Category: American Revolution

  • American Civil War and North-South Confrontation

    Table of Contents Causal Chain Ramifications of the Event Conclusion Works Cited Each country has such events, which have played a fundamental role in its development. In the history of the American people, one such significant event was the American Civil War. Initially, it was a bourgeois-democratic revolution, which had evolved into a war. The…

  • The American Revolution History

    Table of Contents The Factors That Lead the Colonies into the American Revolution Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests Conclusion Works Cited The Factors That Lead the Colonies into the American Revolution Three main factors led the American colonies into the American Revolution. The first factor relates to the so-called French and Indian War. The conflict…

  • The Battle for Atlanta in American Civil War

    Table of Contents The Preamble The Battle for Atlanta Physical Consequences Works Cited The Preamble On September 2, 1864, Atlanta, also known as the gate to the South, fell. This day has become one of the significant turning points in the history of the Civil War and the predecessor of the shortly after Federal military…

  • American History of the Revolution

    Causes of the American Revolution The American Revolution had specific characteristics that distinguished it from many other peoples uprisings occurring in the world before and after it. First, the revolution of 1775-1783 took place on the territory that, in fact, did not experience feudalism as a socio-economic formation (Bailyn, 2017). The local society was democratic…

  • Researching of The Revolutionary War

    The three ideas of interest in Lecture 7 included the Americans patience, ignorance of the British, and the significance of collaboration in overseeing the American Revolutions success. During the First Continental Congress, the Americans did not aim to gain independence from their colonizers. Instead, they focused on amending the policies they deemed oppressive. Moreover, the…

  • American Civil War and Its Predetermination

    Table of Contents Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided? What Seems to Be the Cause of the War Was the Victory of the North Inevitable? Works Cited Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided? To date, the Civil War remains the greatest battle on the U.S. territory and one of the most significant events…

  • Influence of Enlightenment and the Great Awakening on the American Revolution

    The Revolution depicted a period of political and ideological transformation in North America between 1765 and 1783. The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening were important events that facilitated the social change between settlers and British colonizers. Individuals became informed regarding knowledge of natural laws and human rights during the former period before 1715. The latter…

  • Events That Led to the American Revolutionary War

    Several different events and ideas caused the American Revolutionary War (1775  1783). For example, the Proclamation of 1763 was signed by King George III and ended colonial expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains. It irritated numerous Americans who believed that the continent was the land of freedom. Simultaneously, Britain increased its control over the…

  • The American Revolution as a Historical Event

    The British approach to managing its colonies is the main reason behind the quest to gain self-rule by most of them. The strategy differed remarkably from that of the Spanish since they lacked a detailed blueprint on organizing and managing the colonies (McClay 101). This approach was not a choice that the British had made;…

  • American Revolution in Jonathan Bouchers View

    Review From Jonathan Boucher, A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution (1775) The document provides the audience with the position of Jonathan Boucher regarding the situation in America as of 1775. Being an Anglican minister, Boucher was also known as one of the rampant loyalists who called for obedience, loyalty to…