Category: Artists

  • Artist Teju Cole Biographys Analysis

    Introduction Photographers, art historians, and authors have dominated the literature world by writing exemplary works. Teju Cole is one of the most famous African artists who have mastered the art of writing and have expressed their thoughts through literary works. Born of Nigerian immigrants in Michigan, Teju Cole has written works that have gained global…

  • The Art Festival in Milan: Theme, Location, Artists

    Introduction The art festival in Milan will involve public space to convey its message. The exhibition will be held in one of the citys busiest train stations, which has 18 shop windows, where contemporary artworks will be placed. The city of Milan is one of the worlds art capitals, which serves the idea of an…

  • Iconography Artists and Their Installations

    The subject for this week is iconography art. I have been really impressed by the subject because I have always paid attention to the icons or symbols in the art. Actually, in art criticism, iconography is defined as the description and systematization of typological features and patterns taken by the portraying of any character (real…

  • Artist Analysis: Elvis Presley

    Elvis Aaron Presley, popularly known as the king of rock and roll, was a revolutionary artist who significantly influenced the music culture. He is one of the most influential artists as far as music history is involved. Elvis was a diverse artist who made several contributions to the different genres of music, from gospel, contemporary,…

  • Kleons Steal Like an Artist Speech Analysis

    Stealing something is an action that is almost taboo to speak about in a way that is not judgmental. Hence, the speech Steal like an Artist has a provocative name and may seem controversial or offensive to some people. However, after listening to the speaker, his ideas become clear, as the word stealing might be…

  • Great Women Artists in the History of Art

    Table of Contents Introduction Findings of the Article Women Artists Today Concluding Thoughts References Introduction The question of why there have been no great women artists has been explored from multiple perspectives. While some begin giving examples of multiple women artists that have had some impact, others point the finger at the patriarchy and cite…

  • Artemisia Gentileschi as an Early Feminist Artist

    Table of Contents Introduction The Influences of Artemisia Gentileschis work Evaluation of the Work of Artemisia Gentileschi Artemisia Gentileschi as an Early Feminist Conclusion References Introduction The world of art of the 16th or 17th century differed from the contemporary one and was characterized by absolute male domination. Only a few female artists managed to…

  • Madonna as a Controversial Artist of the 20th Century

    One of the prominent controversial artworks of the 20th century related to sexual revolution and women empowerment is a song called Like a Virgin performed by Madonna in 1984. The name of the song alone led to the establishment of versatile conversations and arguments in the conservative American society of the 1980s. Overall, the music…

  • Mat Collishaws Artist Talk Inspired by Caravaggio

    Contemporary artists are motivated by the works of ancient painters such as Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Mat Collishow is one of the artists whose works have been inspired by Caravaggio. According to Mat Collishow, he gets ideas from books and National art galleries. The paintings in different books and those displayed in various art galleries…

  • Contemporary Artists: Andrea Zittel, Cindy Sherman, Krzysztof Wodiczko

    Introduction Zittel is one of the Contemporary artists who will end up being published in history books 100 years from now. First, what I like about the artists art is the unique messages they depict to humanity. For instance, when looking at Wagon Station Encampment located in Joshua Tree National Park, I am left wondering…