Category: Belief

  • Poverty, Faith, and Justice: Liberating God of Life by Elizabeth Johnson

    The idea of poverty about faith and liberating theology is directly connected to major Biblical concepts. The struggle of the impoverished life is seen through the lens of liberation done by God towards people in need. Johnson (n.d.) constructs the following presumption: Daily struggles for the survival manifest potent, tensible human strength implying that the…

  • Faith, Truth, and Tolerance in America by Edward Moore Kennedy

    Edward Moore (Ted) Kennedy was an American lawyer and politician who served as a U.S. senator from Massachusetts for nearly 47 years. His oratorical skills were known worldwide; he developed his skills as long as he was involved in political activities. Kennedy advocated economic and social equality, argued extensively about social inequality, and was deeply…

  • The Role of Faith in Social Work

    Table of Contents Introduction How Social Workers Integrate Faith into their Careers Chamiec-Cases Model that Describes me Best Conclusion References Introduction Challenges in everyday life are inevitable, and social work involves taking action to alleviate the adverse outcomes associated with these negative encounters. Therefore, social work utilizes a humanitarian and compassionate approach based on the…

  • Belief in Life After Death: Descriptive Statistical Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction AGE Variable AFTERLIF Variable Conclusion Reference Introduction This report proposes a descriptive statistical analysis for the distributions of two variables measured on different scales from the GSS2018 set. The first variable used is the AGE measured on the quantitative (interval-ratio) scale, which characterizes the age of the respondent at the time…

  • Belief Systems in Projecting the Future

    Beliefs, and belief systems, are a significant factor in the transmission of information. According to Shannon & Weaver (1948), the process of communication in any form involves encoding a message into a signal, transmitting, and then decoding it to receive the original message. This principle applies to computer systems as much as it does to…

  • Faith Factor and Mental Health in Young People

    Addressing mental health issues requires a detailed analysis of the factors that affect the manta development of an individual, including not only the cognitive aspect of the brains functioning but also the emotional one. The necessity to appeal to the emotional state of the patient often serves as the justification for introducing the concept of…

  • Peculiarities of Religious Belief in Theology

    Introduction The study of the essence, role and functions of the phenomenon of religious belief has an enduring significance. In the modern world, on the one hand, we observe a systemic crisis of globalism and a crisis of culture; on the other, there is a search for identity, conversion to religion, the choice of religious…

  • Creative Layering of Belief in Southern Bénin

    People tend to believe in various gods, spirits and witchcraft. Most of these beliefs are witnessed in Africa and Asian and North American countries like Cuba and Haiti. Witchcraft is also practiced in some countries, with a few believing in it entirely. Traveling as a tourist may be the ideal option to better understand the…

  • Faith Integration in 1 Peter 1:13-21 Message

    1 Peter 1:13-21 is a compelling message that was written to the Gentile Christians that were being persecuted. Its primary purpose was to remind them that God had chosen them and they should be hopeful for a brighter future in Jesus. Through this letter, Peter offered great hope to the gentiles and instructed them to…

  • The Belief Bias and Cognitive Sciences

    Cognitive biases are errors in human thinking or deviations from rational judgment resulting in illogical conclusions. When these conclusions are caused by our tendency to evaluate arguments based on our pre-existing beliefs, a phenomenon called belief bias is observed. This paper is concerned with the way cognitive sciences scholars, in particular, Keith Stanovich, view the…