Category: Army

  • Respect in the Army: Values and Standards



    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Effective communication is essential in every sphere of human performance and every kind of activity, including the most trivial and routine one. However, its significance is particularly pronounced in the army where mutual understanding can define the outcome of a military mission. It can be argued…

  • Sexual Harassment in the Army: Causes and Solutions



    The right to be protected against assault, specifically, the one of sexual type, s one of the basic rights of individuals, yet this right is regularly violated in military settings. Due to the rigid structure and the established hierarchy in the U.S. Army, the instances of sexual harassment and assault are often silenced to cover…

  • Sexual Assault Response and Prevention in the US Army



    The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program in the United States Army. It is an integrated and proactive effort to address sexual assault within the ranks of the armed forces. Sexual prevalence rose by 1.4% for women to a total of 5.8%, and 0.7% for men over 2 years (Rempfer, 2019). Department of Defense…

  • UH-72A Lakota Utility Helicopter in U.S. Army History



    Overview The US military sanctioned the acquisition of the utility helicopter UH-72A Lakota in the year 2005. The light utility aircraft has been manufactured by the EADS of North America. The helicopter is well equipped to support some operations like evacuation among others. The aircraft is designed in a manner that it serves the medical…

  • Women in Army Infantry: Controversial Issues



    Table of Contents Introduction Proponents Take Opposes Take My Verdict Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Even with a vicious campaign by several groups fighting for equality of sexes, there are still six principal groups that women are not allowed to participate in, these are in Cannon Artillery, Armor, Combat Engineers, Short-range defense and Infantry (which this…

  • The Foundation of Leadership in the US Army



    My essay aims to discuss the foundation of U.S. Army leadership. Knowing the foundation of leadership in the Army is very important to being a leader. By its very nature, war is a place of chaos where nobody knows exactly what to do, where to run, or where to shoot. Therefore, throughout the millennia, a…

  • Military Diversity: US Army



    Military diversity means the inclusion of different genders, ethnicities, and sexual minorities that contribute to an adaptive, varied army. It means embracing differences, recognizing their value, and leveraging the uniqueness of each. Inclusiveness ensures soldiers feel valued and promote better teamwork, which allows them to fully develop (De Angelis et al., 2017). Soldiers are empowered…

  • Foundations of Leadership in the Army



    Picture 1. The graphic organizer of the essay (created by the author). People need leaders to communicate the goals and vision for errands and to help them achieve goals. One example of this is informal leadership, where individuals follow a person whom they consider credible or knowledgable. Picture 1 is the graphic organizer of this…

  • Importance of Respect in the Army: Code of Ethics



    Introduction Soldiers are required to follow established codes of ethics, core values, and philosophies that can make it easier for them to achieve their aims. Commanders and other professionals in leadership positions should have their orders and guidelines followed or taken seriously. The existence of various requirements and conditions is what makes armies successful. The…

  • The Foundation of Army Leadership and Military Training



    Table of Contents Introduction Major Features of Army Leadership Conclusion References Introduction Army training involves a broad sphere that helps the candidates during combat. Moreover, leadership in the army is the epitome of the success of every unit. Training and promoting the desire to win are crucial impacts. Leaders give soldiers combative and reason skills…