Category: Bullying

  • The Meaning of Cyber Bullying

    Table of Contents Introduction Cyberbullying is characterized by the following signs The Effects of Cyber Bullying Solutions References Introduction The meaning of cyberbullying is to embarrass intimidate or in other words, it is the humiliating or treating of an individual using modern communication technology. The purpose of doing this is to acquire power and control…

  • Bullying and Its Impact on My Life

    Childhood and adolescence are usually considered a time of happiness, undisturbed by the problems that adults could face. However, children often encounter matters that are special for that age, as well as for the social environment in the school. At the same time, young people are still vulnerable, having not yet developed the appropriate methods…

  • Nurse Bullying: Unprofessional Conduct

    Bullying in workplaces comprises of deeds that directly bring forth emotional effects directed to a person over a given period. It is prevalent in the healthcare sector and acts as a menace to peer associations. It also impacts the rates of attrition and turnover in nursing (Meires, 2018). Bullying can be exhibited in the form…

  • Bullying: A Concern for Modern Communities and Educational Establishments

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Bullying and Parenting Various types of Bullying in the Modern Environment Effective Parental Styles for Protecting Children Conclusion References Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there lies a direct connection between bullying incidents and…

  • Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace

    Introduction Lately, work-related stress has become one of the most common problems of the 21st century. As a result, this issue has a considerable effect not only on the physical and mental health of individuals but also productivity of various organizations. In fact, the inability to maintain a healthy work-life balance can be considered one…

  • Bullying in Schools and Intervention Methods

    Bullying in schools is a manifestation of violence through abuse and harassment of some students. A non-serious attitude towards this issue, considering it only as part of growing up and not a threat, leads to significant harm to children and, in the most severe cases,  their deaths (Center for Violence Prevention, 2020). For some…

  • Bullying Effects on Health and Life Quality

    Table of Contents Introduction Psychological Problems Health Effects Poor Academic Achievement Economic Outcomes Opposing View Conclusion References Introduction If there are people who consider bullying to be harmless childs play, they are sorely mistaken. Victims of bullying may suffer from the consequences of this maltreatment throughout their lives. Bullying is aggressive behavior or intentional harmdoing…

  • The Consequences of High School Bullying

    Armitage, Richard. Bullying in Children: Impact on Child Health. BMJ Pediatrics Open, vol. 5.1 e000939, 2021. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000939. Armitage distinguishes three large groups of consequences of bullying, including in the field of education, health, and adulthood. Armitage notes the appearance of the child as one of the main causes of bullying. Special attention of the researcher…

  • Reducing Bullying in Schools by Involving Stakeholders

    The number of research examining the participation of instructors in anti-bullying efforts is increasing all the time. Because it assists with classroom management, subject matter instruction, and setting high standards for students, teachers involvement in bullying prevention is essential. Effective teacher management is required as part of an anti-bullying campaign. Instructors that include group activities…

  • Why Bullying Is Wrong and Methods of Resolving Disputes Without Violence

    Bullying creates a harmful and toxic environment, with the impact of this behavior manifesting later in both parties lives. Students who are under constant bullying experience physical, emotional, academic, social, and psychological deterioration. As a result, victims of bullying lack confidence, have few friends and become reserved. Those who bully others often struggle with maintaining…