Category: American Dream

  • The American Dream and Social Disorganization

    The concept of the American Dream has always been topical for people in the USA. Today, it remains applicable to coherent society as individuals still have the desire to succeed and acquire multiple benefits. American Dream is the belief that everyone in the state, regardless of the social position, class, or current conditions, can attain…

  • Crumbling American Dream: The Thrive of Capitalism

    Introduction The notion of the American dream has now become a highly individual but yet universal matter. Every person, when asked about their perception of this concept is likely to come up with an answer different from all the others expressed before. However, sometimes these answers can be so exhaustive that others find the support…

  • Ideals of the American Dream

    The American Dream includes many ideals: democracy, liberty, rights, equality, and opportunity. Today I will talk about the last one: about the way, I think, one should own their opportunities. I firmly believe that hard work pays off. Ever since my first job at a supermarket in Produce, I began to understand the value of…

  • American Dream and Poverty in the United States

    Many people argue that US social and economic inequality, routine discrimination, and political problems make the American Dream impossible. However, today the dream of many Americans is not luxury real estate and shares of leading companies, but the ability to choose their own way of life (Engle). The rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution,…

  • Cruel Optimism: Karl Marxs Ideas and the American Dream

    Optimism plays an essential role in the overall approaches to interpreting the world around people. The piece explores the concept of cruel optimism in regard to Karl Marxs ideas and the American Dream. Delusional belief and thinking are the root causes of these underlying issues, which can harm both the one who promotes the view…

  • Social Studies: The American Dreams Concept

    The American dream focuses on making life better for its citizens and immigrants. It entails the aggressiveness instilled in the residents of America once they find themselves in various quagmires of life. The dream aims at improving the living standards of the Americans and other inhabitants by ensuring they seize any opportunity that comes their…

  • The Downside of the American Dream

    Every year thousands of immigrants have been coming to the United States of America in search of a better and happier life. This country promises its citizens a decent life where people have equal rights and opportunities regardless of their ethnicity, race, religion, or social class. This means that every person who is able and…

  • The American Dream and Related Constructs

    Table of Contents Introduction Economic Reasons for the American Dream The Social Construct of the American Dream American Dream in Literature Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The American dream is a complex term that implies multiple values, ideologies, and social consciousness concepts. The American dream penetrated many peoples mindsets and became an unattainable aim to which…

  • Stratification and Social Mobility and its Impact on the American Dream

    This paper introduced the concept of social stratification and mobility in the United States. In the USA, people are categorized into different groups based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, and family ancestry. People further categorize others based on intellectual capabilities, personal and professional skills, appearance as well as achievements. This concept of grouping people…

  • American Dream, Religions and Sikhism

    Table of Contents American Dream and Religions Sikhism Conclusion Works Cited The USA represent a unique cultural phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a country of many cultures, nationalities, and religions co-existing in the same area. On the other hand, any culture that comes from outside the United States falls into the melting pot…