Category: Brain

  • Medias Effects on the Human Brain

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Additional Research References Introduction This topic involves studying the effects of the continued use of digital media on the human brain. The issue presented is becoming more urgent every year since the usage of digital technologies and social networks has an increasing impact on human life. Almost half of the…

  • Aspects of Development and Functioning of the Brain

    The human brain is a complex formation that is undergoing constant research and triggering multiple theories concerning its development and functioning. Inter alia, an attempt to explain the brain phenomenon was made by Howard Gardner who developed a theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. Gardner states that to explain the complexity and variety of the…

  • A Dead Brain Gets a New Life

    It is possible to conceive of the human brain as a computer. However, this analogy is not exact since it is not yet possible to reboot or turn on human consciousness on a whim. The brain is a biological computer, so it adheres to the law of nature, including the law of dying. The usage…

  • Good Nights Sleep for Brain Function and Waste Disposal

    The video concerns the connection between sleep, the brain, and waste disposal. The bodys biological system processes create the problem of waste disposal. A constant supply of nutrients is crucial for all body parts to function. The brain comprises only 2% of the bodys mass but consumes 25% of its energy supply (Iliff). The circulatory…

  • Toxoplasma Gondii Tropism Toward Rats Brain Regions

    The change in the host behavior, which parasites are allegedly responsible for according to the tenets of the behavioral manipulation theory (Lim et al. 2012), can be seen when observing rats. According to the principal concepts of the theoretical framework, parasites, in general, and Toxoplasma gondii, in particular, are capable of influencing the phenotype by…

  • Finding Intelligent Genomes in Peoples Brain

    Nowadays, the significant progress of health and medicine science leads to the disclosure of the new chapter of humans knowledge about themselves. However, some advancements are so unbelievable that scientists do not know how to interpret the information and implement it into future studies. In this case, the authors of the experiment found 52 genomes…

  • The Marijuana Impact on Biopsychology of the Brain

    Table of Contents The First Article by Brumback et al. The Second Article by Testai et al. The Third Article by Zehra et al. The Fourth Article by Lichenstein et al. The Fifth Article by Kroon et al. References The influence of marijuana on the neurobiology and biopsychology of the brain is one of the…

  • Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs

    In Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs published in The New Yorker, Talbot describes the harsh reality of young people in academia who take off-label drugs to keep up with their hectic schedules. Talbots first interviewee is Alex, a college student who is involved in activism and is extremely serious about his studies…

  • The Marijuana Use Effects on the Human Brain

    Marijuana is one of the most controversial psychotropic drugs, the benefits or harms of which have been debated for many years. Marijuana is currently legalized in several countries around the world, with some allowing its use only for medical purposes and others banning all types of drugs altogether. It is essential to understand that the…

  • Aspects of Development and Functioning of the Brain

    The human brain is a complex formation that is undergoing constant research and triggering multiple theories concerning its development and functioning. Inter alia, an attempt to explain the brain phenomenon was made by Howard Gardner who developed a theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. Gardner states that to explain the complexity and variety of the…