Category: Amazon

  • Uses of Virtual Private Network in Amazon

    Table of Contents Functions of VPN (Bullet points) Functions of VPN Heightening Security Offers Remote Access Offers Access Control Avoiding Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks Provision of Peace of Mind for Customer Relations Geo Independence References Network technologies have come in handy to allow businesses to share their data and resources over a network with…

  • Cybersecurity in Amazon Business and Its Industry

    Table of Contents Introduction Business Profile Amazons E-commerce Operations Amazons Needs for Cybersecurity Risk and Impact of Cyberattacks on Amazons Operations Conclusion References Introduction Amazon is a multinational investment that deals in end-user products and services. Jeffery Bezos serving as the president and founder launched the online (Amazon) presence in 1995. The organization had its…

  • Infrastructure as a Service by Amazon

    Table of Contents Cloud Computing Amazon as an IaaS Service Provider Conclusion References The demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) services is growing worldwide due to its cost-effectiveness and simplicity of use. While the competition in the sector is high, the sphere is dominated by major providers, which may hurt the competition in the…

  • Cybersecurity for Amazon Web Services Infrastructure

    Table of Contents Introduction Strategies for Improved Security of Services and Data Conclusion References Introduction Amazon is one of the leading competitors and players in the online-based retailing industry. Amazon Web Services is a complex digital infrastructure that supports this corporations business model. It has a database that contains sensitive or confidential information, including credit…

  • Amazon Web Services: Security Practices Review

    Introduction Todays technology is making use of cloud storage to assist firms in transitioning into cloud-based operational standards. At an enterprise level, cloud computing enhances flexibility and cost-efficiency. Cloud computing encounters several issues related to security due to the rapid growth in technology. The default configurations and intrinsic availability of AWS expose it to attackers.…

  • Amazon Flat-Screen TV for Life

    Flat-screen TVs, alongside other products of sustainable development, have been receiving significant attention in recent years. Following this trend, consumers prefer the eco-friendly alternatives to the outdated analog TVs; and flat-screen TVs with reduced energy consumption are the logical solution to the problem. According to the research, if all the energy-inefficient broadcasting devices are substituted…

  • The Amazon Companys Econometric Models

    Modern economic theory, both at the micro and the macro level, ever more complex economic processes have led to the need to create and improve unique methods of study and analysis. At the same time, the use of modeling and quantitative analysis has become widespread. Based on the latter, one of the areas of economic…

  • Message From Jeff Bezos to Amazon Shareholders

    At first sight, Jeff Bezos preference of narratives to PowerPoint presentations may seem to violate some principles of good writing. According to Bailey (2008), a well-written material has to be easy to read, meanwhile, a six-page memo is not. Neither is such a writing likely to attract the reader, which is also essential. However, it…

  • The Amazon Companys Econometric Models

    Modern economic theory, both at the micro and the macro level, ever more complex economic processes have led to the need to create and improve unique methods of study and analysis. At the same time, the use of modeling and quantitative analysis has become widespread. Based on the latter, one of the areas of economic…

  • Determining the Polynomial Model for Amazon

    Table of Contents Introduction The Steps of Creating a Polynomial Model Conclusion Reference Introduction The polynomial model is an integral concept in mathematics, especially in determining relationships. It is a form of regression where the relationship between dependent and independent variables is determined (Fox & Burks, 2019). For example, the model can identify the relationship…