Category: 21st Century

  • Concept of Auto-Ethnography: Critical Analysis

    Childhood trauma will have an instantaneous, immediate, and probably overwhelming impact on the power of the ability of a child to learn. This issue is usually ignored by our education system because the child doesnt know how to speak out. When I was a child, literacy was an important part of education where learning starts…

  • Critical Art History and Modern Art Literature: General Overview

    The global modern art introduces to the readers about the artists, art movements, debates, and theoretic positions that have shaped contemporary art and the modern era worldwide. It does bring together critical art history and modern art literature. The history of modern art has been repositioned and connected with global art history. Elaine O’Brien is…

  • Opinion Essay on Importance of NATO in 21st Century

    An international organisation is an organisation founded by treaties controlled by international laws and owning its legal personality. John McCormick defines it as a body that promotes voluntary cooperation and coordination between or among its members. Member nations decide how the organisation is managed, cast votes within it, and finance it. The first attempt to…

  • How Pakistan is Fighting Coronavirus

    As I entered the mosque, the maulvi was winding up his Friday sermon that is shortly followed by the jummah prayer. He concluded by praising Allah and the Prophet for teaching us, the Muslims, about how to be safe from epidemics and diseases. He emphasised that wudu, the obligatory Islamic ablution before each of the…

  • Comparison of 20th and 21st Century Songwriting English

    Music is sound that is composed in such a way that contains rhythm, song, and harmony, especially sounds that is produced by instruments and can produce rhythm. Although music is a kind of intuition, phenomenon, to create, improve and present it is an art form. The reason I chose this topic is because music is…

  • How Coronavirus Lockdowns Continue to Suppress European Pollution

    The pollution in European nations is reducing day by day due to lock downs because of corona virus. People are staying home. The causes of pollution are no more. People are not going out to through wastes that is a cause of pollution. They are not burning fuels. Hence the rate of pollution is being…

  • Coronavirus VS Project Unity

    As a culture, the human race has been plagued by various problems in both general well-being and relationships. We have fought wars of the humankind, wars born of greed and disunity. We’ve also fought wars of nature, battles against our own biology. The human race is fighting one such war right now. But all wars…

  • Being a Man in 2019

    I feel being a man in 2019 is as complicated as ever. Let me start by talking about one of the things I believe are not talked about as much, mental health. Sadness, anger, happiness and fear are the four basic emotions we feel as humans. Of these four emotions, happiness is considered the most…

  • Survival of Print Media in the Twenty-First Century: Analytical Essay

    Print media is an important and cheapest source of communication. The print side of things has declined in recent years. Part of the decline is due simply to technological advancement. The Internet has been one of the major reasons print media has declined in readership in the past decade. Even large daily newspapers arent able…

  • Measles And Anti-vaxxers

    Rationale Advances in medical technology has had countless positive impacts on the health and wellbeing of humans. In fact, life expectancies have more than doubled, with a predicted age of 30 in the 1900s rising to approximately 70 years in the 21st century (Rosser, 2015). The eradication and prevention of cases and outbreaks of infectious…