Category: Adam Smith

  • Adam Smith’s View of Wealth and Virtue

    Wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions or money. In other means such as the plentiful supplies of a particular resource. When one asks themselves, What is wealth?, people immediately think of money. They think of nice cars and big houses. People think of power and the ability to have control over others, and money…

  • Adam Smith Vs Karl Marx: A Comparative Essay on Their Key Thoughts

    Adam Smith was an eighteenth-century scholar eminent as the dad of modern economics, and a noteworthy defender of free enterprise monetary arrangements. In his first book, ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiments’, Smith proposed the possibility of an undetectable handthe inclination of free markets to manage themselves by several methods such as rivalry, free market activity,…

  • What Did Adam Smith Think the State Should Do and Why?

    As a laissez-faire economist, Adam Smith believed in the importance of the free, competitive market. However, he also recognized the importance of the state in maintaining order in society. Adam Smith believed that it was the states duty to protect society from the violence and invasion from other societies (Sandmo, 2011, pp. 55). He analyzed…

  • Adam Smith’s Key Ideas in ‘Off the Rent of the Land’

    In this paper, I will discuss the ideas of Adam Smith in his book An Inquiry into The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, specifically, chapter 11 in the first book which is called Off the Rent of the Land. The chapter is divided into four parts: off the produce of land which…

  • Significance of Adam Smith’s Principles

    When the great economist and philosopher Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations and Moral Sentiments he could not have foreseen the profound and enduring impact these works were to have on society. Yet, a quarter of a millennium later, students are exploring his work and examining their impacts on society. How can this be?…

  • Adam Smith and Karl Marx: Compare and Contrast

    Introduction: The Economic Titans – Adam Smith and Karl Marx Only a few people in our history can be credited to have radically transformed the functioning of societies and systems. Among them are Scottish philosopher, Adam Smith and German revolutionary, Karl Marx. In 1776, Smith published his magnum opus entitled An Inquiry into the Nature…