Category: Arthur Miller

  • The Crucible By Arthur Miller: The Lie Of Elizabeth Proctor

    Many people have been in a position where they dont know if it’s best for them to lie or not for the sake of someone they care about, due to the fear of what the consequences may be. Elizabeth Proctor had been in that position trying to do what’s right to defend herself and her…

  • The Influence Of Society: The Crucible By Arthur Miller

    The Crucible,(1953) is a play composed by Arthur Miller to allegorically comment on the behaviors seen in society at the time of his writing the play. Miller uses the word crucible to depict a test of the most decisive kind or a severe trial however it is normally referred to as a vessel in which…

  • The Crucible’: Main Approaches in Linguistic by Arthur Miller

    The Crucible is a play that was written by Arthur Miller in 1952. It is the play that preceded Death of a Salesman, his first success as a writer for which he won a Tony award and the Pulitzer Prize. The play is based on the Witch trials of Salem, Massachusetts where 20 women accused…

  • Arthur Miller’s Path to American Theater

    Arthur Miller was born on October 17, 1915, in Harlem, New York. The early years of Millers life did not go smoothly. Still, while having many problems with his grades, Miller was very athletic playing many sports including football, at which he excelled; he also ran track. Miller portrays this in one of his shorter…

  • Reputation In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

    The Crucible story lands in a village called Salem where people believe that the devil resonates there. People in Salem were prosecuted even when they were all probably innocent and their deaths were all due to false accusations to peoples ridiculous belief in superstition not questioning if there is a cause behind it. The people…

  • Timeless Theme In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

    The Crucible is a play written in pre-modern times, which is still relevant in the postmodern era. Arthur Miller wrote the play during the time of the Red Scare, in which multiple people were being convicted of communism without evidence or proof. The increase in the use of social media and the easy access to…

  • The Crucible By Arthur Miller: Unbalanced View Of Men And Women

    In the play The Crucible by author Arthur Miller, it is very apparent that Miller presents an overall unbalanced view of men and women. The Crucible is a play about the Salem witch trials that took place in Massachusetts and begins with a girl named Abigail. She performs witchcraft and once caught, accuses others of…

  • The Crucible’: Danger of Making Assumptions

    In the play, ‘The Crucible’ Arthur Miller writes about a fire and its representation of hysteria and a crucible to depict that in times of hysteria, making assumptions will only create additional chaos and paranoia by leading one further from the truth. The concept of fire through symbolism and a biblical allusion demonstrates that assumptions…

  • Informative Essay on Arthur Miller

    Millers book, The Crucible, is about many young women in Salem, Massachusetts being accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials in the 1690s. There is a lot of chaos that goes down between the people being accused, and the accusers themselves. The whole entire village in Salem goes into hysteria. At the end of…

  • Essay on Arthur Miller Themes in ‘The Crucible’

    The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play set in the 1600s that tackles some very important themes relevant both in the time it was set and the period in which Miller wrote it. The play is about a town called Salem which is driven into hysteria and madness by suspicion and fear. Miller uses…