Category: Blood Donation

  • Lack Of Blood Donors In Pakistan: Reasons And Solutions

    ABSTRACT For patients suffering from life threaten conditions as well as those under maternal and prenatal care, blood is a vital resource. Pakistan has an additional burden because of a high number of thalassemia patients. This problem is magnified due to a lack of blood donors. According to recent estimates, only 28 out of 10,000…

  • Voluntary Blood Donation In Hong Kong: Pros, Cons, And Challenges

    Introduction Blood transfusion services always play a consolidate role in healthy system, according to World Health Organization (2012) definition, Voluntary Non-remunerated blood donation (VNRBD) is meaning that donor gives blood, plasma or cellular components with his/her own wills and receive no payment for it, either in the form of cash, or in kind which could…

  • Blood Donation And Transfusion

    People around the world are in need of help and as a community or nation united, are the ones for the job. About two centuries ago, life expectancy was between 30 to 40 years of age and many human beings would not live for long because medicine was not truly practiced. The technology and advancements…

  • Blood Donation App Using Android

    The main aim of our project is to save lives of people by providing blood. A Blood donation search App using Android is developed so that users can view the information of nearby Donors. Our project is developed on two perspective i.e. patient and donor. We are going to provide authentication for the user such…

  • The Barriers And Motivators Of Australian Red Cross Blood Service

    Introduction Red Cross Blood service is one of the divisions of Australian Red Cross which funded by the whole Australian government in order to collect volunteersblood for saving life. In 1929, the first Australian Blood Transfusion Service as founded in Victoria state. Today, Red Cross Blood Service is the exclusive organization that help people to…

  • Importance Of Blood Donation

    The Critical Need for Blood Donation and Its Life-Saving Impact A lot of people ask the question Why should I give blood? and the most appropriate response to that question is & why not? In under one hour, one person can give just a single unit of blood, which can help to save the lives…

  • Blood Donation Essay

    A lot of people ask the question why should I give blood? The most appropriate response to that question is & why not? In under one hour, a single person can give one unit of blood that can help save multiple lives. Donating saves lives. Donations are essential for trauma patients and people in a…

  • Scalable Blood Requirement Analysis System Using Location Based Services

    Abstract Blood is an important part of human life, with no replacement. Blood donation is the only source of blood, and locating voluntary, unpaid donors is the most important activity in the world. Blood banks have a responsibility to provide adequate and safe blood to the community. The risk of transfusion-related heritable diseases is highest…

  • Blood Donation And Violation Of Womans Rights In Armenia

    Today I want to talk about blood and blood donations, and how a womans rights are violated, because of some restrictions of blood donation in Armenia. Sounds crazy? Lets start. So what is it about? Firstly, what is human blood? Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such…

  • Blood Donation Motivation, Barriers And The Eligible Target Market

    This research topic is about what are blood donation motivation, barriers and the eligible target market Background Australian Red Cross Blood Donation administration was established in Victoria in 1929. At present, association budgetary is supported by the legislatures of Australia which incorporate the majority of the states and regions. Red Cross Blood administration center around…