Category: African American History

  • Brown vs. Board of Education and Its Significance: Essay

    The Brown v. Board of Education case was a huge piece of American history, it was a fight for change in schools and the way they were operated. This was a lengthy process of racial integration, starting with the schools; segregated schools were supposed to be equal, but in fact, were not. Thats when African-American…

  • Malcolm Xs Role in the Black Community

    Introduction Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska, remains one of the most influential African American leaders in the history of the United States. His life story is a testament to the power of transformation and the struggle for racial justice. Malcolm’s early experiences with racism, including the tragic murder…

  • Martin Luther King And The Non-Violent Social Activist Movement For African-Americans

    Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed (Martin Luther King Jr) Martin Luther King Jr is the most well-known pioneer of the non-violent social activist movement for African-Americans. His movements were focused on ending racial discrimination against African-Americans by desegregating public transports, public parks and schools where…

  • The Importance of Malcolm X Ideas

    What a coincidence that this weeks reading coincides with the anniversary of Malcom Xs death. Fifty-five years ago on February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated. The Autobiography of Malcom X is by far one of the most influential books that Ive read in my life; I want to take some time to reflect on…

  • Why Malcolm X was Assassinated?

    Fifty-five years on, concerns about why Malcolm X was killed by the Nation of Islam are still causing mistrust and tensions between law enforcement agencies and the Black community (Felber 2015). Malcolm X was an American Islamic preacher and human rights activist, assassinated on 21 February 1965. When Malcolm was six years old, his house…

  • The Portrayal of Malcom X as a Leader

    Malcolm X is one of the most influential figures in the history of the United States of America (USA) who lived during a period when the American States experienced great racial tension. He assumed a unique political, social, or economic position that disturbed many Americans especially the whites. Being a black American, Malcolm X remains…

  • The Evolution of Freedom Throughout American History

    Introduction to the Concept of Freedom in American History Freedom, the foundation of American democracy, functions in various ways throughout American history in terms of its definition. The extent to which there has been an evolution in the concept of American freedom has been debated by historians with a variety of opinions. Some argue that…

  • Civil Right Activist: Malcolm X

    After the World Wars when minorities returned from serving their countries, they had realized that nothing change. Minorities veterans still received unequal discriminative treatment triggering a rise of civil rights movements during the time between 1950s  1965s calling it The Decade of Prosperity and Protest. Many historical leaders arose during this decade such as…

  • Black Power of Malcolm X

    The importance of this research paper is to compare and contrast the two speeches made by Malcolm X. The speaker, Malcolm X, constructs himself as a member of the movement. Malcolm X wanted equality among the two races, negroes and caucasians. In the history of the United States, we have had many years of segregation…

  • The Analysis of Malcolm X and his Autobiography

    By the end of the Autobiography of Malcolm X, Malcolm is made out to seem like a saint, when in reality that doesnt seem to be the case. At the time that the book was being viewed as a bad guy, especially compared to Martin Luther King Jr, so maybe this book was written as…