Category: Addiction

  • Problem of the Alcohol Addiction in Modern Families

    Introduction Over the recent past, the problem associated with alcohol abuse and addiction has increased. The increasing cases of alcoholism, also known as addiction, have led to a rising concern and a research on its challenges and remedies. It is important to note that alcoholism is a disease that requires treatment and close attention. Families…

  • Remedies for Marijuana Addiction

    Table of Contents Introduction Definition Conclusion Reference Introduction Every community has a given limit of tolerance that is accorded to the behavior and conduct of its people and this is guided by moral, spiritual and legal principles. When an individual behaves in a manner that contravenes these set guidelines he is said to be deviant…

  • Support Services and the Case Review: Drug and Alcohol Addiction

    The List of Support Services Psychiatrists or Physicians Specializing in Addiction Treatment Fritz Jean-Noel, Psychiatrist, MD Sophia H. Zaretsky, Psychiatrist, MD These psychiatrists work with such issues as alcohol abuse, drug addiction, depression, stress, psychosis, and anxiety while proposing different types of therapies, including cognitive-behavioral and cognitive processing therapies. It is important to note that…

  • Prescription Opioid Addiction in the United States

    Prescription Opioid Addiction (POA) is now viewed by many as a serious epidemic in the United States. Approximately 2.5 million of Americans over 12 years old abused opioids in 2012, and this trend is still increasing (Volkow et al. 2064). Additionally, the country has seen an increase in the number of older teenagers and young…

  • The Problem of Drug Use and Heroin Addiction in US

    Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion because increased levels of drug abuse are…

  • People with Addiction and Substance Use Disorder

    Questions and Answers How has this presentation influenced the care you will provide to this population? Why? Adult patients with opioid addiction need special care and regular monitoring by a professional healthcare provider. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (2016), more than 435,000 young and older adults suffer from heroin, and approximately 4.3…

  • Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction by Choate

    Clarity of Article in the Abstract, Introduction, and Its Title The article under review revolves around the issue of drug addiction among teenagers and its effects on their respective families. Remarkably, drug addiction is a problem that continues to affect several contemporary families (Campa, Martinez, & Baum, 2017; Knudsen, 2018; Bhat, 2016). Right from the…

  • Role of Internet in Internet Addiction

    The concern that individuals may become obsessed with medium pre-dates the Internet. The use of the term addiction, particularly when referring to heavy internet users, is controversial (Kuss et al. 1989). It has drawn the attention of social scientists, medical professionals, and American Psychiatric Association (APA). At one point, APA argued that excessive use of…

  • Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention

    Among scientists, discussions are developing about addictions nature, which can affect ways to get rid of it. Some experts express their opinion that addiction is not a disease that needs to be fought with treatment but is a habit. Another part of experts approaches addiction as a chronic disease that affects the brain (memory, motivation,…

  • How Opioid Addiction Impact Young Kids

    Research Question How does opioid addiction affect young kids today? In the United States, unintentional deaths are common, and they are caused by drug abuse, and opioids play a major role in these deaths. Young and old people in the communities are affected by opioid addiction. Young adults are overdosing on opioids, and the number…