Category: Cell Phones

  • Pros and Cons of Cell Phones in Relationships: An Essay

    According to Meredith David and James Roberts (2017), It is ironic that cell phones, originally designed as a communication tool, may actually hinder rather than foster interpersonal connectedness. Even though this wonderful device was initially created for communication can create a communication gap among users. Hence, cell phones hurt as well as help friendships. Relationships…

  • Effects of Excessive Cellular Phones Use for Teenagers

    Most teenagers are obsessed with their cellular phones and as time passes the number of teenagers who are fully engaged with their phones are slowly increasing and it is very alarming. Back in the older times where life was simple the only means of communication are through the word of mouth and letters but as…

  • Are Cell Phones Harmful to the Human Race? An Argumentative Essay

    There is a problem that plagues our society, unresolved it could be our downfall, it challenges our future as a civilization. What is this problem? Our technology or rather our overuse of the technological marvels that we carry around with us every day, mobile phones. We’ve all heard the claims that phones can contribute to…

  • Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Essay

    Technology has made a huge impact on our society over the years. Numerous inventions have reformed how we work, live and interact with others but at what cost? Before cell phones came into existence many could testify that their social lives were more delightful. One might find it hysterical that a gadget which was supposed…

  • Essay on the Impact of Cell Phones

    The prominent areas, where impact of cell phones is obvious include business, education, health, and social life. Mobile technology has drastically changed the cultural norms and individual behaviors. The impacts are both on the positive side and also on the negative side. Today, cell phone reception has improved greatly due to the use of satellites…

  • Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

    Introduction In recent decades, mobile phones have become more and more important. The cell phone is a kind of communication tool with many functions. In this changing era, the advantages of mobile phones in some aspects even surpass other carriers such as newspapers, and it has become a prominent fourth media. More than 400,000,000 people…

  • The Negative Impact of Cell Phones: An Essay

    I always wanted to talk about the negative impact of cell phones and explain my thoughts and opinions about it. No one can deny that phones are the most used technology these days. Why is that? And why is it so addictive? Mobiles phones not only bring lenience in communication, but also have many negative…

  • How Cell Phones Affect Our Lives? Essay

    Mobile phones or cell phones are an essential piece of communication in an individuals everyday life. In several countries, the use of cell phones is rapidly developing and over half the population owns a cell phone. They take pictures, record videos, play music, voice record and set alarms. Cell phones are a necessity for organizing…

  • The Evolution of Cell Phones: An Essay

    Introduction In the last 40 years, technology has progressed in ways no one could have imagined. The cell phone is conceivably one of the most optimal inventions known to man. Continuously integrated with technological advancements, the cell phone has had a major influence on the lives of people from numerous lifestyles. Even in the last…

  • Life Without Cell Phones: An Essay

    Cell phones are everywhere these days. We see people of all ages  from toddlers in strollers to their grandparents  using cell phones, particularly the ubiquitous smartphone. We use cell phones to indulge in leisure activities and to work. It certainly seems to me that most people nowadays cannot, or dare not, imagine life…