Category: Book Review

  • Reflections after Reading The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

    The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was my chosen book for this term and it was an exciting yet full of nonsense read. Published in 1979, by renowned author: Douglas Adams. The novel is filled to the top with complete and utter nonsense and would be found funny from all audiences, from children to adults.…

  • Does Monsieur Deserves His Fate In The Short Story The Necklace?

    In the story, The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant, it follows a couple whose names are Monsieur and Madame Loisel. Monsieur Loisel tries to make his wife happy but fails to fully understand her feelings. Madame Loisel aspires to feel rich and have fancy items like jewelry, expensive tapestries and fine furniture, but she feels…

  • Themes And Interpretations Of Harry Potter Novels

    Magic of Harry Potter This article proposes that the around the world, multiage intrigue of Harry Potter may lie in the manner these accounts of enchantment address the issues of readers to discover significance in the present unmagical settings and to solve their Harry Potter Quiz. The imaginative intrigue and representative viability of the books…

  • The Conditions And Decisions That Impact Life In The Other Wes Moore

    A considerable lot of the issues found in present day times are because of occasions that numerous Americans make look like ‘commonplace’ in connection to disasters and shameful acts. The Other Wes Moore superbly represents these accurate torments that a large number of individuals face in the United States, in part because of ethnicity or…

  • The Image Of Society In The Book The Giver

    The society in which Jonas lives in is essentially known as a dystopian world that portrays a failed utopian world. His society is a world where everything has gone wrong. Jonas society has attempted utopia  where they try to hide the pain, suffering and violence within these memories that no one other than The…

  • Ex Machina and The Handmaid’s Tale: Social, Political and Historical Context

    Frequently referred to as the What if&? genre, speculative fiction is a cover term for a diverse range of literature that diverges from the empirical reality that mimetic fiction implements (Jones, 2016). This genre encompasses science fiction, fantasy, horror, and invites the readers to consider the complex ways their choices contribute to generating the future…

  • The Main Ideas Of The Short Story The Necklace By Guy De Maupassant

    The Necklace was written in 1884, during the Realist Period which spanned from the mid 19th century to the early 20th century. The Industrial Revolution had changed the landscape of western civilization. Technological developments such as the cotton gin, inspired farm workers to move to more urban areas looking for better jobs. Over-crowding in cities…

  • Theme Of Betrayal In The Lamb To The Slaughter

    Lets be honest, that feeling of being betrayed by someone once thought of as trustworthy is like a punch in the stomach. This awful feeling, called betrayal, is defined as violating a persons trust or confidence – and this is exactly the main theme of the story. A story in which the husband leaves the…

  • The Peculiarities of the Book The Scarlet Letter

    Located in Boston Massachusetts, during the 17th century, the Scarlet Letter begins with a gathering of Puritan colonists around a local prison. The colonists in the story seem to be waiting for some sort of public punishment of a prisoner. The mood expressed during this very first chapter of the Scarlet Letter is filled with…

  • Biological And Ethical Ideas In Never Let Me Go And The Handmaids Tale

    The restriction of self-expression, colour and language in The Handmaids Tale could be linked to Kathys interest in art and self-expression in her youthful years, which contradicts with her later loss of identity in Never Let Me Go. Ishiguros Never Let Me Go is narrated by Kathy. H, a previous student at Hailsham, whos now…