Category: African American

  • Social Sciences: African American Stereotypes

    Table of Contents Introduction Media stereotypes Gender role stereotypes Racial stereotypes Conclusion Reference List Introduction Dating back to the colonial years of settlement, stereotypes have been part of America especially after inheriting slavery. Stereotypes of African Americans can be traced back to as early as in the first films and were modernized throughout film history.…

  • African American Females Experiences in Community Colleges

    Introduction In spite of the fact that African American women are traditionally discussed as the underrepresented population in colleges and universities of the United States, nowadays, it is possible to observe a positive tendency in this sphere. Thus, by 2010, more than 65 percent of African American women had obtained a bachelors degree while referring…

  • The African American Nurse: Discrimination Case From the Elderly Patients

    Table of Contents Abstract Scenario Introduction Key Problems and Issues Insight into the Scenario Conclusion Reference List Abstract This paper delves into the case of Lana, a young African American nurse that is experiencing discrimination from the elderly patients that she is taking care of in a retirement home in Mississippi. Due to the cultural…

  • Racial Profiling of African American Drivers

    Have you ever wondered how to behave on the road while being an African American male? Driving while black is a concept that is widely used by journalists and bloggers to draw the audiences attention to the problem of racial profiling (Epp, Maynard-Moody, & Haider-Markel, 2014; Legewie, 2016). Even though much effort has been made…

  • Melvin Tolson and Toni Morrison: African American Equality

    Table of Contents Introduction African American Equality Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Like African-American culture, African American literature got spurred by the harsh realities of life that the Black community went through in North America. During these times, Whites subjected Blacks to severe pressures, which inadvertently eroded their African identity. In particular, the notion that blacks…

  • Racism Against African Americans as a Social Construct

    Abstract Racism in the US was explained in this paper using Meads theory of the generalized other and Simmels concept of the stranger. Meads theory indicated that marginalized communities often adopt the ideals of dominant groups in society to get acceptance. This makes the minority disenchanted since they have to acquire a new identity and…

  • Breaking Barriers Program: African American Women

    Abstract To evaluate the program Breaking Barriers: African American Women in Science effectively, it is necessary to concentrate on quantitative data and qualitative sources of information to conclude on the need for the program and its social impact and effectiveness. Program Evaluation: Data Sources The public program Breaking Barriers: African American Women in Science is…

  • African American Women in Science

    Abstract Science is one of fields which are overwhelmed by prejudice and bias especially when it comes to African American females. There are numerous barriers this group of US population has to face. Breaking Barriers: African American Women in Science is aimed at helping these females to pursue scientific careers through inspiration and raising awareness.…

  • African American Minority in the School Workplace

    Interviewing the Minority Interviewer: Student from ABC College Interviewee: Kane Familia, a certified science teacher in a secondary school. Where do you work and is your organization government-based or privately owned? Currently, I am employed as a senior science teacher at a privately owned secondary school. In our school, we maintain a house system that…

  • Are African Americans More Harassed by Police?

    Hypothesis: Members of the African American community are more likely to be harassed by the police than members of other ethnic groups Independent variable: Ethnic affiliation Response Category: Different ethnic groups willing to confess their interaction with the police Dependent variable: Police harassment Response category: Were you harassed by the police when you were flagged…