Category: Business Planning

  • The Self-Care App: Business Plan

    Table of Contents Brief Competitor Analysis, Cost Structure & Business Plan Target Market and Its Needs Feasibility Analysis Key Economics of the Business References Brief Competitor Analysis, Cost Structure & Business Plan The main competition in the market is apps with similar features, including habit trackers, daily reminders, and reflection journals. Two examples stand out…

  • Use of Microsoft Excel for Proper Business Planning

    Problem statement For a business to succeed, there is need for proper business panning. Planning in business environment is at a time very tedious and can cause business failure due to poor work analysis or inappropriate analysis. This essay therefore explains how Microsoft excel can be properly used in business planning to reduce or avoid…

  • The Awaken Delaware Project: Business Plan

    Table of Contents Executive Summary Products/Services Marketing and Customers Finances Financial Projections Advantages and Disadvantages Conclusion References Executive Summary The Awaken Delaware Project implies providing the services of both a coach and a health practitioner. The proposed service will allow developing a unique approach toward the management of addictions, at the same time addressing their…

  • Collaborative Learning Community Business Plan

    Explain the nature of your assigned CLC Business Plan. What challenges do you anticipate? What information or resources do you need to be successful? Your CLC Business Plan is based on a hypothetical situation. How can you produce a realistic document that maximizes learning in a simulated context? The assigned Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Business…

  • Creating Personal Business Plan

    Vision and Opportunity Obtaining a higher education in IT business management is a long-standing goal of mine, which I have been striving for for a long time. Getting a degree in this sphere can help me realize my career ambitions to the fullest. After graduation, I want to find a job in a company engaged…

  • Tourist Application Business Plan

    Table of Contents Introduction Idea Summary and Analysis Production and Marketing Feasibility Financial Planning Techniques Marketing Plan Plan Monitoring Mechanism Conclusion Reference List Introduction In the east of the Arabian Peninsula, where the desert meets the Indian Ocean, is the Sultanate of Oman. Its history spans over two millennia. The landscapes of Oman are varied.…

  • Cinematography and Animation Courses in Nigeria: Business Plan

    Table of Contents Introduction Operations Search and Development Management and Organization Digital Marketing Plan Strategic Plan Forecast and Financial Data Financing Conclusion Reference List Introduction Courses in cinematography and animation in Ibadan require developing a specific business plan for its further implementation to launch a start-up, considering the issues of strategy, marketing, financing. Operations The…

  • Mujas Poultry Farms Business Plan

    Table of Contents General Description Location The Population and Demographic Profile of the Location Potential Competition Works Cited General Description Mujas Poultry Farm is a farming enterprise located in Houston, Texas. The farm raises domesticated birds in order to harvest them for meat, eggs, and feathers to be used in other types of production (Mountney…

  • The Strategic Planning, Strategic Business Plan

    The role of planning in business cannot be underestimated since it helps to prevent a range of negative outcomes from taking place. Specifically, business planning allows one to avoid an array of risks, including the ones associated with finance and the outcomes of their mismanagement when starting entrepreneurship (Ferreira et al., 2017). Overall, developing a…

  • Business Plan of Thai Lay Garments

    Executive Summary Thai Lay is a fast-moving Garment Export Manufacturing unit for men, women, and children. Over the years, this company has produced innovative, attractive, and colorful clothes to suit different tastes, designs, choices, and preferences, including half and full sleeve T-Shirts for men, women, and children, woolen products, and casual wear. Their woolen sweaters…