Category: Alternative Energy

  • Renewable Energy: Proposal Argument and Mind Map

    Topic Global warming has become a pressing concern for the global community, as developed societies have reached critical levels of environmental impact. Until recently, humanity has laid an emphasis on economic growth and progress, considering these aspects to be the key to a prosperous society of the future. Nevertheless, as the impact of various industries…

  • Renewable Energy: Current State, Enablers, and Barriers

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Sustainability Current state Renewable Grid Enablers Economic Barriers Social and Political Barriers Conclusion References Introduction The ideas of climate change have been at the center of major debates in recent years. Despite the evident signs of ongoing transformations on a global scale, some people deny its presence. Nevertheless, both personal…

  • Renewable Energy: Benefits Outweigh Downfalls

    Renewable technology is becoming increasingly popular in todays world. These inventions are often presented as alternative eco-friendly solution that eliminates fossil fuels. However, some of these alternatives also have negative aspects. It is essential for humans to consider both pros and cons. Using alternative energy sources has a more positive environmental impact than negative ones,…

  • Renewable Energy: Economic and Health Benefits

    Table of Contents Economic Concerns Health Concerns Conclusion Works Cited The United States of America is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carbon-based fuels that are extracted from the remains of ancient plants and animal matter. Examples of fossil fuels are: 1) crude oil; 2) coal; and 3) natural gas. It is high…

  • Renewable Energy Sources for Saudi Arabia

    Introduction In the modern age, the transition to renewable energy sources may be inevitable. The continuous depletion of oil, environmentally unsafe measures of resource gathering and utilization, as well as the technological advances in the field of alternative energy, have shown that traditional energy sources are not going to be viable for much longer. Countries…

  • Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Alternative Energy

    Biofuels Every organism requires energy to function (Concepts of Biology, n.d.). The technological inventions made throughout history require energy as well. In the era of advances and improvements, the life of every individual becomes more comfortable; however, the environment suffers. Nowadays, the vast majority of people have a car, and the level of air pollution…

  • Bio-Based Materials: Alternative Energy

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Conclusion References Introduction With the world economies improving and expanding at an alarming rate, individual government are more than ever before challenged by the task of dwindling natural resources, and this has led to the questioning of exactly how sustainable such resources are. In fact, the issue of environmental sustainability…

  • Future of 100% Renewable Energy

    Aghahosseini, Arman, et al. Analysing the Feasibility of Powering the Americas with Renewable Energy and Inter-Regional Grid Interconnections by 2030. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 105, 2019, pp. 187-205. The authors of this academic article investigate the future of renewable green energy in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.…

  • Green Energy and Carbon Capture

    Table of Contents Introduction Green Energy Carbon Capture and Storage Conclusion Works Cited Introduction For a very long time, human beings relied mostly on natural sources of energy, including solar, wind, and water resources (Jeffs 1). Oil and coal were also used for the same purpose. As a result of population increase and the onset…

  • Usage of Alternative Energy

    Contents Introduction Alternative energy and the environment Alternative source of energy usage in Brazil and United States Politics associated with alternative sources of energy Importance of international meetings, treaties and agreements Works Cited Introduction Alternative energy is a term used to describe any source of energy that replaces the usage of fuel as the source…