Category: American Revolution

  • American Revolutionary War and Its Challenges

    In 1783 the American Revolutionary War that pitted Americans against Britain in their quest for freedom finally came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris that officially recognized the United States as an independent and sovereign country. This was a culmination of 8 years of war between the two countries and…

  • Sectionalism and Road to American Civil War in 1861

    The American civil war occurred in the United States between the North (Union) and South (Confederacy) between 1861 and 1865. The war led to massive destruction of property and loss of lives. The war started due to many differences between the North and the South regarding economic development, social and political opinions. The war can…

  • North-South Gap as a Cause of American Civil War

    Table of Contents Introduction North and South relations The concept of Modernization and South-North Relations Different Economic Systems of the North and South Conclusion Introduction The terms North and South have always been used in social, scientific, and political realms in reference to the relationships between the industrial-dependent states in the Northern parts of the…

  • The Relationships Between American Revolution and Cultural Diversity

    Table of Contents American Revolution Legal or political discrimination Identify several constructs of femininity and masculinity GLBT community: discrimination in the United States GLBT people face: various forms of discrimination Life of GLBT community Works Cited American Revolution In the course of history, the status of women underwent several dramatic changes. First of all, the…

  • American Civil War, Its Main Figures and Events

    Henry Hunt Henry Jackson Hunt, the Chief of Artillery during the Civil War helped shape the results of the war. He recorded several success measures and it is shocking that his success is rarely recognized. Dougherty1 explains that the very first moment of fame for Hunt was during the 1861 Battle of Bull Run. In…

  • American Civil War and Western Expansion

    Table of Contents Introduction Western Expansion Economic Growth Industrialization Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Post-Civil War American registered significant economic and industrial growth accompanied by westward expansion caused by the increasing number of Americans moving across the Mississippi River in search of opportunities. In the years that followed the civil war, the promise of opportunities and…

  • Slavery and Civil War: American History

    While some contemporary political discussion calls for a color blind society, other voices argue that race remains the central issue in American life and Slavery is the defining element in American history. How would you trace issues of race in America from the 17th through the 19th century? What organizing strategy might you bring to…

  • The Revolution in American History

    The Revolution brought new rhetoric of independence and freedom to American society. However, calls for equality were widespread but maintained a number of inconsistencies in relation to slaves and women. The Revolution increased the differences between the Northern states, which abandoned slavery, and the Southern ones, in which it flourished (Foner, 2019a). In particular, Noah…

  • American Revolution and Its Justification

    Speaking about American Revolution, people tend to focus on a range of issues that seem to be the most doubtful. Much attention is paid to the justification of English taxes and American resistance. In addition to that, historians argue whether it was possible to avoid revolution or it was inevitable. This paper will discuss such…

  • American and French Revolutions Goals and Progression

    The eighteenth century was marked by revolutionary movements, which fought to expand their political rights under the influence of Enlightenment ideas. During 1765-1783, the American Revolution took place, and a little later, in 1789-1799  the French. During both revolutions, citizens fought for their freedom against the full power of the monarchs. Having similar features…