Category: Animal Testing

  • Scientific Testing on Animals

    Table of Contents Introduction Context Con-Points Conclusion References Introduction Although human beings usually gain from scientific testing on animals, their distress, pain, and death do not match the likely benefits. Irrespective of animal subjects having been used in scientific research for a long time, the practice is cruel and should not continue. Researchers across the…

  • The Testing of Animals for Cosmetic Products

    Cosmetic studies on animals refer to a specific type of product examination meant to ascertain the hypoallergenic nature and safety of animal products intended for use by human beings. Due to the pain and harm the animals are subjected to, there is a concerted effort by the animal activists and other people to have it…

  • Benefits And Drawbacks Of Animal Testing In Hong Kong

    Abstract This study is based on secondary data to study how animal testing has affected the public and their attitude towards it. It also hoped to encourage people to support or join the Cruelty Free International such as the organization of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the Choose Cruelty Free and the…

  • Moral Aspects And Alternatives Of Animal Testing

    Animal testing has been a controversial issue due to the moral and immoral issues that have to be considered at the moment of practice these sadistic experiments. The use of animals to scientific terms took place in 500 BC in ancient Greece, utilizing them to discover the organs functions. However, in ancient Rome and Alexandria,…

  • Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

    To the professors and experimenters who vouch for animal testing, It is no means for your research. Right now, an assortment of vulnerable animals is locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the country. Not only is animal testing morally and ethically wrong, the multi-billion dollar industry that encompasses the pharmaceutical and chemical chains, is…

  • Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing

    Every day, over 115 million animals are trapped in steel cages, waiting for a latex-gloved hand to reach in and whisk them away for another day of testing. These animals are used to test the safety of products intended for human use, improve our medicines, or investigate the effects of products or procedures. Using animals…

  • Pro Animal Testing Essay

    Animal Testing: Cruel or Crucial? Testing on animals is one of the most talked about and problematic issues in moral debates. This hot topic raises ethical concerns which infuriate a numerous amount of people. Should animals have the same rights as humans? Is animal welfare being forgotten about and should we be mindful that it…

  • Argumentative Essay against Animal Testing

    Animal testing has been a controversy for over a century since the Cruelty to Animal Act of 1876, the first law in the world aiming to regulate the use of animals in research, was passed. For example, in Korea, 4.14 million animals were reportedly mobilized and victimized in animal experiments in 2020, according to the…

  • Horrific Negative Effects of Animal Testing

    Every year, over 100 million animals are killed by horrible testing in U.S. laboratories due to animal testing (PETA). Facial Botox is a common beauty enhancer that is frequently tested on animals. The animals are injected in their stomach with different dosages of the toxin in order to see which dose kills the animals. Then,…

  • Is the Use of Animals in Scientific and Commercial Testing Justified?

    This comes as a result of the need to test cosmetics, new drugs and the effects of chemicals on living organisms before they reach the public mass market. It comes as no surprise however, that this has caused massive uproar with animal activists and pet owners globally, arguing that there are many other alternatives to…