Category: Adolescence

  • Adolescence: Developmental Changes

    Adolescence is associated with significant changes determining the persons overall development. During this period of life, there are physiological and psychological transformations that influence adulthood. Adolescents are inclined to extremes in behavior, the demonstration of specific conduct patterns, and variability in character changes. Brain development, self-identity, and hormonal changes are important factors for such traits.…

  • Adolescence: Developmental Theories

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Piagets and Ericksons Theories of Development Conclusion References Introduction Adolescence is a transition period, and these changes may be so drastic that parents question whether they are witnessing normal adolescent behavior or reason for alarm. Sometimes, adolescents do not wholly comprehend the repercussions of their behaviors. Parents need to realize…

  • Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood

    Identifying the stages of development, which an individual passes, is essential for the further analysis of ones progress and the location of the possible issues that may impede the further evolution, including intellectual, emotional and spiritual ones. Although it is traditionally presumed that the adoption of one of the theories suggested by different scholars, particularly,…

  • Conduct Disorder in Adolescence

    Explain conduct disorder in adolescence to include symptomology, duration, and social factors Conduct disorder refers to a collection of antisocial behaviors exhibited by adolescents that infringe on the rights of other people and that defy societal norms (Reavy, Stein, Quina, & Paiva, 2014). These behaviors are repetitive and persistent in nature. Research studies have revealed…

  • Adolescence Perception in Nancy Leskos Study

    Introduction Adolescence is, probably, one of the most discussed periods of human development. The approaches to the problem of adolescence change over time and Nancy Lesko provides a provocative analysis of the issue which became an accepted approach to observing adolescents. Thus, what is the essence of her methodology known as history of the present…

  • Adolescence as a Stage of Psychological Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Although each person has a unique life trajectory, there are general psychosocial and biological changes that every individual experiences once they reach a certain age. The field of psychology has identified roughly five phases of human development: infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and middle-late adulthood. The third,…

  • Homosexuality and Adolescence Development

    Transgender disorders and homosexuality The development of a human being can be listed among the most interesting questions that have been discussed during the course. In general, this question under consideration is even more essential because it involves ethical concerns and refers to the right of people to be understood and accepted by human society…

  • Adolescence from Developmental Perspective

    The adolescent period is commonly considered to be paradoxical due to the cognitive changes that young people undergo during this period. Hence, this age is notable for the development of formal cognitive operations that allow adolescents to construct the so-called contrary to fact propositions (Coleman, 2011, p. 41). The appearance of the new cognitive option…

  • Escaping the Endless Adolescence by Joseph Allen

    Table of Contents Introduction Slow Maturity in Modern Teenagers Solution Conclusion Reference List Introduction Teenage is considered to be the most important stage of development. This stage has a very significant role in an individuals physical and psychological development. It is commonly agreed that the kind of life that an individual lives at this stage…

  • Depression in Adolescence as a Contemporary Issue

    Table of Contents Depression in Adolescents Assessment Support Options Conclusion References Today, teenagers encounter several challenging issues; depression is one of them. This disorder affects young peoples mental state significantly and may interfere with their daily activities, reducing the quality of their lives, and decreasing their academic performance. This paper discusses depression in adolescents, its…