Category: Character

  • Psychoanalysis of Sirius Black from the Story of Harry Potter: Critical Essay

    Freuds psychoanalytic theory was the idea that the mind is made of different parts that have the potential to conflict with one another. The three main parts are known as the id, ego, and superego. The id is irrational and emotional thought, while the superego is moral thought. The ego is rational thought and functions…

  • The Role Of Jack’s Character In Lord Of The Flies

    In Lord of the Flies, Jack Merridews character traits propel the theme of violence and evil, the dark part of human nature. As a former head boy as well as choirmaster, Jack arrives on the island with the experience of significant success in controlling as well as exerting his power over his peers. As such,…

  • Othello By William Shakespeare: A Story Of Two Men

    In the story Othello, Shakespeare created a story of 2 men, the villain Iago and the hero Othello. Villain because we tend to see Iago deceives everyone in an elaborate attempt to bring down fictional characters. The premise behind Iagos deceit is targeted on jealousy of a fictional character that is triggered once Iago isn’t…

  • The Aspects of the Hero in S. E. Hinton’s The Outsiders

    Hero. This word is mentioned frequently, but what makes a person a hero? Is heroism only saving the world from villains trying to enslave the human race, or can it be a small act of kindness? Can it be both? Yes, for a hero is someone who is brave, courageous and helps others in need.…

  • An Analysis On The Portrayal Of Males In Jane Eyre

    Introduction The question around which this paper is based is: How effectively does Charlotte Bronte demonstrate feminism through the use of her male characters in the book Jane Eyre and contrast the conventional image of women at the time? Feminism in this sense being, acts that support the equality of genders. (Oxford Living Dictionaries, 2019)…

  • Women in the Odyssey

    The Odyssey is an ancient Greek epic poem of Homer. It is the continuation of the Iliad, the other Homeric epic poem. In the Odyssey, we can see the journey of the heroes and the literary representation of the ideal woman. It can be said that women in ancient times were not considered equals to…

  • Historical And Psychological Perspectives Of Fahrenheit 451

    As we know, Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian themed book that makes references to the multiple events that occurred around the time the book was published, which was 1953. Because of this, the core of the book was written under the heavy influence of World War 2, which was still raging on only a decade…

  • The Main Ideas And Characters Portraits In The Book The Alchemist

    Introduction The Alchemist is a fiction novel written by a Brazilian author, Paulo Coelho. This novel is based around the story of a shepherd boy who dreams about a treasure and sets on a journey to find it. The books main idea is to find ones destiny. This is fantasy book and involves supernatural incidents.…

  • Literary Analysis Of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

    In 1953, author and novelist Ray Bradbury published a book titled Fahrenheit 451, and it has become a must-read in American literature. It is often studied in classrooms across the countries not only for it’s relevant themes of censorship and government control, but also the literary devices used by Bradbury to convey his message. The…

  • The Portrayal Of The Main Character In The Giver

    Jonas is a twelve-year-old boy who has accepted the sameness in his community just like everyone else. When December rolled around Jonas became the receiver of memory. On his first day he received the memories sunshine and sunburn. He described the sunshine as pleasant and the sunburn as pain. The more and more training he…