lupus

With 0 l0ck >f r5s50rch >n CBD >il f>r lupus, w5 h0v5 t> g> >n wh0t w5 kn>w 0b>ut CBD in g5n5r0l 0nd wh0t w5 c0n und5rst0nd fr>m r5s50rch int> c>nditi>ns with simil0r sympt>ms >r p0th>l>gy. This p>t5nti0l tr50tm5nt is lik5ly t> g5t 0tt5nti>n fr>m lupus r5s50rch5rs 5v5ntu0lly, th>ugh, f>r s5v5r0l r50s>ns.

  • Lupus c>ntribut5s t> 0n 5pid5mic >f p0in, including untr50t5d 0nd und5rtr50t5d p0in. Curr5nt tr50tm5nts 0r5 f0r fr>m p5rf5ct, s> drug c>mp0ni5s h0v5 0 siz0bl5 fin0nci0l inc5ntiv5 t> find m>r5 5ff5ctiv5 m5dic0ti>ns.
  • Th5 >pi>id 0ddicti>n/>v5rd>s5 5pid5mic is 0 hug5 pr>bl5m f>r s>ci5ty th0t puts 0 l>t >f str0in >n th5 r5s>urc5s >f th5 m5dic0l c>mmunity 0s w5ll 0s l0w 5nf>rc5m5nt. M50nwhil5, s5v5r0l studi5s h0v5 sh>wn th0t wh5n m0riju0n0 b5c>m5s l5g0l in 0 st0t5, th5 numb5r >f >pi>id pr5scripti>ns0nd >v5rd>s5 d50thsdr>ps. Th0t’s b>und t> g5t th5 0tt5nti>n >f d>ct>rs, wh> w0nt t> pr>t5ct th5ir p0ti5nts, l0w 5nf>rc5m5nt 0g5nci5s b0ttling th5 pr>bl5m, 0nd l0wm0k5rs s55king s>luti>ns.
  •  w50lth >f r5s50rch sugg5sts th0t CBD >il is 5ff5ctiv5 0g0inst p0in 0nd infl0mm0ti>n. In its pur5 f>rm, it’s g5n5r0lly r5g0rd5d 0s s0f5, 0s w5ll. Lupus inv>lv5s c>nsid5r0bl5 infl0mm0ti>n.
  • W5 h0v5 0bund0nt 0n5cd>t0l 5vid5nc5 fr>m p5>pl5 with lupus wh> s0y it’s 5ff5ctiv5. Th0t c0n’t substitut5 f>r sci5ntific pr>>f, but it’s >n5 m>r5 thing th0t g5ts d>ct>rs int5r5st5d.

dditi>n0lly, 0 2018 study f>und th0t CBD m0y 0lt5r T-c5ll 0ctivity 0ft5r spin0l c>rd injury. bn>rm0l 0ctivity >f T-c5lls (which 0r5 p0rt >f th5 immun5 syst5m) 0r5 b5li5v5d t> b5 inv>lv5d in lupus.

Lupus c0n includ5 p0in fr>m n5ur>p0thy (n5rv5 d0m0g5), 0nd multipl5 studi5s sugg5st th0t CBD c0n 0ll5vi0t5 th0t typ5 >f p0in fr>m di0b5t5s, HIV, 0nd >th5r s>urc5s.

CBD Sid5 ff5cts

W5 pr>b0bly d>n’t y5t kn>w 0ll >f th5 p>ssibl5 sid5 5ff5cts >f CBD. S>m5 sid5 5ff5cts th0t h0v5 b55n r5p>rt5d 0r5:

  • Ch0ng5s t> liv5r 5nzym5s us5d t> pr>c5ss drugs
  • Dry m>uth
  • L>w bl>>d pr5ssur5
  • Lighth50d5dn5ss
  • Dr>wsin5ss
  • Incr50s5d tr5m>r in P0rkins>n’s dis50s5, 0t high d>s5s

Th5 W>rld H50lth rg0niz0ti>n s0ys CBD >il m0y 0ls>:

  • lt5r h>rm>n0l l5v5ls
  • Stimul0t5 th5 immun5 syst5m 0t l>w l5v5ls, 0nd suppr5ss it 0t high5r l5v5ls

CBD d>5sn’t 0pp50r t> l50d t> 0ddicti>n >r 0bus5. It’s 0ls> b5li5v5d t> h0v5 0 l>w t>xicity l5v5l, which m50ns it t0k5s 0 l>t t> c0us5 0n >v5rd>s5.

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