Category: Autism

  • Experience of Work with Children with Autism

    The world has drastically changed over the period of time; selflessness is very rarely seen these days. Selfishness is the most dominant aspect which prevails in our society today. The number of people who think about others has dwindled over a period of time. This paper will throw light upon work and society. I have…

  • Genetics and Autism Development

    Introduction Within the past two centuries, many researchers have been investigating the role of genetics in the development of various medical conditions. Such studies are taken seriously in an attempt to deal with different diseases and transform the lives of many people. One of the illnesses believed to be associated with a persons genetic makeup…

  • Technical Quality of Autism Test (GARS-3)

    Table of Contents Introduction Methodology Literature Review Conclusion References Introduction The early diagnosis of Autism in children is a crucial part of the preventive strategies in healthcare. Moreover, the appropriate screening and analysis tests assist clinicians and psychologists in defining the proper and efficient educational and recovery treatment strategies for children. In this case, they…

  • Autism in the School Environment and Inclusion in the Classroom

    Learning a second language can be challenging, but it is even more difficult for individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a developmental condition that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. Various characteristics define the disorder, such as difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication and social interactions. ASD affects many students globally, limiting their ability to…

  • Autism Syndrome Psychosocial Characteristics

    Table of Contents Introduction Autism and Aspergers syndrome Conclusion References Introduction Autism spectrum disorder refers to a clinical disorder whereby children mainly from two years of age start exhibiting unique behavioral characteristics comprising of difficulty in speech, low social interaction, high concentration on specific hobbies, habits or objects. Affected children hardly initiate conversations, friendship, exhibit…

  • Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Interaction and communication play a vital role in the life of every human being. With their help, people can build relationships, transfer knowledge, receive the things they need or want to have, etc. Mainly, the representatives of the general public got used to the fact that all people can easily share information and are willing…

  • Literature Review: How Can Token Economy Diminish Off-Task Behavior in Students with Autism?

    Problem Importance The students academic success largely depends on their behavior, which is determined not only by the environment but also by psychologic states. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disease that is marked by communication and social functioning deficits. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Health…

  • Autism, Autism Spectrum Sisorder (ASD), and Theory of Mind

    Introduction The tendency toward inclusivity in education implies a more significant number of children with disabilities and developmental issues included in the classroom activities. One of the most prevailing issues relevant to education is autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which predetermines childrens cognitive, social, and physical complications. Children with autism have specific educational needs since they…

  • Autism Diagnosis Report Example

    Table of Contents Participants Settings Materials Experimental Design Procedures Social Validity Independent and Dependent Variables IOWA References Participants For this study, two participants who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are selected. Namely, three children aged between 9 and 11 years are regarded as the ones having ASD, as stated by the licensed psychologist.…

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Behavior Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Trends, Recent Researches, And Scientific Findings ABA Treatment for ASD Efforts Towards New Innovations Conclusion References Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a type of intellectual development disorder (IDD) characterized by three main signs, i.e. impaired communication and social interaction, repetitive stereotypical behavior, and a restricted interest in early childhood acts.…