Category: Bioethics

  • Bioethics and Human Gene Manipulation

    Topic Description The proposed research will be strongly focused on the problems of bioethics. In particular, the major element of the research will be the exploration of the issues in genetic analysis and manipulations that are practiced by contemporary scientists. The research will aim at the discovery of the ethical aspects of the topic and…

  • Bioethical Analysis: Case of Terri Schiavo

    The present paper aims at providing bioethical analysis world-famous case of Terri Schiavo, a patient who was artificially kept alive for more than 15 years in a vegetative state. Ms. Shiavo experienced cardiac arrest, which led to brain injury, on February 15, 1990 (Fine, 2005). As a result, the patients midbrain was able to control…

  • Bioethics: Primer for Christians

    Reflections on faith as a foundation of worldview and ethical decision making Moral reflections on the ethical principles that bring meaning to human life are important in understanding principles on bioethics. Reflections based on faith are instrumental in demystifying suffering and the different lifestyles and cultures of people. Principles in bioethics include values such as…

  • Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and Bioethics

    Table of Contents Introduction Frankensteins Monster Bioethics Cloning Reproductive Technologies and Genetic Screening Conclusion Works Cited Introduction After two hundred years of the first publication of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, the book has become an essential read for scientists. Indeed, the book is vital for realizing the responsibility behind scientific discoveries. Frankenstein tries to answer the…

  • Bioethics on NBCs ER by Pamela Nathanson

    Table of Contents Introduction Ethical Implications of Confidentiality Breach Ethical Theories and Principles Alternative to the Ethical Dilemma Approach by Ethical Committees References Introduction The nursing practice operates within eight ethical elements. One of the most important ethical elements is confidentiality. However, confidentiality complicates ethical principles when nurses face the dilemma of disclosure to improve…

  • Bioethics: the Use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes

    Table of Contents The Bioethical Issue Kantianism Utilitarianism Reference List The Bioethical Issue The global society is facing numerous issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and medical marijuana. Bioethics is a powerful field that encourages people to deal with different controversial issues (Thiroux & Krasemann, 2011, p. 36). The issue of medical marijuana is a…

  • Bioethics: Medical Help or Christian Beliefs?

    Introduction Christian discourses have been applied world over by individuals when making vital life decisions. In particular, various issues that have a bearing on a persons religious standing are better addressed in line with the biblical stance on the matter at hand. Nonetheless, some occurrences, for instance, health decisions, require one to gauge the effectiveness…

  • Bioethical Issues in Genetic Analysis and Manipulations

    The topic of choice is bioethical issues in genetic analysis and manipulations. This topic was chosen because it is an interesting argument that may lead to beneficial debates. The genetic structures and processes involved in this subject are not exactly a part of it. Rather, they are the topic itself. The genetic manipulations caused a…

  • Bioethics on NBCs ER by Pamela Nathanson

    Table of Contents Introduction Ethical Implications of Confidentiality Breach Ethical Theories and Principles Alternative to the Ethical Dilemma Approach by Ethical Committees References Introduction The nursing practice operates within eight ethical elements. One of the most important ethical elements is confidentiality. However, confidentiality complicates ethical principles when nurses face the dilemma of disclosure to improve…

  • Bioethical Issues in Genetic Analysis and Manipulations

    The topic of choice is bioethical issues in genetic analysis and manipulations. This topic was chosen because it is an interesting argument that may lead to beneficial debates. The genetic structures and processes involved in this subject are not exactly a part of it. Rather, they are the topic itself. The genetic manipulations caused a…