Category: Armed Hostilities 701

  • Pearl Harbor Attack, Its Reasons and Casualties

    Table of Contents Introduction People/Casualties Reasons why Japan attacked the US Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Pearl Harbor attack was an unexpected military attack by the Japanese royal army (Lord 2-7). The attack started early in the morning at around 7.00 am and lasted for about two hours. During the attack, about eighteen American ships…

  • Violence and International Security Since 1989

    How has the character of armed conflict changed since 1989? What are the key characteristics of New Wars? The character of armed conflict has significantly changed since 1989. Baylis, Smith and Owens (2008) confirm that war has been regarded as a central feature human history especially in as far as freedom is concerned. After the…

  • Counterterrorism Efforts in the Global Arena

    The modern international relations are characterized by numerous tensions arising from conflicts in areas traditionally associated with terrorism and extremist groups. The war in Syria can serve as perfect evidence of the complexity of the global intercourse (Hoffman, 2017). Under these conditions, security concerns acquire the top priority as nations face the unprecedented level of…

  • Community Outreach and Counterterrorism

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Build Trust between Community Members and Security Agencies Adopt a Higher Level of Accountability Dialogue Summary References Abstract This paper explores community outreach and counterterrorism in the context of how they relate to weaknesses in the operation of transnational terrorist organizations. Discussions are centered on three issues. The first one…

  • Battle of Guadalcanal: Strategic & Operational Overview

    Table of Contents Element of Surprise Strategic/Operational Overview Area of Operation Principle of Antagonist vs UN Forces Unfold of Mission Outcome Conclusion References: Element of Surprise After the Battle of Midway, there was a lull in the fighting in the Pacific. The military contact between the opponents remained only in the Aleutians and New Guinea,…

  • Generation Kill: A Conversation With Stanley McChrystal the Article by McChrystal, S., & Rose, G.

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The interview with Stanley McChrystal provides an essential insight into the strategies and tactics that were used to destroy al Qaeda and conduct counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq. As the threat of terrorism remains evident, analyzing McChrystals responses would be useful in detecting issues and designing effective…

  • All Tripura Tiger Force Activities

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction The Establishment of the All Tripura Tiger Force The Goals of the All Tripura Tiger Force The Methods of the All Tripura Tiger Force The Achievements of the All Tripura Tiger Force Potential Mitigation Policies Conclusion References Abstract By the end of the second decade of the 21st century, the…

  • The Resilience and Appeal of Jihadism

    Table of Contents Introduction The Appeal and Persistence of Jihadism Populations at Risk and Preventive Measures Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The literal meaning of the word jihad is a struggle or effort to live in good faith and be true to Islamic values. As seen from the definition, originally, the term jihad does not have…

  • Information-Related Capabilities in the Joint Force

    The information environment is becoming increasingly more important in warfare due to humanitys rising reliance on computers and networks. As such, Army leaders should understand its nature and how to form joint forces to affect it. Intelligence is one activity that is likely to be increasingly relegated to the information space in the future. According…

  • Narcoterrorism in Mexico and Its Implications for National and International Security

    Introduction Due to the ongoing debates associated with the term narcoterrorism, as well as the general lack of recent academic sources that would look into it, the topic needs to be further investigated. In this paper, a literature review will be conducted for a project that intends to examine the terrorism features of narcoterrorism in…