Category: 1950s

  • Essay on Marriage in the 1950s Compared to Today

    A typical child in the post-World War 2 period was more likely to be born into a more traditional or nuclear family setting consisting of two parents who were married. It was unlikely that their mother worked outside the family home and their father, who was considered the head of the household, would have worked…

  • Essay on Marriage in the 1950s

    The 1950s were an inauspicious time for women. It was an era that birthed the ideology of living the post-war suburban dream, in which a womans place was to serve and obey their husband, often suppressing their needs and desires to marry, bear children, and run a household. Womens social standing at the time was…

  • Influence of Rock and Roll and Television on American Society in the 1950s

    The 1950s was referred to as the Golden Age, during this time America was trying to rebuild society because of the war. This was a time for people to unite and come up with ideas that would recover society. Then came the 50s which was significant because it introduced rock and roll and television. Baby…

  • Two Americas in the 1950s and 1960s: Critical Essay

    Two Americas: one of economic opportunity, prosperity, and equality, and the other of the ugliness of discrimination and poverty. This was the ever-present theme in the atmosphere of the 1950s and 60s. Three weeks before his assassination, Martin Luther King prominently and correctly claimed that America has failed to hear that the plight of the…

  • Essay on Marriage in the 1950s Compared to Today

    A typical child in the post-World War 2 period was more likely to be born into a more traditional or nuclear family setting consisting of two parents who were married. It was unlikely that their mother worked outside the family home and their father, who was considered the head of the household, would have worked…

  • Essay on Marriage in the 1950s

    The 1950s were an inauspicious time for women. It was an era that birthed the ideology of living the post-war suburban dream, in which a womans place was to serve and obey their husband, often suppressing their needs and desires to marry, bear children, and run a household. Womens social standing at the time was…

  • Essay on Divorce Rates in 1950s

    The concept of family has been a topic of considerable discussion for social scientists. In particular, they have analyzed the changes and continuity that are happening within family structures. Family is defined as a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption (Richardson,1993). From a sociological aspect, changes in the family are a result…

  • Disneyland as a Major Discovery of the 1950s Discovery Decade

    Discovery is a better name for the 1950s, thanks in part to the Disneyland theme park. The popularity of Disneyland helped Walt Disney spread happiness and joy during a decade of discovery. Disneyland in California was first opened in 1955 by WED Enterprises. Disney created his theme park to make his visitors feel that Disneyland…

  • Essay on 1950s Black Fashion

    With the end of the Second World War in 1945, came the revival of romanticism and haute couture within the world of fashion. After a period of rationing everything from food to fabrics and styles such as the Utility Dress being the trend during the war, the revival of romanticism was greatly welcomed by many.…

  • Effects of Consumerism in the 1950s Essay

    The growth and spread of consumerism was a mass culture ideology that was accepted by many due to the promises it gave and how it reshaped the economy. Consumerism has been implemented into American society since the 1920s when Herbert Hoover was in office. Consumerism in the 1950s was a cultural ideology that, in addition…