Category: Buddhism

  • The Religious Position of Women and Men in Buddhist Countries: Sri Lanka

    The position accorded to women in all spheres of activity has been a subject of considerable interest in recent decades. Significant changes in the role played by women in social, economic, and even political life transcend the position accorded to women in many religious traditions of the world. The social freedom enjoyed by women and…

  • Personality Psychology and Zen Buddhism

    Introduction Zen Buddhism has been a topic of interest to westerners for a very long time. Zen Buddhism is a movement that occurred in the 1960s and involves monks, their feats and their monasticism, and the study of doctrines. However, Zen Buddhism is also a social and religious aspect that pertains to the everyday beliefs…

  • Secularism and Buddhism: Rise of Violent Buddhist Rhetoric

    Since the dawn of civilization, the paradigm of religion has been one of the central narratives for a national community and its value system. Essentially, religious establishments and faith organizations used to have a profound impact on the states population and government. However, the rapid growth of globalization and multiculturalism has led to the need…

  • World Religions: Researching of Buddhism

    Table of Contents Introduction The Four Noble Truths Birth and Death Nirvana Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Oftentimes, the religion or philosophy that a person follows for spiritual purposes defines the individuals social and cultural life. As a result, ones religion defines values, morals, and lifestyle on multiple levels. Buddhism is one of the worlds most…

  • The History of Tibetan Buddhism

    Tibetan Buddhism is generally divided into two periods of dissemination: earlier (ngadar) and later (chidar) dissemination. Tantric Buddhism, in turn, had a major influence on all types of Tibetan Buddhism. Vajrayana Buddhism in particular involves a significant emphasis on Tantric practices. Although there is no standard list of Tantric techniques, certain elements are agreed upon…

  • The Importance of the Dalai Lama in Buddhism

    The Dalai Lama is the ultimate authority figure for every Buddhist on the planet, the one who unites the Tibetan people around him. Historically, Dalai Lamas were the rulers of Tibet  both in religious and official ways. Thus, one can imagine that, if the Dalai Lama XIV is not to get reincarnated, Tibet would…

  • Christianity and Buddhism Comparison

    Table of Contents Introduction Christianity vs. Buddhism Conclusion References Introduction Christianity is a more pragmatic religion than Buddhism, moreover, it applies to the texts of holy scriptures. The basic truths of Christianity formulate more mundane goals and aspects, such as love for ones neighbor and respect for elders and others. Buddhism is characterized by subtle…

  • Buddhism vs. Christianity: Studying Religions

    Buddhism and Christianity are both of the most popular religions. The followers of Buddhism are primarily concentrated in the Asian region, with India being its birthplace. On the other hand, Christianity is generally common throughout Europe and Western countries, despite its origins in modern Israel and Palestine. Despite some localization, for centuries, Christianity and Buddhism…

  • Mahayana Buddhisms Beginnings

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Bibliography Introduction Mahayana Buddhisms beginnings are still a mystery; neither its beginning nor its location is documented, and it is most likely that the movement developed over time and in several areas. Most representations have been hugely affected by the goals of contemporary sectarian motions, and the holy texts…

  • Death and Dying Rituals in Buddhism

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Discussion Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction Cultures, languages, beliefs, and traditions in our globe are incredibly varied and rich. There are many varied rituals and traditions associated with the many stages of life that are practiced in different religions, but there are also some commonalities between the various cultures. Humans have…