Category: Adulthood

  • Stages of Development Adulthood

    Adults undergo several developmental stages including early, middle, and later adulthood. As they develop through these phases, they experience different health concerns and are forced to adjust to several changes in their bodies and personality (Bourisly, 2016). Some of the changes include how people relate and whom they relate to as well as the roles…

  • Development Stage: Early Adulthood

    Introduction Early adulthood is one of the age-related stages of life, considering people in the age of twenty to forty. The phase is characterized by the individuals transiting from late adolescence who are determined to have a well-defined identity and lead a responsible life. They engage in various developmental tasks, including establishing personality, achievement of…

  • Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood

    Aging is a part of human life and entails not only physiological but also psychological, emotional, and social changes. First of all, negative or positive perception of this process depends on social connections and support, as well as a persons attitude. Socioemotional development in late adulthood can vary depending on a persons qualities, lifestyle, and…

  • Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood

    The issue of poverty is a major one that affects societies across all nations. The selected theory is functionalism, and it views the social unit as a well-organized system comprised of structural and functional elements (Zastrow et al., 2019). According to the given perspective, poverty is a dysfunctional aspect of interrelated components, which is the…

  • Childhood Attachment Patterns and Behaviors in Adulthood

    Childhood attachment patterns influence their behaviors in adulthood. Attachment refers to a close emotional bond that children develop with their caregivers. Secondly, children develop different attachments and exhibit them in different ways. Psychologists argue that attachment styles depict how children interact with their parents, and they have recognized four main types of attachment styles. These…

  • Developmental Transitions in Young Adulthood

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction An individuals mental health is one of the major determinants of his/her well-being. The recent years, there has been a tendency toward the emergence of numerous problems in the given sphere. Stress, high speed of life, and social pressure impact people and their quality of life.…

  • Young Adulthood in Developmental Psychology

    Table of Contents Dialogue Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Dialogue I happened to meet 17 year old Ryan at one the sessions in his school. To my greeting him, he responded warmly by wishing me back and taking his seat. I: Shall we start by my asking this: What are your hobbies? Ryan: Football. I spend…

  • Human Development in Early Adulthood

    During their life, a person goes through many development stages, each associated with specific activities. At the moment, like many of my acquaintances, I am in my early adulthood. This period is significantly different from the previous stage, adolescence, primarily due to the many opportunities that open up (Huffman et al., 2018). By this time,…

  • Personal Development During Middle Adulthood

    Identifying specific stages in personal development is essential to understanding the changes that one goes through. As a result, the problems that one may face at the specified time slots become easily identifiable and addressable. To evaluate the efficacy of the models suggested by Erikson, Vaillant, Levinson, and Peck, two interviews with a male and…

  • Brain Development in Early Adulthood

    Although many people believe that a human brain stops to develop after childhood, it continues to evolve throughout ones lifespan. The constant process of brain development is a primary reason for many researchers to believe that early adulthood should be considered another life-stage of prolonged adolescence (Hochberg & Konner, 2020, p. 1). The two main…