Category: Cheating

  • Pressure at School as a Reason of Cheating

    This is a topic I strongly understand and can relate to. How would you feel if you had to wake up early, get ready, go to school for 7 hours with 2 breaks, Pay attention, Stay engaged, Write essays, Sit Tests, Have friends, Work, Be with family, Do chores and sports, go to sleep and…

  • Internet Access Must be Limited for Students

    All of this internet access is taking over student’s lives. Students usually do not think about all the things they do that involves the internet. Its more than anyone can imagine. Internet access must be limited for students because of a lack of creativity and thinking, they began socializing a lot less, and it is…

  • Procrastination of Studying as a Reason of Student’s Cheating

    An immediate effect would be failing the class. Cheating on a college exam is considered a serious offense by any serious educational institution. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, each instructor takes any necessary measures they deem appropriate. The instructor has to follow the College’s policy. Frequently, what usually happens is that the student…

  • The Standards Of Academic Integrity

    Academic integrity is one of the most important features when it comes to any type of research published or used to succeed and progress at an academic level. All the work prepared by anyone must be correctly referenced, so the ideas within the work would be correctly credited to the people who are the owners…

  • Mobile Phones Should be Banned From all Australian Schools

    Nowadays, electronic device has gone widely into the modern college and helped students with their school life. However, these devices also have their negative aspects and affect some students with their studying, including: students distraction in class, cheating during class by using mobile devices and the most serious problem, it allows cyber bullying. Therefore, mobile…

  • Psychological Consequences of Cheating Among Students

    According to the website,, they have collected data about students saying, I want to get the grade, not the education. The website replies to this common thought saying that even though the pressure of the school grading system can be stressful, and that pressure can lead up the thought of cheating, there is still…

  • The Nature Of Micro-Cheating Among College Students In The University Of Baguio

    Cheating has always been a phenomenal issue, both in the academic setting and in romantic relationships, it is undeniable that it questions one’s loyalty, and thus wears off the safety pin of trust. In this study, cheating can also be referred to as infidelity. Infidelity has been defined as a violation of a couples assumed…

  • Discussion Whether or Not Cheating is Bad

    This paper outlines the definitions of cheating, the types of cheating which occur in everyday life, and discusses whether or not cheating is bad. In this paper I take the stance that the act of cheating is always bad. I try to figure out why cheating is bad and understand if there are times where…

  • Reasons Why Cheater Should Be Expelled from College

    At many colleges, being accused of any types of academic dishonesty is a common issue which affects the future of students. Thus, it becomes an educational concern, so in order to eliminate this behavior of the ethical code. Colleges draw up serious policies towards students who, for example, cheat during the exams and sometimes harsh…

  • Reasons Why People Cheating

    Introduction Many people do not know what it means to cheat, whether it is in a relationship, classwork, homework, on a quiz etc. There are many definitions for the term cheating, it can be implemented in almost anything. There are many consequences now for cheating, in the past decades there were not many repercussions. Technology…