Argument for the Implementation of the DREAM Act

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Presented in the Congress in different versions since 2001, the DREAM Act promises to grant legal residency to approximately two million undocumented young people living in the U.S without legal status. Since it was first debated, the DREAM Act has elicited sharp reactions from proponents and opponents alike. In the view of many supporters of the law, the U.S. is losing a lot because the skills and talents of young illegal immigrants are not tapped. In this paper, I argue for the implementation of the DREAM Act based on both social, moral and economic reasons.


DREAM is an acronym for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors. The legislation has undergone several reviews with the last one coming on May 11, 2011. Contrary to the common perception, the legislation does not offer a blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens. To be eligible for this legislation, a young alien must exhibit unquestionable moral character, must have graduated from a high school in the U.S, and must have come to the U.S before their sixteenth birthday (Schwab and Gearhart 85). One must have been 12-30 years at the time when the bill was passed, and must have been a resident for running five years prior to the passing of the bill.

According to a study conducted by the North American Integration and Development Center, implementing the DREAM Act would contribute up to 3.6 trillion dollars to the nations economy over the next four decades. From a moral standpoint, it has been argued that the DREAM Act will allow young immigrants to be part of the population that contribute to the nations development agenda. Morally speaking, the Act appreciates that illegal immigrants did not consciously choose to relocate to the U.S because they came in as children (Schattle 160). To deny aliens of the rights enjoyed by their counterparts would be tantamount to discrimination, which is something that the country has fought over the years.

Some have argued that denying this group of people basic rights to education and available opportunities to advance their careers is an act to deliberately disenfranchise them and punish them for the wrong they did not commit. The support for the DREAM Act is in the spirit of the court ruling that struck off the countrys statute that disallowed undocumented immigrant children to attend public schools. This Act would help pull many young undocumented immigrants from their hideouts and unlock their potential (Schattle 160).

Although opponents have argued that illegal aliens first violated the nations immigration law and that granting them citizenship rights is equal to rewarding bad behavior. They add that the DREAM Act would provide a fertile ground for more immigrants to settle in the U.S (Motomura 185). Stoping aliens from living a decent life during their stay on the soils of America does not mean that issues surrounding immigration shall have been solved.

Whether the Act is implemented fully, in piecemeal or revoked, all people whove stepped foot on the American soil deserve to live comfortably like the rest of the population (Schattle 165). While one may argue and rightly so, that the Act may have some loose ends, overall the law sets a good precedent on how to handle one of the most critical humanitarian issues facing a country that proposes to have the solutions (Schwab and Gearhart 85).

In a separate study, it has been shown that illegal immigrants have the potential of adding about 1.4 million jobs and over $300 billion every year on the countrys economy, the report says. However, the nation cannot reap these benefits if the law discriminates or passes legislation that discriminates against these aliens (Perez 158). The report goes further to say that of the total number of young illegal immigrants, slightly over 200,000 who qualify under the DREAM Act would have easy access to colleges and eventually contribute to the countrys economy in a great way (Motomura 185).

An argument that these young immigrants are not part of the natives does not reasonable grounds and as such, does not help to solve the issue of illegal immigrants flocking into the country. These young aliens are not lesser than the natives: they speak Native American English and have been socialized as Americans (Perez 158). The DREAM Act would help recognize this lost or forgotten population and turn them into citizens who are capable of paying taxes. In the words of Gov. Rick Perry, the country is not ready to create a pool of tax wasters (Glover 3). Instead, they will choose to create a group of people who can make meaningful contributions to the countrys budget (Motomura 185).

When observed from the security standpoint, bringing these young immigrants out their shadows would help manage the insecurity situation that faces the country. Nowhere in the world has national security has been strengthened when a certain group in the society is left in the dark to conduct their business in the dark (Motomura 185).


This legislation is a step in the right direction, experts say. Many young immigrants are ready to provide service to their country, either through private establishments, the military or public service. In this case, the DREAM Act is an incredible catalyst for a stable economy and guaranteed national security.

Works Cited

Glover, Robert W. The Future of the dream Act-Legislation to open opportunities for young undocumented immigrants. New York, NY: University of Maine, 2012. Print.

Motomura, Hiroshi. Immigration Outside the Law. McGraw Hill, 2014. Print.

Perez, William. We Are Americans: Undocumented Students Pursuing the American Dream. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2009. Print.

Schattle, Hans. Globalization and Citizenship. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012. Print.

Schwab, William A, and G D. Gearhart. Right to Dream: Immigration Reform and Americas Future. Fayetteville, Ark: University of Arkansas Press, 2013.

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