Category: Adolescence

  • Adolescence and Sexuality: Girls and Boys Sexual and Emotional Experiences

    Table of Contents Introduction Girls and Boys Experiences Similarities Stereotypes Conclusion References Introduction Sex, romantic and intimate relationships for most teens today begin at a relatively early age. In particular, scientists note that the first sexual contact, whether casual sex or sex in relationships occurs in most teenagers before their senior years (Orenstein, 2016). Then,…

  • Identity Establishment in Adolescence and Its Relation to Conflict

    Abstract For adolescents identity development appears to be an essential issue. Identity can be seen as a combination of commitments that influence the behavioral patterns of adolescents. Therefore, this research paper examines contemporary studies intended to discover whether an identity search affects conflicts between adolescents and their parents. Literature suggests that identity development is linked…

  • The Beginning of Life (Conception) Through Adolescence

    Conception is the process by which a spermatozoon, which is a male germ cell, released from testis penetrates the ovum released from the ovary of a female and fuses with it fertilizing it. During fertilization, both the ovum and the sperm disintegrate and release their genetic content leading to formation of a new cell nucleus…

  • Sexuality and Gender-Related Behavior During Adolescence

    Introduction The adolescent stage of development is essential as the time when valuable social and cognitive skills are acquired. Moreover, at this step, a person learns new about ones body, experiences physical and hormonal changes, and displays individual sexual characteristics for the first time. Adolescents are often viewed as a difficult age group due to…

  • The Perspectives of Adolescence: Examining the Insights From Two Generations

    Summary The period of adolescence is a highly significant timeframe for individual growth. As the person transitions into adulthood, the experiences and ideas obtained during the younger years can greatly impact future emotional and psychological development. Reflecting on adolescent memories is a crucial part of future growth, and it is essential for any individual to…

  • The Effect of Adolescence on Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Changes in Peer Relationships in Middle Childhood and Adolescence Aspects of Adolescent Egocentrism Pressures Often Faced in Adolescence Conclusion References Introduction Adolescence, as a stage of both physical and psychological development of a human being, is a crucial phase in the lifespan. It is at this time when teenagers become mature…

  • The Beginning of Life (Conception) Through Adolescence

    Conception is the process by which a spermatozoon, which is a male germ cell, released from testis penetrates the ovum released from the ovary of a female and fuses with it fertilizing it. During fertilization, both the ovum and the sperm disintegrate and release their genetic content leading to formation of a new cell nucleus…

  • Addressing Teenage Obesity in America

    Obesity is one of the central issues in the United States affecting all human developmental phases. Adolescence is vulnerable and to some extent fragile period of an individuals existence. Teenagers tend to exaggerate and set various priorities from those in adulthood. Obesity affects about 14.4 million children and teenagers altogether, which is 19.3% of the…

  • Adolescence as a Stage of Psychological Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Although each person has a unique life trajectory, there are general psychosocial and biological changes that every individual experiences once they reach a certain age. The field of psychology has identified roughly five phases of human development: infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and middle-late adulthood. The third,…

  • Escaping the Endless Adolescence by Joseph Allen

    Table of Contents Introduction Slow Maturity in Modern Teenagers Solution Conclusion Reference List Introduction Teenage is considered to be the most important stage of development. This stage has a very significant role in an individuals physical and psychological development. It is commonly agreed that the kind of life that an individual lives at this stage…