Category: Challenges

  • Regional-Level Challenges: Californias Homelessness

    According to statistics, the app. 115,000 people living in California are homeless, 73,000 of whom are unsheltered, and have to sleep in the streets. The problem is pressing indeed since California is still one of the few states with increasing homelessness (which has risen by 3% in 2016). Despite the efforts of city leaders to…

  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Challenges and Barriers to Electronic Charting

    With the advent of the Internet and advancement in technology, most industries, including hospitals, have begun to embrace the benefits of health information technology. This has led to medical practitioners beginning to move from paper-based charting to EHR. This shift has been instigated by the objective of improving communication by enhancing the sharing of information…

  • Challenges of Computer Programming for Non-English Speakers

    The initial idea was to choose a topic connected with the problems that some inexperienced programmers may face. I decided to use Google Scholar for the search and see what more specified themes I could find among the credible sources. Then I saw the academic article about technical struggles that non-English speakers experience with programming,…

  • IT Project Management Challenges

    Executive Summary Since informational technology is a relatively new field, it is important to examine it from multiple aspects. In particular, various companies that operate within different industries and markets either have or are willing to implement IT projects in their structural organizations. However, IT project management is a challenging field since many complex processes…

  • Social Program Challenges Evaluation

    Abstract The primary challenges which should be addressed by the evaluator to assess the program effectively are the change of programs aspects, impossibility to develop the evaluation design appropriately, and the variety of strategies to follow during evaluation. Challenges of Program Evaluation Social programs must be effective to guarantee certain results and contribute to the…

  • Human Trafficking: National and International Challenges

    Social workers must respond to any humanitarian crisis domestically and abroad. The international issue of human trafficking and its impact requires the attention of social workers. Many are antagonized by the scope of the issue and feel helpless. However, small actions within a social work organization and community can begin to solve the problem of…

  • Challenges of Wireless Content Delivery and Its Implications for Sports Broadcasting

    Over the last decades, the sales of broadcast rights to sporting activities have become a profitable business. Yet, the increased competition between the broadcasting companies has led to an inflated price for sports translation (Taylor & Thomass, 2017). As a consequence, content delivery networks (CDNs) were the solution since they could ensure the availability of…

  • Project Managers in Qatar: The Key Challenges

    Research Background A project is one-time, brief endeavour of various durations depending on the expected deliverables. It is carried out to meet a precise demand in an organization such as the advent of a product or service of a commercial enterprise technique (Taraba, 2019). This is a stark contrast with how an employer usually produces…

  • Pregnancy in Teenagers: Possible Challenges

    Table of Contents Education Family Income Race and Ethnicity Challenges of Addressing the Target Population Conclusion References In order to decrease the overall rate of teenage pregnancy, it is crucial to address the populations that are disproportionately affected by the issue. There are numerous research studies and reports that suggest specific risk factors for teenage…

  • Challenges with Homeless and Runaway Youth in Hawaii

    Nature of the Problem The homelessness rate in Hawaii and the Waianae beach area, in particular, has grown in recent years and it continues to be a significant public concern because of multiple negative consequences of the problem on the state economy and the community welfare. Notably, the number of homeless youth is high in…