Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace

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Lately, work-related stress has become one of the most common problems of the 21st century. As a result, this issue has a considerable effect not only on the physical and mental health of individuals but also productivity of various organizations. In fact, the inability to maintain a healthy work-life balance can be considered one of the main contributors to the development of this problem. Most frequently, employees highlight that they experience stress due to poor organization, high levels of pressure, and lack of support from managers. However, bullying has only joined the list of primary causes of work-related stress in the past several decades. It is employers duty to create a friendly and supportive working environment, although they frequently fail to achieve this goal. As a result, employees are negatively impacted by workplace bullying, even though the consequences of this issue mainly depend on the coping mechanism used by the certain person.

Thus, someone who uses a poor coping mechanism in terms of bullying is expected to experience a vast amount of stress. People have a tendency to rely on one or two coping strategies and those who rely on generally poor coping strategies, such as denying the stressor exists, are going to experience more stress. Extraverts also tend to experience lower stress than do introverts, likely because extraversion includes a degree of positive thinking and extraverts interact with others, which helps buffer the effect of stressors. People with a positive self-concept are more confident and in control when faced with a stressor. In other words, they tend to have a stronger sense of optimism.

In order to determine the connection between bullying and workplace stress, numerous research studies were conducted. Some of them provide information that bullying is not associated with the quality of work performed by a specific employee, whereas others highlight that it is impossible to work to the fullest extent in the bullying environment. Critical analysis of thematic research studies is expected to demonstrate the significance of this workplace issue in modern society, as well as potential trends associated with this problem. Therefore, it is essential to take into consideration articles intended to analyze the problem of work-related stress and its link with bullying in order to minimize the negative effect on the health of individuals and the productivity of organizations.

Literature Review

One of the best analyses of relationships between workplace stress and bullying has been done in the research study called Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace. Conducted in 2019, this study provides information about determinants of work-related stress and its influence on the quality of work. When it comes to authors, the article was conducted by John Cullinan, Margaret Hodgins, Victoria Hogan, Michael McDermott, and Sharon Walsh. Subsequently, researchers pay attention to the most common worklife balance initiatives that are predicted to reduce the impact of work-related stress on employee performance. For example, the development of high levels of positive self-evaluation and optimism can significantly minimize the problem of workplace stress linked to bullying.

The article begins by giving a brief overview of the problem and its prevalence in the workplace. Based on the information from the article (Cullinan et al., 2019), over 55 million European workers suffered work-related stress in 2009. However, this number increased rapidly in the next decade. For instance, the percentage of individuals affected the workplace stress increased from 8% in 2010 to 17% in 2015. In the context of the causes of stress highlighted by employees, they mainly included high levels of emotional demands, bullying, and harassment. All of the factors have a considerable influence on the quality of work performed by people, although bullying has recently become one of the primary causes affecting the development of work-related stress.

Any actions that are taken to hurt or isolate a person in the workplace can be considered workplace bullying. There are numerous forms that bullying can take in the working environment, although the most common examples of this issue are targeted practical jokes, threats, humiliation, and the spread of malicious rumors. At the same time, it is essential to note that there is a considerable difference between workplace bullying and constructive criticism that is provided by management to enhance employee performance. Criticism can only be regarded as the case of bullying if it is expressed in intimidating or humiliate form. In the context of government regulations, people are not protected from bullying if it is not expressed as physical harm. Accordingly, it is the responsibility of management to take appropriate measures to maintain a healthy working environment.

In general, there are five main types of bullying that are usually reported by the victims of this social issue. First, the majority of employees affected by this problem highlight that they experienced verbal bullying at least once. It could be either mockery, humiliation, jokes, or gossip. No matter what type of verbal abuse is used toward certain employees, there is a high chance of facing stress and its complications. Second, intimidation is a tremendously popular type of workplace bullying. It is frequently expressed through threats and invasions of privacy. Furthermore, it is a common practice when employees suffer from bullying related to work performance. For example, workers might be affected by wrongful blame and work sabotage instead of objective criticism from the perspective of management. Finally, bullying can be expressed through accusations of lying and forced overtime.

At the same time, it is essential to be able to identify differences between workplace harassment and bullying. Usually, harassment is a single instance that is not repeated over time. In turn, workplace bullying occurs for a prolonged period of time, which is why it is important to identify it in the earliest stages. Typically, employees become silent or leave the room when the bullied person is around. Therefore, in a case similar signs are noticed, the entire working environment should be analyzed. Moreover, in addition to co-workers, some representatives of management can bully their subordinates. Sometimes, this kind of bullying is expressed by asking employees to do additional tasks without previous training. Also, it is an extremely common case when an employees work is monitored constantly in order to detect some disadvantages of performed tasks. If these cases are faced by employees on a regular basis, it can be considered workplace bullying.

