Category: Aphrodite

  • Comparative Analysis of Apollo and Aphrodite

    Greek mythology is a collection of stories that the ancient Greeks used to say. Such myths are about the worlds history and creation, the lives, and actions of gods, characters, and mythological creatures, and the roots and the importance of the worship and ceremonial rituals of the ancient Greeks. The stories of gods and goddesses…

  • Aphrodite of Knidos: Historical Context and Interpretation of The Artwork

    The artworks of ancient Greece and Rome have exercised an exuberant amount of influence on the cultures of several countries all over the world. Specifically, the areas of architecture and sculpture mainly influenced these artistic cultures. In fact, the statue Aphrodite of Knidos is one of the most renowned and most mentioned in literary sources.…

  • Aphrodite in The Hellenistic Period

    The force that unites the elements to become all things is Love, also called Aphrodite; Love brings together dissimilar elements into a unity, to become a composite thing. Love is the same force that human beings find at work in themselves whenever they feel joy, love and peace. Strife, on the other hand, is the…

  • Feminist Approach to the Birth of Aphrodite: Analytical Essay

    Hesiods Theogony was a poem based on Greek gods’ lives and how they came about. It focused on their traditions, who they married, how they birthed their off-springs and what kind of rituals they followed as gods to survive and appease the world they lived in. It begins with the invocation to the muses and…

  • Symbolism of Aphrodite in Western Culture: Opinion Essay

    Aphrodite Aphrodite, the Greek goddess is the epitome of sexual love, beauty, pleasure, and passion. These female qualities are as relevant today as they were in Ancient Greece, and we see her as a symbol of female beauty which is to be appreciated. Her symbolism figures in western culture; in literature, we use the word…

  • Critical Analysis of Euripides Hippolytus: Euripides: Role of Aphrodite

    In Euripides Hippolytus we observe motifs that have been repeated in other plays (e.g the Bacchae). In the prologue, a god/goddess (in our case Aphrodite) speaks and announces their plan to avenge their honor and to punish the people (or person) who reject their cult. In some plays (for instance the Bacchae) a god decides…

  • Apollo and Aphrodite: Comparative Essay on Greek Mythology

    Mythology is a collection of myths that the ancient Greeks used to convey. These myths are about the worlds history, creation, the lives, actions of gods, characters, mythological creatures, the roots, and the importance of worship and ceremonial rituals of the ancient Greeks. The stories of gods and goddesses in ancient Greece were an important…

  • Essay on Analysis of Athena and Aphrodite in Iliad

    The focal point of this paper has been the narrative aspects of the Iliad. First, it delved deep into the portrayal of the goddesses in the Iliad. As well as how their actions influence the behavior of certain mortals. Lastly, one discovers that Aphrodites actions, in particular, have a significant impact on the fate of…

  • Essay on Aphrodite Characteristics

    In a world where there seems to be more negative than positive, mankind begins to question if The Almighty is acting in an intentionally vengeful manner. While a godly vengeance may seem like a recent concept, there is evidence that it traces back to ancient times as well. In Greece specifically, there are examples of…

  • Essay on Ancient Greek Goddesses: Athena, Demeter, Hera and Aphrodite

    Consider these creatures, these people who are not people, these inhabitants of heaven. The god has a headache, his son wields an axe, and the girl springs forth with a bow and shield. She is walking toward the world. Her own flies before her. It is twilight. Look at these clouds, this limitless and impenetrable…