Category: American Dream

  • Can Everyone Achieve the American Dream: Opinion Essay

    America still provides access to the American Dream. Some people might agree with this, but I am not one of those people. In past America probably did provide access to the American Dream. But that was the past, things were different then. Now its hard to reach the American Dream, and America isnt making it…

  • Argumentative Essay on the American Dream and What Defines It

    Most people, if not most of the US, always want to measure the dream at some point in their lives. But the question is, what is the meaning of aspiration, and how can people achieve this vague and illusory realization? The ambition could be a national philosophy or a belief that specifies the best factors…

  • Immigration, Boarders and American Dream

    Immigration shouldnt be a direct implication for families to fear deportation. Immigration deals with low wages, labor exploitation, poverty and many disadvantages in their employment . Borders shouldnt be barriers for families that have U.S citizen family members to be taken apart for indefinite periods of time and children being locked into cages, fosters or…

  • Synthesizing the American Dream: Argumentative Essay

    Immigrants came to America with the intention to live a better life, but they did not get to pursue their dreams. The reason why most dreams were either not pursued or deferred was that they came to America less fortunate than those who were already here. Those who were already in America, aka the Americans,…

  • Freedom Of The American Dream

    Maya Lin, an adored architect, once said, The American Dream is being able to follow your own personal calling. To be able to do what you want to do is incredible freedom. Lin implies the idea that the American Dream is what you envision it to be. She alludes that one’s aspirations should not be…

  • Reflection on American Mindset: Opinion Essay

    The American Mindset is the way Americans think, interact and act socially. These ways are constructed by the things we do daily that vary anywhere from watching tv in our own homes to looking at billboards on the street. The American dream regards having equal opportunities and availabilities which allow Americans the highest aspirations and…

  • What Is the American Dream Essay

    The American Dream is the ideal of equality of opportunity to achieve one’s goals and have a better life. Many people have a dream, but not everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve it. Achieving the American Dream isnt easy because it requires one to work hard and overcome obstacles that occur along the way.…

  • The American Dream in the Great Gatsby

    Introduction: The Illusion of the American Dream Modern American youth are seemingly often delusional about a life filled with promise and self-satisfaction to of which they see suitable for themselves; however, this mere illusion has the capacity to tempt people to advocate towards their aspirations in life and lead them to what is believed to…

  • American Dream in Poems I Hear America Singing and Let America be America Again

    The American Dream is a held belief of aspiration, in which the American people should pursue opportunities towards success through hard work and determination. The Dream acts as an inspiration, by giving Americans a positive outlook for a better tomorrow. In poems, such as Walt Whitmans I Hear America Singing and Let America be America…

  • Illusion Of The American Dream In Death Of A Salesman

    The American delusion that anyone can accomplish economic success and substantial relief lies at the center of Death of a Salesman. Many of the secondary characters attain the dream in different ways. Ben travels off into the outback of Alaska and Africa and happens to come across a diamond mine. Howard Wagner obtains his dream…