Researchers have also managed to determine demographic features of people who bully, as well as victims of this process. Currently, around 70% of bullies are men, whereas nearly 30% are women (Cullinan et al., 2019). In other words, men are more likely to bully others in the workplace. Additionally, about two-thirds of all cases of bullies are supported by supervisors and managers (Cullinan et al., 2019). As a result, employees might be working under considerable pressure. Also, it is quite a common practice when minority groups are bullied in the workplace. In fact, racial and ethnic groups are not perceived as independent and educated specialists, which is why they are frequently discriminated against and bullied. These individuals are several times more likely to receive negative reviews from their bosses, although the educational level of these employees is the same as the educational level of white Americans.

Simultaneously, bullying not only affects the emotional well-being of individuals but also physical and mental health. In spite of the fact that each person has the opportunity to quit the job or change the apartment of a certain organization, there are still a variety of long-term effects that a person can face. For instance, in terms of physical health issues, bullying is associated with a higher risk for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, headaches, and decreased appetite. Also, bullying is widely known as a major contributor to mental health issues. For example, it is tremendously common practice when people bullied in the workplace face stress, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, and stress. Hence, bullying is a significant social issue that impacts the overall health of employees from different perspectives.

To minimize the prevalence of bullying in the workplace, a variety of different approaches should be considered. For example, it is recommended to pay attention to the significance of flexible and limited work time. Employees should be offered the opportunity to maintain a healthy work-life balance by avoiding overworking. In addition, it is essential to take into account that telecommuting has become a tremendously popular working tool lately. In fact, this technology is beneficial for saving time on a long distance to the office every day. As a result, workers would be able to dedicate saved time to family, friends, and hobbies that help to avoid stress and additional complications related to overworking. Lastly, employers should be able to provide on-site or subsidized child care facilities in order to minimize the amount of stress experienced by employees.

Research Aims and Objectives

Taking into consideration that there is a lack of appropriate research studies analyzing the relationship between bullying and workplace stress, researchers of the article named Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace took appropriate measures to fill this gap. In fact, they aim to present a more detailed and focused empirical analysis of the relationship between bullying and work-related stress in Ireland. In the context of the objectives of the study, it is important to pay attention to the main causes of bullying, as well as its impact on the health of individuals and the productivity of certain organizations. Finally, researchers have a purpose to identify the direct relationship between stress and workplace bullying under the circumstances when people of various racial and ethnic groups are integrated into European society.

Research Methodology

Researchers used a large database that included around 5000 employees from different fields of the Irish labor market. In order to receive the most accurate findings, it was decided to analyze respondents from public, private, and commercial semi-state areas (Cullinan et al., 2019). Considering that the research study was conducted on the basis of large sample size, researchers had the opportunity to estimate separate models for both men and women.

In the context of research methods and materials, it is important to highlight that researchers used information from a major national survey of employees in Ireland. The main limitation of previous research studies conducted in this area was based on the fact that researchers took into account data from the main cities of the country. At the same time, employees working in rural areas were not included in the analysis. Therefore, this article represents workers from all regions of the country, thereby increasing the accuracy of findings (Cullinan et al., 2019). Researchers created a comprehensive list of questions that Ireland citizens had to answer. For instance, questions were related to personal experience of bullying in the past six months, assessment of its effect on the mental health, and development of stress on the basis of this problem.


Main Findings

This article highlights that there is a considerable connection between the working environment and the psychological well-being of employees. In fact, researchers state that experienced bullying has a significant impact on work-related stress. In turn, cases of bullying were analyzed from the perspective of management and coworkers. As a result, research findings demonstrate that co-workers do not have a substantial effect on the emotional wellness of employees, whereas supervisors and bosses are expected to have an enormous influence on the mental health of their subordinates. For instance, low support, abuse, and a high level of control of managers are the main contributors to stress experienced by people who work on a regular basis.

When it comes to gender, no considerable differences were noticed in terms of work-related stress. However, researchers state that women are more likely to seek social support than men. Therefore, in case females have poor relationships with representatives of management, they are predicted to experience significant stress. In order to improve the quality of the working environment, researchers recommend paying attention to explicit policies on respect and dignity at work. Analysis of this kind of regulation demonstrates that rates of work-related stress can be significantly reduced if it is implemented.

Policy Implications

Considering that Ireland is the country where a high number of people report work-related stress linked to bullying, it is essential to implement appropriate interventions. Even though bullying has only been well-studied in the past decade, some laws addressing this problem were adopted way earlier. For example, the 1999 Taskforce on the Prevention of Workplace Bullying and the 2004 Expert Advisory Group on Workplace Bullying are considered the first Irish organizations operating with the purpose to minimize the impact of bullying on employees (Cullinan et al., 2019). In spite of the low level of effectiveness associated with the activities of these groups, the Irish labor market was still seeking methods to reduce workplace bullying.

