Category: Alternative Energy

  • Full Renewable Energy Plan Feasibility: 2030-2040

    Global warming has become a pressing concern for the global community, as developed societies have reached critical levels of environmental impact. As the impact of various industries on the environment has attained a global and barely deniable level, new perspectives have been introduced. More specifically, humanity has come to realize that the comfort and development…

  • Renewable Energy in Japan: Clean Energy Transition

    Introduction One of the worlds largest renewable energy markets lies in Japan, as the vision is for long-term growth potential. Renewable energy in Japan became significantly important after the Fukushima Daiichi and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011. This event made Japan rethink its reliance on nuclear power as it was very costly, making Japan…

  • Installing Solar Panels to Reduce Energy Costs

    Purpose This proposal was prepared by Stephen Smith from the Procurement and Budgeting department of Crumbs Bakery. The purpose of this proposal is to request approval to conduct investigations to establish the importance of installing solar panels to reduce energy costs that form a huge part of the expenses of this company. Also, it intends…

  • The Use of Renewable Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Table of Contents Introduction Advantages and Disadvantages to the Use of Renewable Energy Conclusion Reference List Introduction Todays world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming by producing large quantities of CO2. However, with…

  • Solar Energy and Its Impact on Environment

    Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Research Methodology Findings Conclusions Recommendations References Executive Summary Solar energy is a sustainable source of energy because low levels of environmental pollution are associated with its use. The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of solar energy on the environment. The major positive impact is the…

  • Renewable Energy Sources: Definition, Types and Stocks

    Introduction This research report analyzes the growing interest of the use renewable energy as an alternative to the non-renewable energy. In the past, the world has totally relied on traditional energy sources like gas, oil, and coal. The global growth of industrialization in the entire world especially in China, India, and developed countries like Japan,…

  • Wind Energy as an Alternative Source

    Table of Contents Introduction History of Wind Energy Utilization Current Status and Potential Advantages of Wind Power Limitations of Wind Energy Conclusion References Appendix Introduction This universe is composed of Matter and Energy. The genius of the last century, rather than the civilization Albert Einstein showed that the two  matter and energy are two…

  • Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Green technologies are dominating the global communitys discussion of sustainable energy generation. Renewable energy sources, with solar energy being one of the most feasible and affordable, are being supported and invested into by governments to instigate a new environment-friendly technology for sustainable energy (Iravani et al., 2017). One of the advantages of solar energy is…

  • Renewable Energy Sources: Popularity and Benefits

    Energy is provided in many forms by nature (Luo and Hong, 2016). We need the energy to perform work and operate other tools. Energy helps us to maintain life in the cities. The sources of energy we rely upon are fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and solar, wind, tidal, and hydroelectric energy (Einspruch, 2013).…

  • Renewable Energy: Why Do We Need It?

    Every day people enjoy the convenience of electricity, heating, and transportation. Many of us cannot imagine our lives without technological inventions such as cars or smartphones. But what are the cost of the progress and the heavy consumption of energy? It is becoming obvious that our 7 billion world population is now depleting the energy…