Category: Abraham Lincoln

  • American Civil War in Lincolns Gettysburg Address

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction The Greatness of the Civil War Conclusion Reference List Abstract The American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865. Without a doubt, it is one of the darkest political upheavals in the history of the United States. However, the remarkable war led to the collapse of the Confederacy States thus…

  • Abraham Lincoln and the Second Revolution

    The first chapter of the book Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution by James M. McPherson touches on the subject of the so-called second Revolution. One of the main arguments is the comparison of the events of the 1860s and the events of the first American Revolution (McPherson, 1992). Among other things, the author…

  • Reconstruction Under Lincoln, Radical Republicans, and Johnson

    Reconstruction under Lincoln The goal of president Abraham Lincoln was the unification of the divided country. Having survived the assassination attempt, Lincoln proceeded with his plan to reintegrate the Confederate states into the nation. This led to them receiving proper representation in Congress. Having former confederates among the supporters would enable the president to oppose…

  • Abraham Lincoln: A Historical Leader

    Birth The man who was to become one of the greatest Presidents in the entire history of the United States was born on February 12, 1809, in the state of Kentucky. Lincolns family was far from affluent, and young Abraham was definitely not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. A contemporary observer noted…

  • Abraham Lincoln: The Best President of the 19th Century

    Table of Contents Introduction A Brief History The Civil War The Abolishment of Slavery The Vindication of Democracy The Enactment of Revolutionary Acts Conclusion References Introduction The 19th century is one of the most distinctive and pivotal periods in the political history of the United States. It marks an era during which America addressed the…

  • American Civil War and Abraham Lincolns Presidency

    Table of Contents Advantages The North and South Had at The Outset of The Civil War Abraham Lincolns Position on Secession President Lincolns Leadership Legacy Effects of The Civil War References The American Civil War was a watershed instant in our countrys history. Ten thousand battles were fought across the globe between 1861 and 1865…

  • Abraham Lincolns Approach to Reconstruction

    Regarding the differences between three main approaches to reconstruction, it is worth mentioning that Abraham Lincoln has urged his contemporaries to restore the Union from the onset of the actual war. Thus, his efforts could only be characterized as rapid. The main difference between Lincolns 10 percent plan and the two other reconstruction initiatives laid…

  • Lincolns Plan for Reconstruction

    The Civil War has been a horrible experience for all American citizens, so its end should have been conclusive about the central matters of the conflict. Namely, the issue of slavery and the fate of former Confederate states were to be addressed as quickly as possible, yet with sufficient reason. So, President Lincoln devised a…

  • Lincolns 2nd Inaugural Address and Biblical Perspective

    There have been many great and charismatic leaders and famous personalities in the history of America. However, what distinguishes both the culture and the mentality of Americans from the rest of the world is their close connection with faith and the divine. Together, these two phenomenaspirituality and religiosity and charisma and leadershipgave rise to one…

  • Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address Speech

    President Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address was delivered on the stage to a crowd of approximately 30,000 to 40,000 people. The audience contained the general population and government officials involved in the countrys military, political, and bureaucratic aspects. In addition, the speakers discussed the well-being and future of slaves; hence people of unfortunate fate were…