A variety of different regulations stemming discrimination and harassment within the Irish workplace were implemented later. For instance, the Employment Equality Acts 19982015 and the 2009 Codes of Practice on Sexual Harassment and Harassment at Work have helped to address the problem of workplace bullying in some organizations (Cullinan et al., 2019). Nevertheless, a solid improvement in the overall workplace environment is still required. Researchers recommend taking into consideration anonymous reporting of issues, as well as regular training sessions that are intended to advance professional skills.

Paper critique

By critically reading a piece of research, identifying, and evaluating its strengths and weaknesses, the person has the opportunity to improve the knowledge in a specific area and demonstrate the ability to use critical thinking skills in the appropriate manner. At the same time, the accuracy of research findings can be assessed. Thus, in order to understand whether researchers provided reasonable arguments and facts for their main points, article critique should be considered.

In the context of the title of the article, it is essential to note that it is appropriate and clear. First, it outlines the main topic discussed throughout the entire paper, which is bullying and work-related stress. At the same time, researchers highlight that this problem is analyzed on the basis of Irish society, which is why the articles implications cannot be considered universal for each country. Hence, taking into consideration that the articles title uses appropriate terminology in the field of study and stimulates the readers interest, it can be perceived as an adequate title for this kind of research.

In terms of abstracts, these sections are usually incorporated in the paper with the purpose to provide brief information regarding the main goal of the study, methods that are used to achieve this goal, research findings, and significance of the whole article for a certain field of knowledge. When it comes to the research article conducted by Cullinan et al. (2019), its abstract can be considered specific and representative of the whole article. In fact, researchers include the main section and keyword section into the abstract in order to give readers a brief understanding of the information that can be found in the article.

The main section of the abstract begins with a topic sentence that highlights the significance of the selected topic in modern society. Later, researchers state why the article is unique and deserves attention from the readers. They take into account the fact that previous research studies on this topic did not perceive the nature of the relationship between bullying and stress as an essential element of the research. In turn, this article analyzes the problem of work-related stress linked to bullying from different perspectives. Simultaneously, the main section of the abstract includes information about the methods that were used in the study, thereby increasing the level of findings accuracy. Finally, the keyword section of the abstract is based on the combination of keywords that are frequently used throughout the paper.

As for the purpose of the article, it is clearly outlined in the introductory paragraph of the article. In fact, researchers have dedicated the entire sub-section to the articles aim, so the readers would be able to understand if their expectations can be met in this study. Researchers inform readers that they conducted this study on the basis of previous articles, although more details were added. Cullinan et al. (2019) have the purpose to determine the connection between workplace bullying and stress taking into account specific features of Irish society in the second half of the 21st century. In order to identify the connection accurately, researchers made the decision to analyze the impact of both co-workers and representatives of management. Moreover, one of the objectives of the study was to analyze the effect of government regulations on the problem of workplace bullying.

To critique the article in the appropriate manner, study design and methods should also be considered. The process of collecting and analyzing data on variables specified in a particular research problem requires the best procedures and methods. In the case of the article conducted by Cullinan et al. (2019), researchers used information from the National Workplace Surveys (NWS) 2009. At the same time, logistic regression was utilized with the purpose to model a binary dependent variable. Furthermore, considering that the sample size of this article included responses from 5110 employees from Ireland, research findings can be considered relevant (Cullinan et al., 2019). Accordingly, the study design and methods used by researchers are appropriate for the purposes of the study.

The article critique should also include information regarding qualitative approaches that could be used to address the research problem. In this case, there is a variety of qualitative techniques that could have been used by researchers. For instance, a mix of observations, interviews, and focus groups could have been taken into account. However, each of the methods highlighted above has its specific advantages and disadvantages for the research. For example, interviews would provide more comprehensive information about the correlation between bullying and work-related stress. At the same time, researchers would not be able to analyze the responses of over 5000 individuals. Therefore, a small sample size would make the research findings less accurate. In turn, the method of observations could have been used in order to record cases of bullying. Nevertheless, researchers would not be able to determine the connection between workplace bullying and stress in this case.

