Category: Art 2722

  • Impact of The Scream by Edvard Munch, Art and Learning on Professional Skills and Personality

    Table of Contents The Instructive Component of The Scream The Influence of Art The Potential Impact of the Class Conclusion References It can be said that art is the result of the human minds influence on reality, and art affects the human mind in response. It is the ouroboros of human beings and nature. The…

  • Mondrians Composition With Yellow, Blue and Red

    For the purposes of this assignment, I have chosen Piet Mondrians Composition with Yellow, Blue and Red. The artist painted the picture between 1937 and 1942, and, according to Composition with yellow, blue and red (n.d.), it reflected the progression in his search for the abstract quality of the line. The picture is currently displayed…

  • The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

    Table of Contents Introduction Socio-historical Context of the Painting Analysis: Meaning and Composition Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction The Creation of Adam is a chef-doeuvre fresco painting by the famous Michelangelo, an Italian artist who was among the promoters of Renaissance arts in Europe in the 16th century. The painting was done between 1508 and 1512,…

  • Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Friedrich

    Wanderer above the Sea of Fog is an oil painting by a German artist, Caspar David Friedrich, created in 1818. It depicts a young man standing back to the viewer at the precipice, observing mountain ranges that extend in front of him (Friedrich, 1818). He is wearing a long overcoat and holds a walking stick.…

  • Comparison of Supermassive Black Hole and Hit my Heart

    Table of Contents Introduction Instrumentation Tempo and dynamics Purposes of the songs Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Music is an art. Listening to the music one may be captured in the absolutely new world where emotions and feelings have covered the whole space. Different music styles create absolutely different pictures in the human mind, but the…

  • The Theatre of Absurd History

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Bibliography Introduction The theatre of absurd is attributed to the origin when a French philosopher Albert Camus through his myth which he wrote in 1942 did outline that the humans situation sand surroundings are in basic terms on no use, lacks meaning and are literally absurd From the…

  • Development of the Museum as an Institution

    Table of Contents Marcel Duchamp The International Surrealist Exhibition of 1938 The Role of the Context as Content The White Cube Effect Conclusion Closing Words References The concept of an institution requires that there is a mutual agreement on what kind of solutions are used to respond to the problems that arise as a part…

  • White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands by George Pullen Jackson

    The study of the origin and development of music is naturally accompanied by the study of historic conditions and sociological ground for the development of music. Since there is great variety of musical genres that serve certain aims and are performed by certain people or groups of people on some particular occasions and in some…

  • Art Creation and Reflection: A Personal Art Piece

    Painting is one of the most popular forms of traditional art, which has fascinated people by the variability of genres and the uniqueness of ideas hidden behind each creation. My favorite kinds of painting are landscape and still life. In the present paper, I would like to present my own art piece inspired by Georgia…

  • Opera in 19th Century

    Opera in Americas past often conjures up old-fashioned, Victorian images of ample divas poised in extravagant settings. This larger than life musical genre elicits memories of a Tristan and Isolde singing their glorious love duet but too fat to embrace convincingly; an Aida richly costumed despite her slave status; foreign, legendary, half-forgotten names who reportedly…