Category: Bible

  • The Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction Although all religious people would desire to achieve a society where every individual is respected equally, regardless of religious affiliation, this situation seems unreal. Even inside the religious community, people will always find the causes of misunderstanding and discord. Therefore, the misconceptions and wrong prejudices should be…

  • Seduction of Joseph in the Hebrew Bible and the Koran

    Seduction plays an important thematic role in the story of Joseph. As a form of temptation, it presents a problem for the spiritual growth and righteousness of faith, and represents many of the dangers religion can protect from. In the context of both the Hebrew Bible and the Koran, seduction of Joseph works to demonstrate…

  • Interpretations of the Bible in American History

    Charles G. Finney, a revivalist, epitomizes the significance of faith and redemption in American history. He highlighted the enormous significance of the personal decision in salvation as early as 1836. When Charles Grandison Finney thought God had called him to become a preacher, he quit a prosperous legal career (Finney 4). In Finneys perspective, the…

  • The Bible Passage: The Finding of Moses

    The Bible passage The Finding of Moses tells about a Levite woman giving birth to a child and then hiding him. After three months, she left him on the riverbank, and he was later found by the Pharaohs daughter. She, the mothers sister, called one of the Hebrew women, and when the childs mother came,…

  • The Life of Jacobs Son Joseph in the Bible

    Joseph is the son of Jacob and Rachel, who gave birth to him after seven years of infertility, the father of Menashe and Ephraim, the ancestors of the two tribes of Israel. The image of Joseph and his life have inspired Jewish, Christian, and Muslim art from time immemorial. Many works of literature, fine art,…

  • Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling

    Table of Contents The Most Therapeutic Use of Prayer The Most Therapeutic Use of Scripture Aspects from Psychology The Integration of Psychology and Theology References The Most Therapeutic Use of Prayer In the given case study, Chichima, a 20-year-old Christian woman, suffers from depressive symptoms caused by the abortion she did seven months ago. The…

  • The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

    Table of Contents Introduction Speaker Historical Background Social-Cultural Elements Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction Tony Evans is one of the most powerful church leaders in present times, having studied and preached the gospel for more than fifty years. The Tony Evans Bible Commentary includes an introduction to each book of the Bible, as well as introductory…

  • Insomnia in Science and in the Bible

    Insomnia has been a topical issue of humanity since ancient times. Lack of sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and nightmares were the source of interest for both scientists and theologists. Nowadays, there are a lot of articles and theories surrounding insomnia and its effects on ones health. There are many reasons why people experience insomnia. The…

  • The Bible: Literary, Historical, and Covenantal Perspective

    The 66 chapters that make up the Bible were penned by 40 distinct authors over the course of around 1700 generations. The Old Scripture [or Old Law], which comprises 39 writings, is the first section of the Holy book. The Torah or Law, the Historic Writings, the Poetry Books, and the Prophecy Books are the…

  • Reflection on Everyday Bible

    Delving into a thorough and profound analysis of core Biblical texts represents an essential task for exploring the underlying concepts and meanings. The Everyday Bible Study has offered a plethora of food for thought, particularly in relation to the concepts and notions that are deeply entrenched in the Biblical texts. The three core concepts that…