In the context of the discussion section, the research study conducted by Cullinan et al. (2019) successfully restates the result in plain language and demonstrates their significance for the whole topic. Researchers divided this section into three large subsections, such as main findings, policy implications, and limitations. In the first subsection, comprehensive information about the way findings fit within existing literature is provided. In fact, researchers highlight that a positive relationship between plays an essential role for individual and organizational health. This conclusion is based on an analysis of data from the National Workplace Surveys. Simultaneously, the policy implications section has made a considerable contribution to the general understanding of the way the Irish regulatory body influences workplace bullying rates. According to researchers, it is tremendously important to implement interventions on preventing bullying and stress in workplaces. For example, the establishment of a clear code of behavior is one of the most effective methods that can be used to achieve this goal.

When it comes to limitations, this section suggests directly how some of the study weaknesses can be corrected in future research. First, researchers state that the main limitation of this article is that the study relies on self-reported data. In other words, findings are likely to be impacted by common method variance. Second, taking into account that researchers aimed to conduct research on the basis of a large sample size and a rich array of variables, they used information from the database from 2009. On the one hand, there were no other large databases that could be used in this article. On the other hand, research findings cannot be considered fully accurate as the selected database is not relevant anymore. However, the theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed in this section, which is a significant advantage for the study.

In turn, the article contains a combination of all sections that are essential for a highly qualitative research paper. For example, the study includes abstract, introduction, statement of the problem, limitations, methodology, literature review, and discussion section. Nevertheless, the conclusion section is missed in the paper, which makes the process of reading and analyzing the paper incomplete. Therefore, in addition to the discussion sections, it would be crucial to include a conclusion section that summarizes the main findings and provides recommendations for future research in this field. Moreover, it would be vital to condense the introductory section and include the information from this part of the paper into the literature review section. In this way, readers would be able to navigate through the paper more effectively.

At the same time, the authors statements are clear, which helps readers perceive the information in the appropriate manner. The authors core assumptions were that bullying is one of the primary contributors to work-related stress. As a result, analysis of a large-size database has confirmed this assumption. Furthermore, researchers use simple words and active voice throughout the entire paper in order to make the text direct and concise. Therefore, potential misunderstandings are avoided, thereby offering readers the opportunity to incorporate theoretical information into practice successfully. Thus, by reading this article, the target audience will not have to spend excessive time and mental energy processing and parsing presented content.

Finally, it is crucial to note that researchers have been objective in their discussion of the topic from different perspectives. First, the authors did vast amounts of research in order to help support their ideas. Subsequently, readers can find evidence-based facts and data in this paper. Second, Cullinan et al. (2019) use opposing views with the purpose to represent different approaches to addressing the problem of work-related stress. Third, researchers refrain from using personal pronouns, which increases the quality of the whole study. Lastly, considering that authors avoid contractions, they avoid informal writing. Finally, the lack of personal feelings or biases in the paper makes this piece of information objective for the overall audience, as well as other scientists and researchers.


Accordingly, bullying has become one of the main social issues in different areas of life, including education and the workplace. It is assumed that this problem is way more prevalent among underage individuals, although grown-up individuals also use force and threat to abuse others. Taking into consideration that people usually work in small or large groups, this environment provides a variety of opportunities for the development of bullying. As a result, when people are bullied, they are likely to face numerous complications for their mental health, including stress. In turn, stress is a major contributor to depression and anxiety that significantly lower the quality of personal and professional life. Therefore, the connection between workplace bullying and stress has become one of the most discussed topics among researchers operating in the area of sociology.

In order to test the association between bullying and work-related stress, Cullinan et al. (2019) conducted a research study using information from a major national survey of employees in Ireland. The authors of the article created a list of appropriate questions that representatives of the Irish population had to answer. For example, questions were related to personal experience of bullying in the past six months, assessment of its effect on the mental health, and development of stress on the basis of this problem. Analysis of responses of over 5000 local employees has helped researchers to conclude that people facing episodes of bullying are more likely to be affected by stress. Subsequently, the authors of this piece of information recommend implementing interventions that reduce the impact of bullying on the well-being of employees. For instance, the establishment of a clear code of behavior is one of the best methods to improve the working environment.

Simultaneously, article critique is an excellent way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a specific article, as well as determine the author provided reasonable arguments and facts for their main points. Evaluation of the research study conducted by Cullinan et al. (2019) demonstrates a high level of objectivity, large sample size, high-quality research methods, and the lack of publication bias. When it comes to the weaknesses of this article, it is crucial to take into account the old database and the fact that the study relies on self-reported data. Furthermore, the structure of the research study could have been improved. For instance, it would be essential to include a conclusion section summarizing the main findings of the article. Thus, in spite of some weaknesses, this article can be used to address the problem of workplace bullying linked to stress. Consequently, the productivity of organizations will increase, whereas employees will improve their emotional well-being.


Cullinan, J., Hodgins, M., Hogan, V., McDermott, M., & Walsh, S. (2019). Bullying and work-related stress in the Irish workplace. Societies, 9(1), 15. Web.

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